by transporting critical class IV supplies through the perilous roads of Iraq to support the construction of an operations center. Values are the heart and soul of a great Army. His knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the detachment's mission. SGT Shaw demonstrated specialized skills in documenting over 100 lines of repairable and serviceable parts. Due to his professional leadership skills and aggressive can-do attitude, SFC Doe was selected by the company commander over six senior peers to perform duties as platoon sergeant of 1st Platoon. As a direct result of his exceptional duty performance and superb analytical skills, SPC Doe was chosen over six other intelligence analysts to work in the DCS, G2 Combating Terrorism (CT) Branch. She displayed great courage and commitment driving over the dangerous roads of Iraq. The ArmyNCO Store . o Researches/Verifies supply requirements, keeps up-to-date on new requirements, receives supplies on-time and on-budget. As the Deputy Division Chief from July 2003 to June 2005, LTC Doe supervised Division and ACE personnel in the daily production of the CG's Black Book, The Current Threat Report (CTR), information papers, executive summaries, and input to plans and staff actions. 92Y Unit Supply Specialist Add to List Contact a Recruiter Job Overview Enlisted Officer Active Duty Army Reserve Army National Guard Entry Level As the Unit Supply Specialist, you'll be responsible for supervising and maintaining all Army supplies and equipment. Additionally, supervised the intelligence staff contribution to the Operations Center. Your email address will . Disclaimer - Privacy Policy - Terms of Use. His IDF trend analysis was vital to the brigade staff in determining the FOB's uniform posture which was used to mitigate the IDF threat to the BCT's Soldiers. Driving force in developing the exercise concept, intelligence requirements and support plan for the Infantry Division's Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and Corps' War Fighter Exercise (WFX). ACHIEVEMENT #1Serving as the company's primary supply clerk, __RANK & Name__ ordered, received, turned-in, and issued equipment shortages and supplies totaling $__________. His/Her experience in aviation operations led to his section accomplishing all assigned missions. Inspires and enforces growth and excellence; 65 percent of his platoon enrolled in college. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Again with little notice, SGT Doe researched and produced executive summaries providing the necessary relevant intelligence to the CG and his staff. Guidelines on completing a DA Form 4856. com "The New Army Study Guide" APFT - ARMY PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST DA FORM 705, MAY 2010 LEGEND: BODY COMPOSITION EVENT TIME lbs % GO / NO-GO TEST TWO TEST THREE TEST FOUR Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard For use of this form, see TC 3-22 For example: Sample Text Bullets/Comments. SGT Yost cross-trained as a 92Y2O, Unit Supply Sergeant, and displayed an insatiable desire to learn everything he could about the 92Y field. His/Her driven performance kept ____Echo Company ahead of the rest of the ________ Brigade in relation to their Standard Army Management Information System (STAMIS) readiness upon arrival to _________________. In layman's terms, the Battalion S4 is responsible for the supply, transportation, logistics, maintenance and budget issues within a battalion. List of ebooks and manuels about 92y arcom bullets. SGT Doe functioned as the primary producer of the Current Threat Report (CTR), a product disseminated to commanders at all levels throughout the AOR, from Mar 02 to Mar 03. Identified key anti-coalition tactics, techniques and procedures, cohesive working environment and proficiency of the mapping tools, ASAS-L system and analysis process to maximize the effort and capabilities of the BCT S2 and ACT allowing multiple tasks to be accomplished in a short period of time. His commitment to mission accomplishment contributed to the platoon's successful completion of 160 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols (DCLPs) and 440 base support missions driving more than 102,000 incident free miles during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-10. Supervised the integration of the Division's Information Dominance Center Forward (IDC-FWD) into the G2's CT analysis and reporting effort. Prepared and presented a daily all-source intelligence briefing to the Commander, and J2 personnel to provide an essential starting point for watch changeover. These award bullets have been pulled off of years of approved awards and all of the sites listed above in the resources for a great start. Her extensive interaction within Camp Bondsteel and 21st TSC ensured aircraft parts were ordered and tracked in a timely and efficient manner. In addition, Specialist Laverdure was assigned as unit amorer during redeployment and assisted in maintaining over 100 weapons in the armsroom and consistently emphasized safety during re-deployment operations. ACHIEVEMENT #2_RANK & Name_ spearheaded the section's setup of their Prescribed Load List (PLL) office in less than 24 hours. 255 30R20.Z 92Y XL NS-25 NANKANG ! He quickly and effectively adapted to the grueling shift work schedule and high optempo. Coordinated operations of a multi-disciplined, continuously manned, joint force, eight-person watch team responsible for focused, predictive, and timely intelligence to senior US officers, United Nations leaders, and other national and theater intelligence agencies. She analyzed requirements and resources and developed the new structured layout of the class IX yard, which simplified the process of issuing and receiving parts. His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. NCOER bullets for MOS 92G, Culinary Specialist. CMF 92 Logistics Award Examples 92A Automated Logistical Specialist 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist 92G Food Service Specialist 92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist 92R Parachute Rigger 92S Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist 92W Water Treatment Specialist 92Y Unit Supply Specialist SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. Again and again, he relayed time sensitive information to higher headquarters in a timely manner and was second to none in his ability to battle track and maintain radio-telephone operator logs. Award Bullets A multitude of sample Army award achievement statements (award bullets) to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. pr ARCOM eSPECS ArchiCAD release.pdf: Download. Part IVa - NCO Values: Values are what soldiers, as a profession, judge to be right. As a 92A (Logistics Automated Specialist) she displays an unmatched commitment to equipment readiness. As the only Government Purchase Cardholder in Alpha Battery, SPC ---- was repsonsible for keeping the battery supplied with essential supplies and materials and reconciling the credit card and budget. ACHIEVEMENT #1 __RANK & Name__ received and processed _#_ tactical vehicle, _#_ generator, and _#_ utility vehicle services in the SAMS-1E system. __RANK & Name__'s hard work allowed all Soldiers in Task Force Nightmare to have adequate drinking water. Established and maintained the creation of catalog for the thirteen TPB teams in the OIF AOR; to include weekly analysis of the teams consolidated property books resulting in maintenance recommendations to the Team Chiefs and the Theater Property Book Officer, determining the proper Non-Standard Line Item Numbers (LIN) and Non-Standard Management Control Numbers (MCN) to assign to the catalog, using guidance from SSN-LIN Automated Management and Integrating System (SLAMIS) to incorporate Non-Standard LINs and MCNs into the Theater Catalog, and representing the MNF-I/MNC-I IPBO during meetings as the Army worked to determine the way forward for Non-Standard Catalogs throughout the world. SGT Garrett showed dedication and responsibility by stepping outside of her job and into one that needed strategic planning and immediate action. Her/His attention to detail helped the unit maintain 100% compliance with 24 consecutive reconciliations (RECONs) and assisted with the lateral transfer and turn-in of a Theater Property Book (TPE) hand receipt valued over $_______. Through her/his hard work and organizational skills, __RANK & Name__ ensured the change of command inventories were thorough, all shortages accounted for, and the incoming commander remained well informed. Responsible for managing the Supply Discipline Program. These target folders were subsequently vetted by the command as valid operational and intelligence targets for the theater area of responsibility. Showing his versatility during ten company sized clearing operations in eastern baghdad, SGT Doe performed the duties of the platoon radio-telephone operator. Her dedication to her work, ability to work with minimal supervision, and attention to detail was hailed by G2 leadership on several occasions. SGT Doe displayed phenomenal devotion to physical excellence while deployed in a high operational tempo area of Iraq enabling him to achieve a 298 on his Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), the highest score in the detachment. Their ability to predict the enemy's pattern of attacks resulted in zero fatalities and minimal contact during movement to the FOB. Her efforts provided the command group with an improved awareness of events in the AOR. Sergeant Shaw's professionalism and attention to detail contributed immensely to maintaining accountability and distribution of more the 19 million dollers worth of parts and the success of day to day operations during Operation Spartan Shield. She set herself above her peers by earning a score of 280 on her Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). ARMYNCO.COM - Army Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets), sample award citations, and Award writing tips, techniques and advice. His contribution greatly enhanced his platoon's combat effectiveness. ACHIEVEMENT #1 SFC _____ volunteered for deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom ____, where he served as a Tactical Mentor and Trainer for seven months.Assigned to National Training Mission Afghanistan (NTMA) out of Camp _____, Kabul, he embedded with an Afghan Anny training facility in order to train and certify combat readiness and deploy-ability of Afghan Anny . Upon hearing the detonation, PFC Doe quickly moved to the scene, and discovered a fire erupting behind a locked door. To ensure that the squad was able to properly account for all assigned equipment, SGT Doe devised and implemented a system of marking squad and individual equipment, which facilitated easy identification of Basic Issue Items (BII) and other pieces of organizational equipment. Thanks! His actions while executing duties of a higher level of responsibility resulted in the successful accomplishment of four re-supply missions. Meets challenges head on; displays courage, conviction and professionalism daily. His resourcefulness and efficiency enabled CTB to maintain the highest state of readiness. ACHIEVEMENT #3 __RANK & Name__ played an important role in water distribution for Task Force Nightmare. The integration of the DISE into the ACE, and the White House security team was instrumental in providing excellent support during the visit. He also produced a point paper outlining recommended courses of action for the commander to combat organized crime in the theater of operations; intel vital to maintaining a safe and secure environment in the commanders area of operations. On short notice and with little assistance, he developed the key intelligence products for the extensive Intelligence Estimate Briefing presented to the senior foreign commander in charge of the exercise. AIA,CSI Vice President, Marketing and Sales, ARCOM 801. He displayed personal courage driving over 3,652 miles on the dangerous roads of Iraq. SSG Doe as the CT database analyst for central Europe, produced twenty target folders. Hood, o ensured 100% accountability of BN sensitive items from Iraq to US, o instrumental in zero shortages in forward property books when merged to rear property books, o brought an inherited unsatisfactory BN S4 supply section to a commendable rating of 100% of all units Hand Receipts inventoried and signed within 3 months, o nominated by the Chief of Staff Army Supply Excellence Award program by the 648th RSG, o nominated for the nation's Ten Outstanding Americans for true dedication unit mission and the ability to go above and beyond expected, o prosessed over 250 DTS's and more than 200 orders in a 3 month period, o successfully moved $3 million of equipment while maintaining 100% accountability, o her willingness to step up and demonstrate her ability to operate the PBUSE workstation prevented mission failure, o overhauled company supply operations resulting in a seamless change of command inventory with no FLIPL actions initiated for the outgoing Commander, o military bearing, tact, and professionalism were at a level well beyond hers pay grade, o maintained Supply records for entire HHD, o coordinated billeting, linen, transportation, meals, and supplies throughout duration of the mission ensuring no lapse in support, o took lead in the absense of leadership to prevent mission failure, o conducted herself in a manner typically displayed by a Senior NCO, o coordinated S4 issues with military assets, key leader engagements, and ASA Fort Dix civilians competently and efficiently, o inducted into the Order of Saint Martin by USAREUR G4 for his cumulative contributions to USAREUR and the 172D Infantry Brigade, o achieved commendable ratings in four areas during CIP inspection conducted by Material Support Center-Korea Fiscal Year 2012, o completed training on Force And Asset Search Tool, annual Defense Travel System, IG concepts and systems, EOL, SHARP, and inspection process, o received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Management from University of Phoenix with a 3.38 Grade Point Average, o proficiently maintained direct responsibility for property book records worth over one billion dollars comprised of military and commercial Class VII equipment. SPC Doe directly contributed to the safe accomplishment of the Transportation Detachment's mission. SPC Doe served as a valued member of a team which produced current intelligence assessments for the Commanding General's Black Book. He ensured that the G2 Watch provided timely, accurate and relevant input to the 24/7 operations and crisis response activities. In addition, his coordination with outside units and procedures were adopted by 3 subordinate units. He flawlessly relayed information between his platoon leader and company commander while maintaining situational awareness. Thanks for your service and your support. As the detachment's mail handler, PFC Doe constructed, implemented, and reorganized an effective detachment level mail storage facility, which significantly increased the unit's ability to maintain accountability and manage distribution of the Soldiers' personal mail and parcels. Leave a Reply. Managed resources in a highly efficient manner. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. As the senior fire support representative in the battalion Tactical Operations Center, SGT Doe effectively battle tracked, controlled, and managed fire support assets required for BN operations, which ensured that each of the four companies received responsive fire support and achieved all effects each operation required.'s Develops NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVg Develops on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). They are the moral, ethical and professional attributes of character. In preparation for the annual CSDP inspection, SGT Yost demonstrated a relentless commitment to his job and conducted all available pre-inspection checklists to ensure the inspection was a success and the program was in accordance with all regulations. His exceptional contributions helped foster a cohesive atmosphere among unit members. Thanks! 521. Always leading from the front, SGT Doe led his team on the roads of Iraq taking the lead truck position to ensure mission accomplishment. SGT Doe displayed tireless devotion to the safety and well being of his Soldiers, and utilized composite risk management in all aspects of his team's day to day duties. Photo Credit: Troy Langenburg Courtesy of U.S. Army Award Citations A multitude of sample Army award citations to aid in writing effective Army awards that get approved the first time. o Outstanding leader/technician; managed the entire FD budget, accounted for over $900K spent, bookeeping is flawless. LTC Doe and his team were noted by the Division CG for the professionalism and situational awareness they brought to the successful POTUS visit. He worked diligently to keep all areas organized and maintained to the highest standard. And Award writing tips, techniques, and Award writing tips, techniques and! 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