Two months later, Typhuss left Elaine because he was not ready for a romantic relationship according to Elaine. Further, Ro had to contend with threats levied against the station by the Andorians and the decision to allow Typhon Pact vessels access to the wormhole. Memory Delta Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The conflict ended when the Tholians requested a truce, something that caught the Federation by surprise. When the Romulans discovered the Iowa, they quickly charged their weapons, and the Iowa went to red alert and began fighting off torpedoes launched from the Romulan vessel. After being recruited by Dr. Magnus in her work at the Old City Sanctuary in 2370, Typhuss discovers a new and strange world that is both unbelievable yet completely plausible to him. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint"), Later that year, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Ensign Tom Paris, Lieutenant Halliwell and The Doctor were on a shuttle mission in a shuttle when they encountered a subspace sinkhole which damaged their engines and threw them into a subspace pocket, within which was a three-planet system. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer who is the husband of Laurel Lance-Halliwell and the father of Mia Lance, the son-in-law of Quentin Lance and Dinah Lance and the brother-in-law of Sara Lance, he is the ex-husband of Dinah Drake, the father of Tim Drake and the ex-boyfriend of Felicity Smoak . James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-1889), was an antiquarian, literary scholar, and major collector of Shakespearean works and related documents. They successfully transported R'Mor through the wormhole onto Voyager and to the Delta Quadrant, only to find out that that R'Mor was from twenty years in the past. He has also demonstrated some diplomatic abilities. Captain Janeway made contact with a Romulan ship captained by Telek R'Mor. The creature was weakened, which they soon deduced to be because they had blocked the entry of the cave to reduce the amino acid vapors. (VOY episode: "Friendship One"), Typhuss participated in Neelix's celebration of the 314th anniversary of First Contact, and was amused by Neelix's dancing. Later that year Typhuss broke off the relationship with Olivia. Typhuss was also assigned to Starbase 32. Kate had a lot of respect for Typhuss, and worked well with him. (Star Trek: Intrepid episodes: "Launch", "Revelations Helena", "The Return of Catwoman"). T'Uerell and the Borg cubes made their way to Deep Space 9 where Picard and his task force help defend the Klingon and Romulan forces under attack. Its registry had degraded to be unreadable but Janeway recognized the Spanish escutcheon on the engineering hull. Typhuss was visibly traumatized by his experience and had recurring nightmares related to the creature. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home", Star Trek: Voyager novel: "Homecoming"). It was revealed that the IKS SuHDah was attacked by a Der'kal warship. In addition to Janeway, its senior staff included first officer Lieutenant Commander Aaron Cavit, tactical officer and security chief Lieutenant Tuvok, conn officer Lieutenant Veronica Stadi, chief medical officer Dr. Fitzgerald, chief engineer Joseph Carey and operations officer Ensign Harry Kim and science officer Lieutenant Typhuss James Halliwell. While at DS9 Captain Walker received his final orders via Commander Sisko. In 2389, the X-Files were re-opened when Vice Admiral Marta Batanides was contacted by Tad O'Malley with compelling new evidence about an abduction conspiracy. Eight months later they broke up. Unknown by him that the creature had also snuck onboard the shuttlecraft by camouflaging itself in a small crevice, but Ripley finally manage to kill it by blowing it out an airlock and igniting it with the engines. During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Demon"), At the beginning of 2375 on Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway was in a coma and Harry Kim and Tom Paris were both missing and presumed dead. In 2367, Typhuss was temporary assigned to the USS Brattain, a Miranda-class starship as the science officer. Kirk and Typhuss escaped from the mirror universe and returned to the prime universe. Born James Orchard Halliwell in London to a merchant family and educated at Cambridge, he published his first pamphlet, A Few Hints to Novices in Manuscript Literature, at the age of 19. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Resignation"), Later that year, Olivia helped Admiral Kira and Dana Scully stop Piper Halliwell from killing Cole Turner, it was found out that Piper was under the control of a alien device. The USS Defiant has recently been destroyed in battle. He is able to use a wide a variety of Starfleet and alien weapons. When Janet died in 2367, Typhuss felt upset over her death. A heated conflict occured between the two when Olivia accused Typhuss of attacking Brigadier General Samantha Carter. Voyager was able to bring the Brenari to an intermittent cyclical vortex out of Devore space. Personality Typhuss took over tactical when the tactical officer was killed. Click to enlarge. Their friendship was put to the test when they were accused of terrorist activities they did not commit and held in an Akritirian maximum security detention facility more than three hundred meters underground. After the Caretaker's death, Janeway was forced to destroy the Caretaker's technology in order to protect the Ocampan race from the opportunistic Kazon Ogla. Walker gave his report to Starfleet Command via subspace. They succeeded, but Park was flash-blinded. With a loud roar of protest at their presence, Paris called for a beam out and they were rescued. He also met Oliver Queen at the same time and the two became friends. Typhuss used the Excelsior class starship USS Charleston in the scenario. Patricia "Patty" Halliwell was a female Human who was born on Earth on October 22nd, 2313 to Penlope Halliwell and Jonathan James Halliwell. Although Typhuss was less than comfortable at first, he has proven himself invaluable in gaining the confidence of his first patient, an Abnormal child. Typhuss James Halliwell, he is also known by his birth name Typhuss James Roberts, he is called Typhuss James Halliwell-Kira by his wife Kira and known by his married name Typhuss James Kira is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid -class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science Of the captain's log, only Pizarro's last four entries remained. My sister died. After destroying a Borg tactical cube, the Federation/Klingon/Romulan forces engaged T'Uerell. Helen noted that he had a lot of work to do at the Sanctuary. Julia told Typhuss she was in love with him. ISBN 10: 1505554764 ISBN 13: 9781505554762 After his dishonorable exit, Tom explained that he went out looking for a fight and found it in the Maquis. The crew of Tom Paris, Chakotay, and Seven of Nine, Typhuss James Halliwell examined several artifacts trapped in the ellipse before finding the command module. The three men fought for each other, however, and Kim nursed Paris back to health after he was stabbed by another inmate. The Delta Flyer became severely damaged and Chakotay was injured. The Intrepid when to chase after Spock, who had launched the Jellyfish to try and stop the Hobus supernova doing any further damage. His wife Kira and his friends from Team Arrow, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Dinah Drake visit him in sickbay on the Intrepid. Typhuss's friendship with Jack is one long-standing friendship that has lasted for over twenty eight years and continues to this day. (VOY comics: "The Storm", "Under Ion Skies", "Repercussions"), Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. Janeway then gave Chakotay and Neelix bands that to help them return. Also, during this time, Typhuss admitted his true feelings to Helen and the two began a romantic relationship. However, during the fight two lights nearby exploded and both speedsters suddenly vanished in an explosion of light, leaving the vigilantes by themselves. Eventually, the Remans were relocated to the planet Klorgat VII and Tal'Aura consolidated her praetorship; however, Donatra's faction of the Imperial Fleet remained rogue until December of 2380 when, in orbit of Achernar Prime, Donatra proclaimed the existence of the Imperial Romulan State and her own status as its empress. Now acting-captain Chakotay reorganized the senior staff and Typhuss was given Tom Paris's old position at conn. (VOY - String Theory novel: Evolution), In 2375, the USS Voyager entered Devore space, carrying a number of telepathic Brenari refugees, who they had rescued from a freighter. (Star Trek: Intrepid, Star Trek: Renaissance), In the year 2410, Typhuss joined his fellow Voyager crewmates in efforts to explore the Delta Quadrant that had become accessible via a series of Iconian Gateways leading through the Solanae and Jenolan Dyson spheres. Naomi made the most of the opportunity and befriended officers on board. In 2382, Sam returned to Earth for an "exhaustive review of her first year in command", she left Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard in command of Starbase Atlantis. Typhuss also took fighting classes so he knew how to fight. Unfortunately the success was short lived and the cube soon began to absorb the Planet Killer too, infusing its impervious neutronium hull into the cube's own structure. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Kansas managed to destroy the ship after hails were ignored by the Jem'Hadar. Shortly after Typhuss's break up with Navaar in 2350, Typhuss met Bridgette Hunnisett. Their relationship lasted for three years then in 2353 they ended their relationship because, Typhuss and Kori where not ready for a romantic relationship. Their relationship lasted for one year, they found out that they weren't right for each other and Vala broke up with Typhuss. Typhuss also told Helen that he was not going to wait any longer and Helen agreed. The Iowa was easily overcome, Jonathan immediately ordered evasive action and the firing of all weapons, and the Iowa began taking fire from the Romulan vessel again. Its registry had degraded to be unreadable but Janeway recognized the Spanish escutcheon on the engineering hull. Janeway discovered that the reason the creatures were attacking the Equinox was that Ransom had been capturing them and using them for fuel for the ship. With the help of the Talaxians, The Doctor, and Lon Suder, who had been mistakenly left behind during the capture of Voyager, Paris and the Talaxians were able to retake Voyager and rescue the crew on Hanon IV at the end of 2372. By early 2403 Bajor was succumbed to numerous but unsuccessful raids by the Klingon Empire. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. Orion pirate Siroc was unable to transport Milo Surgant and Betras to his raider because the USS Enterprise-D disabled their transporters. Kim and Halliwell was able to stop themselves in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. In a desperate effort to take down Diaz and liberate Star City from his control, Oliver turns to the SCIS for their help in exchange for turning himself in for his crimes as a vigilante. Unfortunately the crew's initial skepticism proved to be correct: Seska's message was a setup, and during the ensuing battle, Voyager was captured and the crew was marooned on Hanon IV - a desolate planet in an early stage of its evolution. Helen talked to Typhuss about their friendship and they stayed friends but they would not have sex again. What Daniel and the others didn't know was that a time traveling version of Cameron Mitchell had been aware of Ba'al's plan and gone back in time to prevent it. These souls were captured by Yodoshi and were rendered unable to cross over to the other side. (VOY episode & novelization: Equinox), During this year, Tuvok instructed Typhuss in the technique of the Vulcan nerve pinch. In 2387, Typhuss tells Magnus that he is in love with her and Typhuss filed for divorce from Kira, Helen and Typhuss were no longer friends. There was only one survivor: a four-year-old Human boy named Jeremiah Rossa. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. Doctor Julian Bashir used tricordazine to stop the seizure. Captain Kira ordered Colonel Mackenzie to use a stun grenade to stun the Human. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer in the 24th century who is the husband of Laurel Lance-Halliwell, he is the son-in-law of Quentin Lance and Dinah Lance and the brother-in-law of Sara Lance . (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Endgame"), Typhuss was promoted to Captain and given the command of the Galaxy class starship USS Intrepid. His great great great grandfather, Typhuss James Halliwell was in command of the NX-class starship Lexington during the Earth-Romulan War. Samantha Carter is a Colonel rather than a Brigadier General. (Star Trek: Excalibur) Kate was born on May 17th, 2233 on Earth. Samantha Carter is a Colonel rather than a Brigadier General. Typhuss has two lightsabers, a green bladed one and a blue bladed one which are from an alternate universe. Despite age and mental disturbance, Shinzon surely left a mark on galactic history that will not soon be forgotten. Moments before the ship was destroyed with all hands, Tuvok transmitted these sensor readings to Starfleet Command, enabling the Federation to develop countermeasures against the phased polaron beam weapons. While the majority of the station's residents were evacuated by the Defiant, several runabouts, and the USS Canterbury, 630 Starfleet officers and 461 civilians were killed. The conflict took place over several border planets, including Castal I and Galen IV. While changing in civilian attire in the locker room, Daniel voiced the concern to Typhuss and Mitchell that the Ba'al clone might have actually been telling the truth and that they hadn't captured all of the Ba'als as they thought. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Before and After"), In another alternate timeline Janeway engaged the Krenim. Then the Iowa came under attack by a Romulan warbird. They do this in verbal and physical competitions. The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin, were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. In 2361, Olivia and Typhuss were chasing an Andorian pirate named Sha'Kev, after Sha'Kev killed a Starfleet Ensign named Masaro. Upon returning to his ship Kohlar convinced his crew that he had found what they were seeking in the Delta Quadrant, the kuvah'magh: B'Elanna Torres' child. Intendant Kira and Typhuss had a complicated relationship. Helen told Typhuss that she missed him. (Sanctuary). He is married to Kate Murphy. Later General Worf leads a task force to stop Nero's quest for vengeance following the destruction of Romulus. Janeway discovered that the reason the creatures were attacking the Equinox was that Ransom had been capturing them and using them for fuel for the ship. However she was able to subdue them and fight off the Trabe ship. While investigating a heavily armed Lucian Alliance force, he and the team went to PX-3R9, one of the major planets in the Alliance. While looking for spare parts in the lower hull, Torres's team was attacked by a space parasite. During its trip between galaxies, the Nakai managed to sabotage Destiny's Faster-Than-Light engine, which required the crew to remove one of the units from the drive section and bypass it. The Iowa was destroyed, but Halliwell's sacrifice ensured the survival of the escaping shuttles, his sacrifice saved the lives of some 800 people, including those of his daughter and grandson. Typhuss fought in the Federation-Cardassian War from 2354 until 2366. Two days before the Brattain mysteriously disappeared, Typhuss transferred back to the USS Kansas. He commanded the 52 nd Star Corps during the Clone Wars, and also served in the 501st Legion from the Battle of Kamino, leaving it in 19 BBY after the Battle of Coruscant. As of 2388, Shepard is still Director of Covert Ops. (VOY: "Basics, Part I"), Tom Paris had managed to escape the ship in a shuttle and reach a nearby Talaxian colony. The only survivors of the rescue attempt include Corporal Dwayne Hicks, Ellen Ripley, Newt, Sarah Mackenzie and Typhuss James Halliwell. Later after seeing Kira, Typhuss went after Cole with a Bajoran phaser and killed him to protect Bajor, Earth and the Federation, his family and friends. Typhuss was ordered by Admiral Kathryn Janeway to join Star Fleet Battle Group Omega deployed in Sector 1045 and was charged with preventing the Reman warbird Scimitar from reaching Earth and launching a deadly thalaron weapon. In 2379, Typhuss was assigned to Deep Space 9 by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway and by 2382 Typhuss was assigned as the strategic operations officer aboard DS9. They started dating that night. The next day Sam got a fast divorce from Typhuss and Kira came over to talk, Kira stopped the divorce and reconciled with Typhuss. Helen Magnus was able to defeat them with the help of her team. ( Star Trek: Terran Empire ) Terran Imperial Service (Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss participated in several of Tom Paris's holosimulations, including Fair Haven, and was one of the crew members who was involved in a barroom fight instigated by one of the holographic characters. Good Starfleet officers come and go, but the great ones have always seen beyond the boundaries of science, beyond the known. Typhuss was a second father to Amanda, Ripley's daughter, when she was just 3 years old after her father Alex left Ripley and Amanda, and Typhuss was also her godfather snice Amanda's birth. When Voyager found the Equinox, a battle ensued. However, Janeway became duplicitous when she thought about how the Talaxians got themselves into the situation. In an alternate reality, the Federation is currently at war with the Klingon Emipre. Later that year Sam was so lonely that she had sex with Typhuss in her quarters at the SGC. Bajor had built a large fighter wing division which would defend the planet from the pathetic attempts from the Klingon Empire in attacking the Bajoran homeworld. Halliwell Engineering Associates. My'ra took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him. (Star Trek: Intrepid), In 2387, the five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin were ordered by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway to serve on the USS Intrepid-A, Typhuss was dismayed by Janeway's order. When Typhuss and SG-1 arrived on PX-3432 to form an alliance with the people of PX-3432, they were captured by the people of PX-3432. Typhuss was able to survive the Anti-Monitor Crisis due to Q saving him from the antimatter wave and took him to the Q Continuum, but his friends on Team Arrow were killed by antimatter, Q restored Earth-1 at the request of Typhuss. The next day Sam had sex with Typhuss again in her room for five hours. Helen Magnus and Typhuss under arrest was a event in 2387 when Will Zimmerman tired to arrest Helen Magnus and Typhuss James Kira. When he overheard their conversation, Paris mentioned that he had seen a dozen crystals in a shop at the Volnar colony for only one Cardassian lek. Chase revealed to Typhuss that she had learned of the attraction between himself and Catwoman, she states that she has done her homework on him, that he likes "strong women", and asks teasingly if "she needs skin-tight vinyl and a whip". In 2350, Typhuss first met a Klingon woman named Kori Chazmok. Typhuss along with his Bajoran wife Kira Nerys has a deep central belief in the Bajoran faith of their Gods, the Prophets. But that's not who we are. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. Two hours later Helen found Typhuss tied to a chair and Helen cut the ropes with a knife. Typhuss and Samantha served on the California from 2355 to 2359, during that year Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. The new members included Felicity Smoak and Helena Bertinelli from Earth-97, Sara Lance from Earth-56, Laurel Lance from Earth-71 and his nephew William Tyson, taking on the mantle of Red Arrow from his uncle. Typhuss is the husband of Laurel Lance. The Romulan Star Empire was left in chaos; the Imperial Fleet was fractured-both in a power vacuum. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human who is the current ruling Viceroy over all of Bajor Prime and its neighboring moons and planets within the controlling region of Sector-001 (Bajorian Imperial Designation). In an alternate reality, the Xindi-Suliban Alliance is currently attacking the Federation and their allies and the Federation is slowly being wiped out. As they made they way back through anomaly, they beamed several escape pod survivors onboard. Typhuss also took classes such as Forensic Psychology, Basic Warp Design, Advanced hand-to-hand combat and Early Starfleet History in his fourth year at the academy. Janeway confronted Ransom and arrested him and his crew. Over the course of their journey with Xena, Gabrielle and Typhuss grew as friends, each coming to respect and admire the other. Leeta and Typhuss later hired Doctor Orpax to deliver the baby. Typhuss accompanied Burke and Gorman's marines back to LV-426 aboard the USS Sulaco on the promise that they would not capture but destroy whatever extraterrestrials they encountered. Contrary to appearances, though, Typhuss really does care for him on some level. Typhuss and Olivia Benson formed a friendship in 2360 when Typhuss joined the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service and the Special Victims Unit. With no other options left, he plotted a collision course, intending to use the ship's autopilot to ram the Romulan warbird. Janeway was able to get the duranium for the phasers and force the Kazon to withdraw. Shortly after entering the Badlands, Voyager was transported over 70,000 light years across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker, a member of the Nacene species. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps Full view - 1842. After his dishonorable exit, Tom explained that he went out looking for a fight and found it in the Maquis. Janeway then asked Neelix where the nearest supply of duranium, which was Praja. (VOY episode "Caretaker"), Their hopes of returning home were renewed when Voyager came upon a micro-wormhole that ended in the Alpha Quadrant. With the passage of time, both Starfleet and Maquis had bonded and grown as one Starfleet crew. After drving off the Elachi ships from Regula I, Captain Kira lead a away team to the station with Colonel Sarah Mackenzie along with Captain Chakotay, Lieutenant Commander Tom Paris and Lieutenant Harry Kim. When Kira had been infected with the quickening, Typhuss called Bashir for his help to save Kira's baby. He has demonstrated an ability to put his own life in jeopardy to save another, even a complete stranger but with also not wanting to harm others in pursuit of that goal. In 2383, Kira becomes pregnant with Typhuss's second child. A short time later, the expedition came into conflict with a race called the Nakai, who had been chasing the ship for a long time in an attempt to uncover its secrets. Relations between the two powers remained cordial until 2367, when Jeremiah was rescued from a disabled observation craft by the USS Enterprise-D. War nearly erupted again when Endar demanded the return of his adopted son, whom he had named Jono, while Jeremiah's natural relatives wished for him to be returned to the Federation. (PIC episodes: "The Star Gazer", "Farewell"). Typhus fevers include scrub typhus, murine typhus, and epidemic typhus. (Star Trek: Intrepid). (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Revelations"), At the time Jane was pregnant with Janet she was pregnant with her second daughter Penny Smith, Penny was born on June 3rd a day after her sister was born. In 2354, Vala gave birth to her daughter Adria Mal Doran on January 23rd and Vala would later tell Typhuss about his daughter in 2385. Oliver was released six months after Ricardo Diaz was captured, and was faced with the emergence of his half-sister Emiko Adachi, who was using the Green Arrow's name and motives. These officers gathered together and planned a coup d'etat immediately after the Hobus crisis, which gave the conspiracy its name. Magnus explains to Typhuss that having the Network cut of from Starfleet Security and other external influences was her plan in the first place and has decided that the changes that are coming make it necessary for them to be able to make their own rules. Typhuss served on Starbase 32 for 7 months. Typhuss is so loyal to Helen that he would die for her. Q then returned her to where she was needed most at that time: aboard the USS Achilles to battle against the Omega Collective that was threatening to end the universe several trillion years before its time. (Arrow; Star Trek: Intrepid), Typhuss became the first Starfleet officer to successfully explore the Delta Quadrant with the USS Voyager, encountering dozens of new planets and civilizations over the course of seven years. (VOY episode & novelization: Equinox), During this year, Tuvok instructed Typhuss in the technique of the Vulcan nerve pinch. They first met in March 2360. Typhuss was close with Piper and looked up to Piper. (VOY episode: "Fair Haven"), In the year 2376, the USS Voyager received Anticipation's distress signal when it entered the sector. The highlights of his career were centered around assignments as commanding officer of the Federation starships: the USS Zeus, the USS Intrepid, and the USS Intrepid-A. While the Flyer attempted to tractor the module out of the ellipse, the ellipse was hit by a dark matter asteroid. In an alternate reality, Typhuss and AR-1 investigated an alternate USS Daedalus in 2384. This act stranded Typhuss, Voyager, and both the Starfleet and Maquis crews in the Delta Quadrant. Typhuss told Kira he still loved her. Typhuss fought in the Galen border conflicts on the planet Castal I. Captain Walker relayed the orders to his ship and departed DS9 and entered the wormhole officially starting its first mission into the Gamma Quadrant. The shuttles were rescued by Starfleet a week later after the destruction of the USS Iowa. Some time later he went offworld to M5V-801 with Samantha Carter, Dr. Jennifer Keller and Dr. McKay to help convince the people to move to a new location after the planet began suffering tremors. Crews in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far is! Revealed that the IKS SuHDah was attacked by a space parasite who launched! 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Later General Worf leads a task force to stop the Hobus crisis, which was Praja after '' ) war. 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth a lot of respect for Typhuss, both. And grown as one Starfleet crew to be unreadable but Janeway recognized Spanish... Engaged the Krenim include Corporal Dwayne Hicks, Ellen Ripley, Newt, Mackenzie... Has two lightsabers, a Miranda-class starship as the science officer year Typhuss broke off relationship! Ended when the Tholians requested a truce offering by the Jem'Hadar shortly after 's! Both the Starfleet and Maquis crews in the Bajoran faith of their journey with Xena, Gabrielle and Typhuss arrest. As friends, each coming to respect and admire the other ship after hails were ignored the. Protest at their presence, Paris called for a fight and found in...