eric olson harvard

The major difficulty is placing the first burst exactly on the target, as most machine gunners are trained to spot their fire on target by observation of strike. In a meeting that lasted less than twenty minutes, President Gerald Ford offered a complete and uncompromising apology and urged the government to grant the family 34 of a million dollars as a monetary settlement. The war is finally over. Educational Programs. Espionage. Albarelli, and they found him skillfully evasive. 26.01 He told me that neither he nor his colleagues had clearances to deal with secret information, and said that the process of psychotherapy would have exposed the whole scenario in which my father was caught. For America it was lurid, said Eric, and exciting.. Was it for the fact that his CIA escort was asleep in the next bed when Frank Olson fell or jumped out the window? Usually this will require the subversion of a unit of an official guard at a ceremony, though a skillful and determined team might conceivably dispose of a loyal gun crow without commotion and take over the gun at the critical time. [46]Walter Gibson was one of magics most prolific writers and editors, though the general public would know him best as the author ofThe Shadow. He was also a close friend and colleague to John Mulholland. He was a great friend of the Bushes, once the Bush family lawyer, a pipe-smoking patriarch who believed that the CIA should be like an ivy league university, taking inspiration not only from agents, but also from scientists, academics, and whoever else might come up with something new. They all say the same thing: that he was pushed out of the window and that he did not jump. Pannier spent a night on the roof of the Pentagon taking air samples to rule out a bioattack before a visit by President John F. Kennedy. Within weeks, Morgenthau agreed with Huges findings and assigned the reopened case to his newly created cold-case unit headed by seasoned prosecutors Stephen Saracco and Daniel Bibb. He explained it thus: One of the difficulties of determining explicitly the effect of the drug itself is that the subject and the observer are both conscious of the fact that an experiment is being performed. Cold War research ran the gamut, from investigations of sleep deprivation to perfecting anthrax delivery systems. Before long, I had half a dozen girls working for me. He agreed to pay Mulholland $3,000 for his efforts, and was greatly pleased with his discovery of the magician. Under Review. Could be.. Heavily censored documents I have already received under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that my father was under intense surveillance by the FBI and the CIA in 1960 and 1961, because he was planning to visit China and Cuba, in violation of US passport restrictions. In 1978 another CIA officer, John Paisley, also vaanished there in another boating accident. Citing confidentiality agreements with the Agency, these sources have thus far declined to go public with their claims. Two of them died. We had a triad of possibilities to consider: that someone in the room had hit Olson and pushed or dropped him out; that he had hit something on the way out or down; and that he had received his injury on the sidewalk. Sargant believed that Frank Olson could also have been given a cocktail of drugs that included more than LSD. That same year, Eric moved to Sweden, the birth country of his fathers parents, hoping to put some distance between himself and the family curse. Alarmed by these horror stories, federal and state authorities moved to ban the drug. Meet Sidney Gottlieb CIA dirty trickster The sense of euphoria and hallucinations that accompanied it might well lead those under interrogation to drop their guard and inhibitions, enabling a free flow of information. His closest colleagues knew that this explanation was not the true reason for his death. Hearings Before a Subcommittee on Government Operations. U.S. Government Printing Office, July 22, 23, 29, 31 and August 1, 1975. Living there is worst at Thanksgiving, the time of his death. In his essayBrainwashed: Where the Manchurian Candidate came from Louis Menand suggests that the charge made by brainwashed American pilots that the US had engaged in germ warfare during the Korean War was untrue but widely believed in many countries. Menand implies that this controversial issue is far more settled than is in fact the case. But then came the suggestion that perhaps I meant the Railey Cabin. I had gotten the name from the old typewritten 1953 Deep Creek Rendezvous invitation. He is interrogated by military intelligence. Cournoyer believed so. Had he shredded documents relevant to this matter? He soon broadened this to debunk and denounce other forms of occultism. Yesterday, from the same picnic table, Eric Olson, now 57, spoke again to reporters, this time saying he knows how his father was killed, and why enough answers to allow him to move on. The serpents were in the details. Over the weekend, Olson remained quiet and emotionally remote, his thoughts as impenetrable as the dense November fog that hung over the landscape outside. He died because of security concerns regarding disavowed programs of terminal interrogation and the use of biological weapons in Korea. 00.50 Voice of Eric Olson Our purpose was to find out what had happened, and to arrive at a storywhatever that story might bethat made sense. The great historical irony, Eric said, being that the CIA brought LSD to America thereby bringing a kind of enlightenment, thereby opening up a new level of political consciousness, thereby sowing the seeds of its own undoing because it created an enlightened public. It made great copy, and youll find that this theme is the motif of a lot of books.. We must remember to thank the CIA and the army for LSD, spoke no less an authority figure on matters psychedelic than John Lennon. This developed during the time I used him in various documentary programmes for the BBC. [I now recall that this explanation for the delay based upon the lateness of the hour contradicts the explanation given in the Colby documents, I think by Lashbrook. Aside from the offensive potential, the development of a comprehensive capability in this field of covert chemical and biological warfare gives us a thorough knowledge of the enemies theoretical potential, thus enabling us to defend ourselves against a foe who might not be as restrained in the use of these techniques as we are. [63], Even if Mulholland were not a skilled hypnotist they still might have gone to see him, even if hypnosis were the purpose, counters Eric Olson. He is of a mind that his father had expressed distress over experiments he was conducting and the possible use of the results. Eventually that piece of the puzzle appeared as well. A molecular biologist and a country musician might seem an odd pair, but Dr. Eric Olson and Willie Nelson share musical and scientific interests that have benefitted both fields. THE CIA has always maintained as a matter of historical record that it has never murdered an American citizen on American soil. Local residents remember him once turning in four kids for smoking pot, and in another incident, spraying a preacher and his congregation with water at a beach picnic. The caller said that he had awakened in the middle of the night, whereupon he saw his friend standing in the middle of the room. The only people who seem to be immune to feelings like that are the ones who were actually involved in making it happen. Dr. Gibson said that normally an immediate hospitalization at Chestnut Lodge would have been impossible, due to the long waiting list which usually required a one year wait. ABZUG: It may very well have been a State offense if there was foul play. It could not have occurred, the pathologists agreed, after he went out the window because the velocity of his descent would have caused more extensive trauma. We took a drive over to Muir Woods out by Stinson Beach. He could not imagine how anyone could have gotten a running start in such a room without awakening the person in the next bedthe man who was posted there to watch Erics supposedly delusional and suicidal father. A 1975 report by the CIAs inspectorgeneral summed it up: The program had explored avenues of control of human behavior involving such subjects as radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and anthropology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials. M142064, Central Intelligence Agency, MKULTRA document 15-23, July 31, 1954, authors files. Most frightening is the prospect that unless such research is strictly controlled, a government with vast powers could one day use it to manipulate its own citizenry. I must say, he messed up. 3. Studying muscle development and disease. If his mother shared his doubts, Eric said, she never acted on them: My mothers mantra was: You are never going to know what happened in that hotel room. Its an injunction, a kind of threat, a taboo and a prediction.. And Murray, write Lee and Shlain, took a keen interest in Learys work. He did not appear to be the least bit troubled by the moral ambiguities of intelligence work. My meeting with him took place in his home near Culpepper, Virginia, early on a Sunday morning as the sun was peeking over the eastern horizon. As the numbers of people using LSD multiplied, so did sensationalized accounts of its effects. Along the lines of, Does it further the aims of the Constitution to abide by it when doing so endangers, well, endangers the whole thing, Here are his words exactly. One section would give modified, or different, tricks and techniques of performance so that the tricks could be performed by women. The right tibia (lower leg bone) was massively fractured resulting in its being in two linear pieces. Hairs from a number of bodily locations on Dr. Olson, some fitted with a root structure, were also submitted to Dr. Caplan. Mysterious characters from Fort Bragg and the CIA came and went at the SO Division, leaving wish-lists and checking progress. The medical examiner made no mention of the CIA, did not do an autopsy, and ruled the death a suicide due to depression. 30.04 There was no reason to do an autopsy., CIA spokesman Tom Crispwell declined to comment on any of the new evidence being examined by the District Attorneys Office. We know the CIA does this. Actually, we know nothing of this. Greg had married Eric Olsons sister, Lisa. He apparently worked for HumRRo. He also had a son, Stephan, by a woman he never married. It had already been going on for three years. I just called her and she said, Eric, Im glad you phoned. It is in the best interests of the Agency to extend this time limit and obtain the best possible manual rather than hold Mr. Mulholland to the six-month period. I met Gottlieb at the pad, and at Whites office. In 1960, UCLA psychiatrist Sidney Cohen reviewed studies of 5,000 persons who had taken LSD a total of 25,000 times. Personal relationships faltered. According to the report in the Post based on the official findings of an internal CIA investigation conducted after the incident a civilian employee of the Army had been dosed with LSD during a government retreat in western Maryland. (Or perhaps the guardian did more than watch. Now, after the Sept. 11 attacks, the anthrax mailings and a steady stream of government warnings on terrorism, the fears of the 1950s have returned and the experiments of Fort Detricks covert bioweapons makers suddenly resonate in a new era. files still available, that his associate Dr. Margaret Ferguson was still alive in 1993. And among these fellow travelers would be Professor Murray During the Cold War, top Army scientists toiled stealthily in rural Maryland to make covert weapons coveted by new enemies. 14.50 We have estimated Eric Olson's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. Main navigation. Suspected double agents were the most common targets for execution. He seemed unaware of the importance of what he was giving them, for the material soon raised more questions than it answered. The ultimate goal of mind control would have been to produce a Manchurian Candidate assassin, an agent who didnt know he (or she) was an agentbrainwashed and programmed to carry out that most sensitive of missions. But such was not the case here, probably because of the lack of the disruption of an autopsy on the remains and the care taken to preserve the remains for interstate transfer from New York City to Frederick, Maryland. Only ten days previously, Frank Rudolph Olson, Ph.D., had been a branch chief in the Special Operations Division, a trusted employee of the U.S. Governments secret germ warfare installation at Camp Detrick. 30% c. 40% d. 50%. Detailed descriptions of(covert techniques) in all those operations outlined to me. I agree.'' Turned out, that stuffwas the prototype for Mace.. THE OPERATION [33], The Agency continued to enlarge the scope of John Mulhollands work. You stopped taking any initiative, you stopped gathering evidence., For Eric, the D.A.s dumping of the Frank Olson case was yet another in a long line of betrayals by the state. Erics younger sister, Lisa, was killed in a 1978 plane crash along with her husband and 2-year-old son. But a top-secret CIA memorandum obtained by the authors reveals that Lashbrook knew far more than he claimed. He grew anxious that someone might have tampered with the beverage, a not entirely paranoid concern given his earlier secret LSD dosing. The impression given was to be, We did our best, but unfortunately we didnt quite make it to the hospital. That was the myth with which I grew up as a child. He told me lie had visited Langley several times and had met with Dr Sydney Gottlieb, Richard Helms and other senior CIA officials. But even the worst setbacks can be instructive. A brilliant chemist with personality tics numerous enough to satisfy a novelists appetite for the aberrant (Norman Mailer and Barbara Kingsolver have immortalized him in their fiction), Gottlieb at the time had not yet been dubbed the CIAs Dr. Strangelove. But a few decades of diligent work and a congressional inquiry or two would eventually remedy that oversight. We did not observe the slightest sign of mold or decay. In the following years, he traveled often to Europe, including making several trips to Germany. The trip to New York was not to manage and contain his incipient psychosis. In addition, we learned that the nature and thickness of the window glass, although altered at the time of our on-scene investigations, was identical to that of a window in an upstairs unit at the hotel. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly.) Former SS member Franz Gajdosch was hired just after the war by the Americans to tend the bar in the officers mess at Camp King. Passages in the documents they had received pertaining to a C.I.A. Not all of Whites diary entries involved clandestine meetings with narcoties or CIA agents or addicts and prostitutes, for that matter. We knew that Dr. Olson had been a pipe smoker, which could be reflected in his teeth, that he might have taken some falls from horseback riding, and that hed been discharged from the army for an ulcer. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4, 1977 He was a rock-em, sock-em cop not overly carried away with playing spook, according to a friend who knew him at the time. In the summer of 2002, he and his brother Nils were finally ready to lay their father, and the mystery, to rest. The team reported that the tests demonstrated conclusively the effectiveness of the combined chemical-hypnotic technique. He attempted to speak but his words were unintelligible. Elevator shafts, stairwells, unscreened windows and bridges will serve. I could read no further. MK-ULTRA poisoned foreign and domestic enemies with LSD to induce mental breakdown and/ or suicide. The government feared that highly classified information was at stake and that a court might grant full discovery, including information on the nature of Olsons work. For example: we intend to investigate the development of a chemical material which causes a reversible non-toxic aberrant mental state, the specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual. First aired on German television August 12, 2002. That might well have happened, he said, if animal tests showed it to be more virulent than the existing weapons strain, the only means of checking potency at the time. The memo said that President Eisenhower was intensely interested in the fate of the missing P.O.W.s, and that he had wanted to make sure everybody was doing all they could about it.. 3. Read Hamlet, he says. Dulles was alarmed. What?. Some, locked in boxes and then given LSD, went temporarily insane. The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea. He knew too much. He says he has no reason to believe that the CIA would murder Frank Olson. I said, Julia thanks for respecting my wishes about not calling Norman. She said, Eric, Im a reporter. Eric Christian Olsen was born on 31 May 1977 in Eugene, Oregon, USA. I prevailed on them not to do so for the sake of Alice, their mother, and for the solace they would take in knowing the investigation was not ended, only interrupted by the reburial. Or, to use the words of CIA terminology that we would later discover, he was dropped.. (Gibson went on to a very distinguished career in medicine: he became director of Shepherd-Pratt Hospital in Baltimore, and President of the American Psychiatric Association.) Probably the most unsettling, even unnerving moment in my conversation with Dr. Gottlieb occurred toward its close when he spontaneously sought to enlighten me on a matter of which I might not take due noticeso he thought. These pipe cleaner histories were sent back to Washington.. The long-term aim of these experiments with mind-altering drugs is thought by those who have studied the MK-ULTRA programme to have been to ensure the dominance of Anglo-American civilisation in the war of all against allthe key to evolutionary success. Brain-washing would be used not only to defeat the enemy but to ensure compliance and loyalty of ones own population. This contributed to a feeling that Frank Olson had not so much died as disappeared. Even Marks, who exercises the journalistic wisdom to stick only to what he can back up with hard documentation, readily acknowledges that the clandestine researchers probably planted electrodes in the brains of men. Lashbrook left the agency, but Gottlieb remained in senior positions for 20 more years. The Vollum strain found in the early Detrick papers is first replaced by a Vollum sub-strain called M36, produced by the British biological weapons program by passing the Vollum strain through a series of monkeys to increase its virulence. We cycled across the country.. He told the police that he worked for the Defense Department and he didnt know why Olson had jumped from the window, but he did know that Olson suffered from ulcers and might have been suffering from job-related stress. The verb is dropped. And the manual is a how-to guide for assassins. Two officers of the 14thDetective Squad then interviewed Lashbrook at the local police station. ''What's behind this?'' All others received a Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology. Prior to joining Technology Commercialization in 2007, Eric . Meanwhile, Murray, already addicted to amphetamines, continued to flirt with hallucinogens. I find an unholy desire to tell you about the worst fiasco we ever had, which is why this letter has to be UltraBAP [Burn After Perusal]. And still the possibility could not be discounted that someone in the room had inflicted a blow to Dr. Olson in the process of stunning him into submission, preparatory to ejecting him from the window, especially if the window was open at the time and broken thereafter to coincide with Lashbrooks contemporaneous statements. Correction of diverse muscular dystrophy mutations in human engineered heart muscle by single-site genome editing. As Dr. Both constantly reminded me that a great deal can be heard from what Bill called murmurs in the mush; a deadly skirmish fought in an alley with no name; the collective hold-your breath when an agent or network is blown; a covert operation which could have undone years of overt political bridge-building; a snippet of mundane information that completed a particular intelligence jigsaw. One series of tests on CIA employees was designed to see whether LSD could i break the so-called pentathol block. During interrogations, captured agents were often given sodium pentathol-or truth serum sometimes combined with hypnosis, as in the case of the Soviet double agents, in an effort to get them to disclose secrets. But in fact this was a family haunted by fear, shame, uncertainty, and insecurity. His stipulations made me make haste to sit in his presence, the presence, as it appeared, of a most curious man with a puzzling mind. And we made it! In 1997 we obtained a copy of the CIAs 1953 assassination manual and were stunned to discover its pertinence to the questions that haunted us. Crushing wounds result from blunt violence to skin which is close to bone, causing these wounds to bleed into the surrounding tissues. Historians of the Korean War have suggested that the Eisenhower Administration chose not to make public much of its intelligence on the issue of missing Americans for fearing of whipping up a war hysteria among Americans who would have demanded that the prisoners be returned home. Theirs, after all, is a world of secrets. Marks writes that he sought access to records of a branch of the CIAs Directorate of Science and Technology, the Office of Research and Development (ORD), which took over behavioral (i.e., mind control) research after MK-ULTRAs staff dispersed. It would be difficult even to find Chestnut Lodge. In June 1994, 41 years after Frank Olsons burial, Eric watched as a steam shovel began to dredge up the earth at his fathers grave. Both believed your father was murdered by the CIA. 38). I recommend that you join a support group for children whose parents have committed suicide.. The only drug mentioned is LSD, which the CIA began to use on test subjects as long as 25 years ago. The use of hallucinogens, hypnosis, electroshock and other procedures in an attempt to control the way people behave was the CIAs equivalent of the Manhattan [atom bomb] Project. Four years after he was suspected for disclosing secrets an accusation that was never proved: During a trip to New York, Olson is accompanied by a CIA agent who watches him constantly, never leaving his side. To snatch up these Nazi experts in the dark sciences before the Soviets got them, the Pentagon launched Operation Paperclip, a highly secret program to bring some of these German scientists into America. Artichoke is the program that is not fun. It was only then that Lashbrook dialed the front desk and reported the incident to the operator. The Americans have other plans for him. It indicates that the truth was being suppressed even as it was coming to light. Code Name Artichoke shows that my father became convinced that the US was using biological weapons in Korea, at least on an experimental basis. Olson said he was going to Europe to meet with a CIA team led by Dr Gottlieb. What kind of window shade was it? Listening awe-struck to him as I gazed at a picture of South African Bishop Tutu on the wall, I was emboldened to ask how he could so recklessly and cavalierly have jeopardized the lives of so many of his own men by the Deep Creek Lodge experiment with LSD.. When light is put away, The Bravestgrope a little 15.52 Voice of Norman Cournoyer/Friend of Frank Olson: 17.12 Voice of Armand Pastore/Former hotel manager: 18.03 Voice of Armand Pastore/Former hotel manager: 21.07 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent: 25.34 Voice of Franz Gajdosch-dt./ Former barkeeper at Camp King: 26.33 Voice of Franz Gajdosch-dt./Former bartender at Camp King: 30:21 Voice of Bennie E. Hackley/Chemical Corps US Army: 31.41 Voice of Ira (Ike) Feldman/Former CIA agent. Others, while not quite doing evil, simply lost their ethical direction. Originally published August 9, 2002. Later in the evening of that same Tuesday, Abramson visited Olsons hotel room and brought a bottle of bourbon and some Nembutal for Dr. Olson. Near the Eiffel Tower, his two CIA colleagues sit in a sidewalk caf and watch pretty French girls go by, on the left is John McNulty. The CIA was able to secretly buy small amounts from Sandoz, but this was not considered sufficient. After his death the Olson family was told that Frank Olsons body was too disfigured to be seen. For a while, indeed, it looked as if the CIA flirtation with LSD was over. program, and that the story of a bad trip on LSD had been concocted either as a cover-up for his murder or as a cloak that concealed the dagger they had figuratively used to kill him. However, a Security Office report indicated that he had airline ticket stubs for the trips that he and Olson had taken, and a receipt for $115, dated November 25, 1953 and signed by John Mulholland. It was called the ''collage method,'' and it involved getting survivors to paste together pictures, using anything they felt like clipping out of newspapers and magazines. We did not sit around talking about the moral implications of what we were doing, said William C. Patrick III, a Fort Detrick veteran who worked closely with the SO Division. English version: Mark Rossman But it is impossible to be certain, they say, because the program was strictly compartmented: One worker didnt know what another was doing, let alone what CIA or Special Forces did with the bioweapons. I am resuming work today. Enclosed was a signed receipt for the check and a notation that Gottliebs missive had taken longer than expected to reach him. 2. For the moment, we could only say that it is most probable either that Dr. Olson went to his death through an open window or that he went through a closed window with a shade drawn in front of it. Ruwet would spent long-daytime hours with Mrs Olson. During this period (1953/5), Dr Sargant had met several more times with Dr Ewan Cameron, both in Washington and in Montreal, Canada. In consoling the Olsons, Ruwet made no mention of the nature of the work at Detrick. Soon a list of 37 physiological agents was drawn up for possible use in interrogations. Once perfected, the dart gun astonished those who saw it in action. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and other defense agencies financed their own experiments as well, often duplicating each others efforts, sometimes at the same institutions. Yet after exhuming and examining his remains a specific injury that went undetected at the time of his death turned out to be an important lead in re-evaluating the manner of the mans death. That kind of an attitude of loyalty was one way of expressing your Americanism.. The Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science, Department Was a decision then taken to make certain that Olson never talked by destroying his memory with drugs and, when this failed, by murdering him and making it look like a suicide? However, things began to crumble and by the end of the year, Eric discerned that the DAs office had retrenched on their efforts. He considered himself a terribly loyal and patriotic person. He was taken instead, by Gottliebs deputy, to the office of the former Broadway magician John Mulholland, who probably hypnotised him, and Frank probably failed that test too. The caller then inquired about bringing the patient in that same night. Feldman had acquired three or four to set himself up with cover.. New evidence in Olson case suggests similarities with other incidents by H.P. A further type division is caused by the need to conceal the fact that the subject was actually the victim of assassination, rather than an accident or natural causes. He resembled his contemporary, Cord Meyer, the war hero and onetime president of United World Federalists, who eventually became a top officer in the CIA. The rifle may be of the bull gun variety, with extra heavy barrel and set triggers, but in any case should be able to group in one inch at one hundred yards, but 2 1/2 groups are adequate. The wife develops uncanny kind of intuitions, about all the things that are not being said and she knows the limits of what she can ask. Dr. Frank Olson arrived in Frankfurt on June 12, 1952, from Hendon Military Airport near London. Theirs was a world in which everyone knew each other, and many worked for the CIA. Dr. Gibson then went into his office to take the call. However, the letter did include a check for $150 to cover Mulhollands latest work for the agency (March 18th April 13th). They were not there, totally non-existent. TORPEDO RUN Did the biochemist intend to resign from an agency that could then neither let him continue nor permit him to quit? Copyright 2001 by The Genii Corporation. Mulholland was born in Chicago, Illinois, on June 9, 1898. All problems can be fixed by the alchemy of the mind sciences. If distance was supposed to heal him, however, the cure didn't work. The event was chronicled in a lengthy article published in theNew Yorker. Now Im gonna give you another assignment. In the wrong hands, 100 million doses would be enough to sabotage a whole nations mental equilibrium. Olson had thrown himself through the closed shade and closed window, falling 170 feet to his death on the sidewalk below. That remained a lingering and unresolved puzzle. Bissell, on the other hand, was more open-minded, said Gottlieb. What was in the minds of the men who for two decades pursued the dream of a mind-control drug? Robert Lashbrook, Ph.D. who was with Olson on that fateful night, recounted his version of the events leading up to and occurring at the tragic moment many times: Lashbrook and Olson were together in Room 1018A on the 10th floor, actually the 13th when the first three unnumbered floors are counted, when Dr. Olson suddenly went out the rooms only window. The only drug mentioned is LSD, went temporarily insane to amphetamines, to. 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He claimed fixed by the alchemy of the magician sent back to Washington had gotten the name from Early! That it has never murdered an American citizen on American soil thus far declined to go public with their.! From investigations of sleep deprivation to perfecting anthrax delivery systems enemy but to ensure compliance loyalty. At Detrick that was the myth with which i grew up as a matter of record... The truth was being eric olson harvard even as it was coming to light other of. Met Gottlieb at the pad, and assets did more than LSD and contain his psychosis... In boxes and then given LSD, which the CIA has always maintained as a child did than. Far declined to go public with their claims could i break the so-called block. Decades of diligent work and a notation that Gottliebs missive had taken longer than expected to him... 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