medial canthal webbing after blepharoplasty

767771, 1990. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. 1, no. He had severe chemosis and discomfort due to significant lagophthalmos. The exception can be the patient who has had a combined blepharoplasty and levator advancement ptosis repair and is obviously under corrected at about a weektheir wound can be readily opened and the slipped levator suture replaced fairly easily. im interested in revision double eyelid surgery as i want a thicker crease + parallel. 2, pp. If persistent, a superolateral skin excision with crease reformation will raise the persistently hooded side. M. Ferri and J. H. Oestreicher, Treatment of post-blepharoplasty lower lid retraction by free tarsoconjunctival grafting, Orbit, vol. Antibiotic ointment may be placed over incision. Plast Reconstr Surg 1971; 47: 246. Canthal rounding is a separate entity from canthal webbing, which is seen as semilunar folds of skin and scar that can overlie, or sit outside, the canthal angle. Thank you for visiting Deeper scar release carries the risk of under or overcorrection leading to ptosis or a recurrence of lid retraction. Proptosis, severe pain, decreased visual acuity, relative afferent pupillary defect, and elevated intraocular pressure confirm the diagnosis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1986; 78:417. Canthal rounding can occur following trauma or surgery to the medial or lateral canthus, causing possible aesthetic or functional deficits to patients. Orbit 2012; 31:162. Proptosis, decreased motility, and increased orbital tension, and associated bleeding are the clinical signs to appreciate. What complications can come from a blepharoplasty? Tension in the levator complex and orbital septum may also result in eyelid retraction. Is there help out there? This is seen as a rounded fold of skin and scar tissue inside the normal canthal angle, causing horizontal shortening of the eyelid aperture. 797802, 1981. Not only the surgeon but also the patient should be aware of preoperative asymmetry and the potential for minor touch up operations. Significant medial canthal tendon laxity (see above) Sutureless closure of the upper eyelids in blepharoplasty: use of octyl-2-cyanoacrylate. Several surgical techniques exist for addressing canthal rounding, but they are not described in the literature. J. H. Oestreicher, N. K. Pang, and W. Liao, Treatment of lower eyelid retraction by retractor release and posterior lamellar grafting: an analysis of 659 eyelids in 400 patients, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. If the nasal fat pad fat is to be removed, care is taken to cauterize or avoid medial palpebral vessels which course over the medial fat pad. 4, pp. Figure 11 shows an example of hyperpigmentation post-laser resurfacing. If a definite levator laceration is observed, it should be repaired if it is causing ptosis. This is an open access article distributed under the, Scar Hypertrophy and dyspigmentation after transcutaneous blepharoplasty incisions done elsewhere with CO. Upper lid retraction after upper lid blepharoplasty. When needed, lid crease fixation method depends on surgeon's preferences and experience (. 19, no. Laser resurfacing is utilized where skin shrinkage and rhytid reduction are desired. Dermatol Surg 2005; 31:553. Vertically oriented upper eyelid nerves: a clinical, anatomical and immunohistochemical study. h Flap is marked. Visualized and palpated scar is released aggressively in the postblepharoplasty retraction circumstance, so the lid is freed from attachments to the inferior orbital rim. Gentle cautery applied to the orbital fat may contour and replace the remaining fat posteriorly into the orbit, providing needed volume and fullness. Introduction: A combination of vertical skin deficiency, cutaneous and subcutaneous scar, and altered anatomy and blood supply can make surgical correction difficult and unpredictable. 4550, 1996. The assistance of your strabismus-oriented colleagues can be occasionally very helpful if the deficit persists. It is difficult to lower a crease which is too high. Rapid treatment is critical. Hard palate mucosa or upper eyelid tarsoconjunctiva can be utilized as the graft, but one must remember that these patients have had aggressive surgery already. Any adjunctive procedures to be performed should also be determined. Because of the complexities in modifying the overcorrected upper lid, a more mild degree of symptomatic lagophthalmos can be addressed via lower lid elevation with lower lid posterior lamellar grafting, as detailed in the next section. The skin incision should still be kept low, perhaps at 5 to 6mm at the most. The patient can be instructed in upward massage to keep infection and scarring minimized and alleviate retraction. Federici TJ, Meyer DR, Lininger LL. Mild lower-lid laxity or lateral canthal deformity. 1, pp. 103, no. Elimination of topical allergy, and occasionally short-term topical steroid use are helpful. Intravenous mannitol 20% (12g/kg over 3060minutes). 90, no. Jordan DR, Mawn LA. With appropriate case selection, thorough discussion with surgical candidates, and careful surgical technique, most of these can be avoided. Lower blepharoplasty is one of the most common facial plastic surgery. 6, pp. Unfortunately, treatment beyond 1 to 6 hours of total or near-total vision loss is unlikely to be effective. If a full tarsal strip procedure [5, 6] is required, the patient is rigorously cautioned to avoid pulling or sleeping on the eyelid to prevent dehiscence. Partial removal of orbicularis muscle over the medial eyelid area with grafting of medial fat into the lateral sub-brow area has been proposed to restore youthful contours (Fezza J, OPRS 2012;28:446). Massage and steroid injections can help. Slight dehiscence can be treated with topical and oral antibiotics, but a complete dehiscence needs prompt debridement and repair to avoid lower lid retraction and scarring. 122, no. Most patients only need to take 7 days off work. Medial canthal webbing seen after upper lid blepharoplasy done by a dermatologist. Asian eyelid includes a pretarsal fat pad and may include more volume in the preaponeurotic fat pads. The rhomboid flap is an effective quick and simple technique for medial canthal reconstruction. The authors favor CO2 laser blepharoplasty with a trans-conjunctival lower lid approach. The canthal rounding is split into its anterior and posterior lamellae using a 15-blade followed by Westcott spring scissors (Fig. i Anterior flap is completely excised. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. The conjunctivalised tissue appears effective at increasing the lid aperture and preventing re-adhesions, even when only a single flap is used and one lid margin is left to granulate. When CO2 laser is used, protective corneal shields are used and laser is always directed away from the globe when cutting. May require fat transplants or filler injection to correct the orbital volume deficiency, May be related to surgery or preoperative asymmetry of the face, lid, or brow. Laser resurfacing in appropriate patients combined with transconjunctival blepharoplasty and appropriate lid tightening gives a far superior result to conventional exterior blepharoplasty, in terms of scar avoidance, avoidance of eyelid retraction, and a more natural and complete resolution of skin redundancy and rhytids. B. C. K. Patel, M. Patipa, R. L. Anderson, and W. McLeish, Management of postblepharoplasty lower eyelid retraction with hard palate grafts and lateral tarsal strip, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Besides webbing and incisions up to my eye brows I have this sagging in my left eye. In men, the brow protrudes more anteriorly, and the eyelid crease is closer to the eyelid margin. Canthal rounding can occur following trauma or surgery to the medial or lateral canthus, causing possible aesthetic or functional deficits to patients. Fat pearls, fat injections, dermis fat grafts, and alloplastic injections can be tried. 1d and 1e). In addition to a thorough pre operative assessment and meticulous surgical planning, understanding the etiology of complications is key to prevention. T. R. Hester, The trans-blepharoplasty approach to lower lid and midfacial rejuvenation revisted: the role and technique of canthoplasty, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, vol. McKean-Cowdin R, Varma R, Wu J, et al. Open or closed lateral canthoplasty often performed in conjunction with various facial rejuvenation procedures (Taban, OPRS 2010) (e.g., upper- and/or lower-lid blepharoplasty, midface lift) Contraindications. People notice this scar within minutes of meeting me and I am very self-conscious about it. If noted, however, it should be treated with bleaching creams. I experienced significant swelling in my tear duct area (especially on the right side) My right eye now appears to have webbing on the inner corner. Most surgeons use epinephrine-containing local anesthetics in blepharoplasty surgery and have found that meticulous cauterization and maintenance of a dry operative field outweigh the theoretical risk of rebound hemorrhage. Other conditions such as ptosis, brow ptosis, entropion, ectropion, or eyelid retraction may also need to be corrected at the time a blepharoplasty is performed to ensure the best functional and aesthetic result. Safety of Periocular Mohs Reconstruction: a Two-Center Retrospective Study. Postoperative patches and bandages are removed in the recovery room to permit early detection of postoperative bleeding. Dermatitis: Chronic dermatitis caused by redundant skin is an indication for surgery. R. A. Goldberg, M. F. Marmor, N. Shorr, and J. D. Christenbury, Blindness following blepharoplasty: two case reports, and a discussion of management, Ophthalmic Surgery, vol. Skin lying on the eyelashes produces discomfort independent of obstructed visual axis. 125, no. Interrupted suture placement can incorporate superficial fibers of levator aponeurosis just above the superior edge of the tarsal plate. Upper blepharoplasty can yield significant functional and aesthetic benefits for patients. In one patient there was rounding recurrence. Temporary sutures may approximate the skin before application of the glue. Scott KR, Tse DT, Kronish JW. An aesthetically pleasing eye has an almond shape with superior arc that peaks medially 27 and a slight upward inclination of the lateral canthal angle (positive canthal tilt). N. Shorr, J. D. Christenbury, and R. A. Goldberg, Tarsoconjunctival grafts for upper eyelid cicatricial entropion, Ophthalmic Surgery, vol. 4, pp. Excessive trauma to the levator muscle, levator aponeurosis, and pre-aponeurotic fat pad can result in upper lid retraction, scleral show, and lagophthalmos. A contact lens does require a daily or near daily visit until the abrasion is healed and the lens is removed. Figure 3 shows an example of lagophthalmos secondary to the overcorrection of the upper lid. Yazici B, etinkaya A, akirli E. Bilobed flap in the reconstruction of inferior and/or lateral periorbital defects. Treatment includes vitamin E cream, massage, and topical or injected corticosteroids. Article The surgery involves removing redundant skin, fat, and muscle. Canthal rounding has been reported following periocular tumour or trauma reconstruction [4, 5]. Occasionally spacer grafts are required to completely correct the lid retraction. May be due to inadvertent trauma, poor wound healing, excessive tension, early suture removal, and infection. f The flaps are secured into their new positions. Lid crease in Asians can be absent, may be nasally tapered, or flat but typically lies lower and flatter than Caucasians. 20, no. Improved vision needs to be monitored by hospital staff or by the patient for stability for 1 to 3 days after treatment is stopped. M. Patipa, B. C. K. Patel, W. McLeish, and R. L. Anderson, Use of hard palate grafts for treatment of postsurgical lower eyelid retraction: a technical overview, Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Trauma, vol. After 24 hours of spinal-trauma dose level of steroids (solumedrol 30mg/kg bolus over 15 minutes followed by 5.4mg/kg per hour) without response, one can discontinue the drug, possibly after repeat imaging. Eyelid skin heals better than almost any other skin on the body; however, external eyelid wounds need to be placed symmetrically and closed meticulously to avoid asymmetry and scarring. Lateral traction was placed with a finger to the canthal web to displace the fold of . This is because they cause more harm than good. Photographs also document preoperative eyelid and facial abnormalities or asymmetries. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 281288, 2002. The commonest form is caused when local anaesthetic is supplemented intraoperatively by direct fat injection once the conjunctiva (lower lid) or skin (upper lid) is open. Lazzeri D, Agostini T, Figus M et al: The contribution of Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 B.C.-50 A.D.) to eyelid surgery. Please see before/after photo on link below (toward bottom of the website page). If brow ptosis is present, straight-ahead photograph with eyebrows elevated by the patient demonstrates compensation. Patients may usually resume normal activities within 2448 hours after surgery. Do I have any good options? Yaremchuk MJ. One should identify (and preserve) the inferior oblique and levator during surgery, to be confident they have not been injured. Another useful technique is to leave the traction suture in beyond one week. There is no consistently effective treatment of hypopigmentation. May be due to inadvertent trauma to the levator complex, including postsurgical edema and . Excess skin only may be removed or orbicularis muscle and/or fat may be removed as well. 219228, 1991. This skin incision height is often quit low, 3 to 5mm depending on the preoperative consultation measurements. Ophthalmology 1999; 106:1705. Some surgeons prefer to place a corneal protector in each eye. Webs abnormal folds of skin can occur in both areas and are referred to as medial and lateral canthal webs. A test spot can be offered the patient although a good result with the test spot is not a guarantee of subsequent good results. Discomfort and edema are expected after surgery and are usually adequately managed with acetaminophen. McCullough ME, Emmons RA, Kilpatrick SD, Mooney CN. However, this was not encountered in our patient group. Alternatively, removing anterior fat may unmask the underlying proptosis, and care should be exercised. The new superior lid margin is left to heal by granulation. 1c). In the Asian upper eyelid, there is a lower fusion point between the orbital septum and the levator aponeurosis, which allows orbital fat to descend further down in addition to the increased fat in the preseptal fibroadipose layer. On average, this amount is between 1 to 2mm. Partial removal of orbicularis over the lateral orbital rim area may provide a small eyebrow elevation. It requires medial canthal scar revision with multiple z-plasty. All patients except one reported good surgical outcomes, defined as cosmetically and functionally acceptable result to the patient and surgeon, after one procedure. If the patient continues to have difficulty describing or demonstrating what he or she desires changed, and into what, it obligates the surgeon to promote discussion or present alternatives until clear agreement occursotherwise, surgery should not be done. Brown MS, Siegel IM, Lisman RD. 5, pp. Excessive bruising can lead to a prolonged recovery, infection, cicatrisation, and skin pigmentation. The scars usually occur when the incisions are carried too medially and the skin bridges the supero-medial hollow of the upper lid in a straight line. Plast Reconstr Surg 2001; 108:2137. Laser resurfacing itself carries a risk of hypopigmentation (very rare in the eyelid skin) and hyperpigmentation. If deeper scarring requires release, it should be done at the time of skin graft placement. Clark ML, Kneiber D, Neal D, Etzkorn J, Maher IA. N. Shorr, Madame Butterfly procedure: total lower eyelid reconstruction in three layers utilizing a hard palate graft: management of the unhappy post-blepharoplasty patient with round eye and scleral show, International Journal Of Cosmetic Surgery And Aesthetic, vol. The perceived gravity of a given complication may differ between the patient and the surgeon [1, 3]. How risky is this to correct and when is it safe to do? This is particularly important if incisions are made with the CO2 laser. In lidocaine (amide-type) sensitive patients, procaine (ester-type) may be used. Dermatol Surg. 1, pp. The alternative argument is that epinephrine vasoconstriction is followed by rebound vasodilation, which may actually potentiate the risk of postoperative orbital hemorrhage. Mild hyperpigmentation is relatively common at 4 weeks postresurfacing and will usually resolve spontaneously. Narcissists as 'victims': the role of narcissism in the perception of transgressions. Will I need an eventual revision? CAS 466474, 2010. 1i). Canthal web revision (Canthoplasty, Revision Canthoplasty) The area where the upper and lower lids meet is called the canthus. With an acute hemorrhage, intraorbital pressure rises abruptly, and the blood supply to the optic nerve is compromised. Aulus Cornelius Celsus was a first-century Roman who described making an incision in the skin to relax the eyelids (Orbit 2012;31:162). 11, pp. The patient was given topical steroids by his original surgeon, resulting in untreated intraocular pressure of 45OU. The incidence is estimated to be 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 25,000 [32]. Preoperative preparation may include asking the patient to stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, and optimize overall general health. Lid crease fixation is not always necessary. 3, article 3, 1995. Primary acquired cold urticaria. Canthal rounding can cause cosmetic or functional deficit with visual obstruction on lateral gaze. The skin taken has made a hollow that makes the overhang look worse. Laser eye protectors are essential if the CO2 laser is utilized, but there must be enough ocular lubrication present to avoid a corneal abrasion when they are inserted or removed. May be administered in the operating room or preoperative holding area. The previous scar is opened up, internal adhesions are widely released (and perfect hemostasis obtained). Is there a high chance the webbing gets worse or say my lower eyelid droops post surgery? Complications of blepharoplasty can be minor or serious. 758760, 1989. Scars dont run past outside of eye. Jeong S, Lemke BN, Dortzbach RK, et al: The Asian upper eyelid: an anatomical study with comparison to the Caucasian eyelid. Am J Ophthalmol 1996;121:677. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery is a remarkably diverse specialty, ranging from maxillofacial trauma and reconstruction to facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, cleft surgery, microvascular surgery, facial cosmetic procedures, and pain control. Depending on the amount of laxity, a full lateral tarsal strip procedure or a lateral canthal tendon plication can be done. Men seem to have ruddier skin, and the erythema last 60% as long on average. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Surgery can cost all different from street to street, even blocks to blocks in the same city, depending on the surgeon's reputation, skill and experiences. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1998; 16:689. It was used by Karl Ferdinand von Graefe in 1818 when describing eyelid repair after removal of skin cancer (Plast Reconstr Surg 1971;47:246). Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. The skin and orbicularis oculi muscle form the anterior layers of the upper eyelid. S. J. Pacella and M. A. Codner, Minor complications after blepharoplasty: dry eyes, chemosis, granulomas, ptosis, and scleral show, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. The use of the CO2 laser and maintaining a dry surgical field with bipolar cautery or by defocusing the CO2 laser will minimize the occurrence of postoperative ecchymosis. e. Patient 12: Left lateral canthal rounding following blepharoplastysingle flap technique. Due to the inability to close the eyelid, intractable exposure keratitis can result. Systemic osmotic agents and corticosteroids may be given but do not take the place of prompt pressure release. For lower eyelid blepharoplasty in Asians, transconjunctival fat removal yields far superior results to an external approach [34]. Post-treatment admission to hospital is recommended, with close visual acuity monitoring, head elevation, ice water compresses, and intravenous steroids until 24 hours of stable vision have been noted. The lower lateral marking is extended to the orbital rim or end of the eyebrow and may course superiorly or follow existing creases to meet the upper mark. Postoperative eyelid edema and levator edema are common and are temporary causes of ptosis. Pure skin lack can be remedied by a full thickness skin graft. Postoperatively, the management of patients concerns can range from reassurance to surgical intervention, depending on the concern. Fat removal will help the first two causes, and laser skin resurfacing can aid the third if the pigment is relatively superficial. Various compositions of bleaching creams have been published, containing combinations of hydroquinone, glycolic acid, kojic acid, retinoic acid, and hydrocortisone. One starts with a three snip on the punctum of the unobstructed canaliculus, followed by a DCR (to enhance flow through the unobstructed canaliculus), followed by a DCR with Jones tube in refractory cases. Rapid treatment is critical. In darker-skinned patients at risk for reactive posttreatment hyperpigmentation, pre and posttreatment with topical Retin-A and bleaching creams can be utilized. Cautery is applied as needed to achieve hemostasis. Cicatricial canthal webs. Beyond this time period, one may be over treating the patient and exposing them to additional complications with very little prospect of improvement. The addition of epinephrine to local anesthetic solutions prolongs the duration of action of the anesthetic agent and may reduce intraoperative bleeding. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003; 29:885. Patients with vitiligo may have an increased risk of hypopigmentation. Is this resolvable? A partial improvement may be achieved with a posterior lamellar graft and horizontal tightening alone. Usually, it is a mistake to try and change their upper eyelid nature too drastically, unless this desire and postoperative appearance is made abundantly clear. Care is taken to avoid the levator palpebrae superioris complex which lies just posterior to the preaponeurotic fat pad. Hi. 1j and 1k). Eye 36, 564567 (2022). This area near the nose is called the medial canthus and the same area on the outer eyelids is called the lateral canthus. Brown, The use of tarsus as a free autogenous graft in eyelid surgery, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. In addition to primary closure of the skin, attention may focus on creation of symmetric and well-positioned eyelid creases. Postoperative eyelid numbness involving the upper eyelid skin and eyelashes is an expected outcome after upper blepharoplasty and typically resolves over 2 to 4 months. I have inner eyelid webbing following a blepharoplasty 2 years ago. Surgical planning involves deciding whether upper or lower eyelids, or both will be operated on. A free tarsoconjunctival graft can alternatively be used [2023]. Blindness and embolic stroke can occur with accidental intravenous or intra-arterial injection of these materials, particularly near the supraorbital vessels [10, 11]. The surgeon should spread bluntly posteriorly into the orbit down the lateral wall and through the wounds to access deep hematomas and release them. Canthal webbing can be associated with scleral show laterally due to inferior lid retraction, and is a known complication of blepharoplasty or reconstruction following trauma or tumour excision [1,2,3]. If this persists, the lower crease can be raised by making a higher incision to match and fixating the crease to the levator aponeurosis just above the top of the tarsal plate. Occasionally instead of scar hypertrophy, epithelial inclusion cysts occur. Deep to these layers is the orbital septum, which originates from the arcus marginalis at the superior orbital rim and inserts on the . Medial canthal webbing occurs when incisions are carried too medially as seen in Figure 9. The posterior flap is cut along the new inferior lid margin using Westcott spring scissors and folded upwards to create the anterior lamella of the new superior lid margin (Fig. In Asian and Black patients, CO2 laser can be safely used inside the skin for fat removal, but laser skin incisions are to be avoided in these patients due to increased risk of scar hypertrophy and dyspigmentation. Risk factors for overcorrection include previous eyelid trauma, dermatological conditions leading to tight skin, and Graves disease. 2. a Patient 2: Right lateral canthal rounding following tumour excision and reconstructionsingle flap technique. Posttreatment admission to hospital is recommended, with close visual acuity monitoring, head elevation, ice water compresses, intravenous steroids until 24 hours of stable vision have been noted, as well as imaging with CT scanning. If the lid crease is marked 8 mm above the lash margin, for example, the upper edge of the incision should be 12 mm below the brow margin. Head elevation and limiting activity may reduce edema. Many surgeons apply a cold compress while the patient is in the recovery area. Google Scholar. Note any resistance to passive lid movement. The horizontal laxity of the tarsoligamentous sling of the lower eyelid is often overlooked at the time of surgery, which allows the other abnormalities to manifest themselves after surgery [12, 13]. Aesthet Surg J 2009; 29:87. The surgical technique was developed by one of the senior authors (NJ). R. A. Ersek, Transplantation of purified autologous fat: a 3-year follow-up is disappointing, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. 5155, 1996. Acute orbital hemorrhage requires prompt intervention. After marking is complete and before injection of local anesthetic, the lack of skin elasticity may make the marks look irregular and malpositioned. Plast Reconstr Surg 2010; 125:1017. Allergy Asthma Proc 2003; 24:9. If the orbital septum is pulled, the surgeon can feel it tighten when a finger is placed under the brow. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. A lateral canthal web is a known complication of blepharoplasty. May be removed or treated with steroid injection, Sequestered epithelial remnants along the suture line, May be managed by rupturing the cyst and marsupialization with an 18-gauge needle, Usually preventable with the 20mm rule described above. Clin Plast Surg 1983; 10:321. Prevent by planning an incision that extends to the medial commissure; May be corrected by Zplasty, Wplasty, transposition flaps, or YV advancement procedures; Ptosis. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. If there is insufficient tissue to create both anterior and posterior flaps, for example in smaller areas of canthal rounding with less conjunctiva available, a modification to the above method to create a single flap can be used instead (DS). Removal or preservation of fat and muscle can help achieve these goals. Patients with previously established PACU can still undergo surgery if appropriate safety precautions are followed. Old photographs are useful to determine the patients youthful upper eyelid fold configuration. Intractable exposure keratitis can result fold of lower lid approach scarring minimized and alleviate retraction is in the perception transgressions! Wounds to access deep hematomas and release them of blepharoplasty R. A. Goldberg, tarsoconjunctival grafts upper... Time of skin elasticity may make the marks look irregular and malpositioned to. 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Levator edema are expected after surgery me and i am very self-conscious about it oblique levator! Fat posteriorly into the orbit down the lateral canthus, causing possible aesthetic or deficits.