Review. Although they would say that wouldn't' they? Brian Cox and Robin Ince wonder what we have learnt from Covid? (the answer is yes!). They discuss ancient cave paintings depicting Orion's belt, the astronomical revolution that came with our understanding of how planets orbit the Sun, and how astronauts like Tim who have "touched the sky" have seen the stars in a totally unique way. They discuss why failure in science is no bad thing, and ask whether getting it wrong, is a fundamental part of the scientific method, and should in fact be applied to many other areas of life. Brian Cox and Robin Ince find out about the materials that we couldnt live without. Series 24 The Infinite Monkey Cage Brian Cox and Robin Ince return for a new series of the hit science/comedy show. The Infinite Monkey Cage Series 24 Black Holes Brian Cox throws Robin Ince into a black hole to see what happens next. Robin Ince and Brian Cox are joined by comedian Helen Keen ("It is Rocket Science") and space medicine expert Dr Kevin Fong, to discuss the future of human space travel. Read more. They'll be looking at the Rosetta mission that has, for the first time, landed a probe on a comet, and the Cassini-Huygens mission which is bringing us extraordinary information about Saturn and its moons, and what these explorations of the far reaches of our solar system might tell us about our own planet. The. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Dara O'Briain, Professor Sheila Rowan of Glasgow University and Professor Nils Andersson of Southampton University to look at last summer's spectacular discovery of gravitational waves from two colliding neutron stars. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by chemist Andrea Sella, science broadcaster and writer Gabrielle Walker and comedian Sara Pascoe to look at the life and death properties of oxygen. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover if we are living in a golden-age for conspiracy theories, Brian Cox and Robin Ince take the monkey cage to Australia to visit the Deep Space Network. Science Goes to Hollywood: Science Fact V Science Fiction. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Alan Davies and neuroscientists Prof Uta Frith and Prof Sophie Scott. From Einstein's equations more than a 100 years ago through to the amazing discoveries we've made in the last few years about blackholes and gravitational waves, the universe we think we see is not necessarily the true fundamental reality that physics has uncovered. They are joined on stage by Noel Fielding, evolutionary biologist Nick Lane and writer and expert in popular culture, Sir Christopher Frayling. They also look to the future as the panel talk about the various options being considered for long term space flight with planned future missions to the Moon and ultimately Mars. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Katy Brand, and neuroscientists Professor Uta Frith and Professor Sophie Scott to ask whether the mind is simply a product of the biology of our brain, or is there more to it than that? . Brian Cox and Robin Ince find out what science tells us about wine. Praise for the BBC Radio 4 programme The Infinite Monkey Cage: . At first glance the questions may seem impossible, but, as it turns out, maths and physics can provide an answer to these headscratchers, as the panel discover. This week, Brian Cox and Robin Ince attempt to walk through the doors of perception. Brian Cox and Robin Ince return for a new series of science/comedy chat. Brian and Robin head up the iconic Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank to explore Einstein's theory in action, and talk to scientists who are still probing the mysteries hidden within General Relativity. They are joined by comedian Katy Brand, author and food critic Grace Dent, material scientist Mark Miodownik and science writer Harold McGee, whose seminal book on the science of the kitchen launched the craze for molecular gastronomy. The idea that we might simply be products of an advanced post-human civilisation, that are simply running a simulation of our universe and everything it contains, has taken hold over the last few years. Is our sense of the world around us a completely personal experience and a construct of our brains? "Episode 2: An Infinite Monkey's Guide to General Relativity". Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover whether ageing could really be cured. "The Infinite Monkey Cage" attempts to bring science and fun listening together. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by US superstar neuroscientist David Eagleman, Professor Sophie Scott and comedian Bridget Christie to ask what is reality? They look at how radio and space telescopes have allowed us to look back in time and "see" the big bang, and understand the age and content of the early universe, and how space telescopes have thrown light on the mysterious substance known as dark matter. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by author and journalist David Aaronovitch, psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman and neuroscientist Professor Sophie Scott as they tackle the science of deception. He offers nothing, sadly unsubscribing.". The Science Party goes against everything science should be. This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 17:26. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by mathematician Marcus Du Sautoy, science journalist Adam Rutherford and comic book legend Alan Moore to discuss why symmetry seems such a pervasive phenomenon throughout our universe, and possibly beyond. In the first episode of the series, Brian and Robin are joined by comedian Andy Hamilton to discuss some of the wackier apocalyptic theories, as well as those more grounded in science fact. Brian and Robin find out how this should change the way we look at all plants, and in particular how we manage our forests and discover some of the secrets of those whispering trees. They'll be looking at some of the fantastic ideas at the very forefront of science and technology that are being looked at to help in tackling some of the biggest challenges facing our planet, from climate change, to feeding our ever expanding global population. Brian Cox and Robin Ince apply mathematical thinking to everyday problems. "I love listening to Brian Cox and the passion he has for his subject. Why do so many people have a favourite number, for example, and why is it most often the number 7? What do our panel wish they'd been taught at school, and what is the key to a life-long love of numbers? Also features Brian Cox. Fossil Records and other Archaeological Hits. "The Infinite Monkey Cage USA Tour: New York". Ding ding. The Infinite Monkey Cage teleports to California for this special episode recorded at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They'll be covering topics including planets outside our solar system, what we've learnt from Covid and more . What are the big questions that dinosaur hunters are hoping to uncover, and did they go extinct at all? Ince often imitates and quotes Carl Sagan. 1. They'll be discovering the joy of creepy crawlies, why the flea is the ultimate master of Darwinian evolution, and whether those pesky cockroaches will really have the last laugh if we are unlucky enough to be wiped out by a nuclear explosion. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover the importance of the night sky to human history and how our relationship with the stars has changed over the centuries. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Katy Brand, Prof Polly Arnold and Prof Andrea Sella to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Dmitri Mendeleev's great achievement. Available now How to Teach Maths 42:38 All available episodes (7. Producer: Rami Tzabar. Brian and Robin get to grips with the chemistry of this contradictory molecule, and Andrea Sella tries not to cause too big an explosion by demonstrating oxygen's reactive nature using a digestive biscuit. They'll be taking their own unique look at the Christmas story and the history of the bible and asking whether the christmas story and your view of humanity changes once you've look back at earth from the heavens themselves. Brian Cox and Robin Ince take to the stage in San Francisco for the last of their USA specials. series of books. The Infinite Monkey Cage Series 24 Exploring the Deep This content doesn't seem to be working. Series 24, Black Holes. Described by judges of the Sony Award as 'a brilliant way of being both innovative and instructive, bringing humour to what some will see as a dull subject. Brian Cox and Robin Ince stretch the cage of infinite proportions this week to encompass not just our own universe, but, Brian Cox and Robin Ince transport the cage of infinite proportions, to the slightly more confined space of the, The Infinite Monkeys are back and in the first of the new series Brian Cox and Robin Ince boldly go where no science programme has been before, as they discuss space exploration with. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discover whether ageing could really be cured. Brian Cox and Robin Ince apply mathematical thinking to everyday problems. What would a planet without flies look like? Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Dave Gorman, zoologist Tim Cockerill and forensic entomologist Amoret Whitaker. Brian Cox and Robin Ince take to the stage at this year's Cheltenham Science Festival to discuss science mavericks. Brian, Robin and the panel talk about the vital yet delicate relationship between the coral polyp and its tiny plant lodger, how they evolved to be so co-dependent, and how this unique partnership has led to some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Is the information about Robin lost forever, or is there a chance, sometime in the far future, a super intelligent alien civilisation could piece back some key information to discover proof he ever existed? In addition to the regular programmes, a special entitled "An Infinite Monkey's Guide to General Relativity" was broadcast in two half-hour episodes on 8 and 15 December 2015. It's the molecule we simply can't live without, but as fate would have it, oxygen is also the molecule that eventually leads to our death. . They'll be talking about the biggest challenges facing humanity at the moment, and whether science offers the solution to some of these great problems, from Climate Change to the rise of AI. [11] Idle and his band performed the song live on the show when it toured in Los Angeles in 2015 and it appears in the 2016 TV show "The Entire Universe". They ask whether being irrational is our default setting and how to convince the most hard-core believers with the power of evidence and critical thinking. They ask whether our seemingly innate fear of snakes and spiders is justified, and whether the deadliest creature on the planet is in fact a human being. Brian Cox and Robin Ince find out about the materials that we couldnt live without. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Dr Jane Goodall DBE, comedian Bill Bailey and primatologist Dr Cat Hobaiter to find out what we've learnt in the 60 years since Jane first discovered the chimpanzees of Gombe. Should badgers wear bicycle helmets? Brian Cox and Robin Ince host a close encounter of the 1st kind with comedian Lucy Beaumont, astronomer Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Director of Jodrell Bank Professor Tim OBrien, and science presenter Dallas Campbell to ask if UFOs and aliens have visited Earth? They explore the different experience of astronauts from Charlie's era, and those who now become residents of space, spending months and months aboard the International Space Station, and the challenges each mission brings. The Infinite Monkeys Robin Ince and Brian Cox are in a festive mood as they discuss the science of Christmas with special guests biologist Richard Dawkins, actor and writer Mark Gatiss and science journalist Roger Highfield. ", "Frank Skinner and Jason Byrne win at Sony Awards 2011", "54th Rose D'Or Awards Honour the Best in TV and Radio Entertainment", "Uncaged Monkeys, New Theatre Oxford & touring, review", "Infinite universes and dead strawberries: an interview with Brian Cox and Robin Ince", "BBC Radio 4 The Infinite Monkey Cage Episodes", "BBC Radio 4 The Infinite Monkey Cage Episodes 2010s > 2015 > December",,,,,,,, Just Brian please. Brian Cox and Robin Ince look up at the stars of the southern hemisphere. The panel chat about how far our understanding has come in that time, and talk about their own unique close-up experiences of chimpanzees, macaques and baboons, and Bill gets a masterclass in how to speak chimp from a true expert! Read about our approach to external linking. BBC Radio 4. Sat, 24 Dec 2022. Brian Cox and Robin Ince take to the stage at. Has the invention of modern medicine, and technology meant that survival of the fittest is a thing of the past or are humans evolving new adaptations that will help us cope and survive better in our ever changing world (better thumbs for texting anyone?). They are joined by astrophysicists Kirsten Banks and Devika Kamath and comedian Ross Noble as they discuss how different the night sky looks from the southern hemisphere. They discuss the psychology and profile of people who are more likely to believe in conspiracies and the devastating effect some, like the anti-vaccine movement, have had on public health. Bats v Flies. They are joined by ecologists Dieter Hochuli and Mariella Herberstein and comedian Claire Hooper. Brian Cox and Robin Ince kick off a new series of Infinite Monkey Cage with a look at probably the least revered or liked group of insects, the flies. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Sara Pascoe to get a unique maths lesson. Brian Cox and Robin Ince end their Australian science adventure with an episode all about spiders. They are joined by comedian and talk-show host Conan O'Brien, alongside JPL's Dr Katie Stack Morgan and Dr Kevin Hand, and discuss the incredible missions that are hunting for signs of life within our own solar system. Do mathematicians make better Poker players, or is psychology the key to the ultimate poker face? Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Shazia Mirza, science writer and cancer researcher Dr David Robert Grimes and psychologist Prof Karen Douglas to look at the weird world of Conspiracy theories. And how will materials shape our future? Brian Cox and Robin Ince return for a new series of the hit science/comedy show. Brian Cox and Robin Ince look at the weird and wacky world of black holes as they ask a question that has been troubling scientists for years: What happens if you push Matt Lucas into a black hole? A brilliant distillation of topics from the 'Infinite Monkey Cage' radio series, this may just be the most accessible science book Brian Cox has produced, and that is due in no small part to the back-and-forth-with . Last edited on 23 February 2023, at 17:26, "BBC Radio 4 The Infinite Monkey Cage Series", "A cat in a wheelie bin can help us ponder how the universe works", "The Infinite Monkey Cage, Radio 4, Monday; Take one boffin. They'll also be investigating the purpose of dreams and whether analysing them has any useful purpose? They'll be asking why symmetry seems so ubiquitous and whether the key to Brian's large female fanbase is down to his more than usually symmetrical face. Was he right? Moving on from the pedantry of physics, they'll be asking whether the divide between men and women is based on a fundamental difference in our genetics, in our brain function, or is it all down to our upbringing. Is your sense of the world around you an illusion constructed by this extraordinary organ, the brain, that has no direct access to the outside world that it is helping you to understand. Joining Brian in the physics corner will be comedian and ex-physicist Dara O'Briain, and trading punches for the chemists will be Professor Andrea Sella and monkey cage regular Professor Tony Ryan. The Infinite Monkey Cage. They'll be asking when studying paranormal phenomenon went from a genuine scientific endeavour, to the realms of pseudoscience. Producer: Rami Tzabar. "The Infinite Monkey Cage USA Tour: San Francisco". They look at how the history and development of the telescope and the microscope have allowed us to look at the impossibly big to the seemingly impossibly small, to gain insight into the history of our universe and the inner workings of the human body. They are joined on stage by NASA astronauts Sandra Magnus and Terry Virts, ESA astronaut Claude Nicollier, and Apollo 16's Charlie Duke, one of the last people to have walked on the moon. Witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists' eyes. Brian Cox and Robin Ince discuss some of the more unlikely and odd avenues of research travelled down in the name of science. In a special programme recorded as part of this year's. Former cosmologist Dara O'Briain and Dr Alice Roberts join physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince for a witty, irreverent and unashamedly rational look at the world according to science. Brian Cox and Robin Ince host a witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists' eyes. From Flat Earth believers to people who refuse to accept that humans have ever been to the moon, why is fiction often so much easier to believe than fact and does it matter? Actor, writer and illusionist Andy Nyman, actor and comedian Diane Morgan, Professor of Psychology and magician Richard Wiseman, and theologian and broadcaster Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou will all be demonstrating how basic human psychology and evolution allow us to see and believe the seemingly impossible. Nobody was caged, not a monkey in sight . They ask why so many movies now seem to employ a science advisor, whether scientific accuracy is really important when you are watching a film about a mythical norse god and whether science fact can actually be far more interesting than science fiction. Brian Cox and Robin Ince travel deep below the ocean waves to discover what lies beneath. What have modern-day explorers such as Diva and Jon discovered during their many expeditions to the deepest points of our oceans, and can they persuade Tim to join them on their next voyage? How would the evolution of life on our planet have differed without plants, and what would our planet look like today? Saturday 2 nd July 2022. Our dreams have fascinated humans for millennia and then Freud came along and told us they really did mean something, and mostly they were about sex and anger. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian and author Danny Wallace, ornithologist Professor Tim Birkhead and marine biologist Helen Scales to look at animal intelligence. The Infinite Monkeys, Robin Ince and Brian Cox, return for a new series of irreverent science chatter with a host of special guests. Brian Cox and Robin Ince take to the stage in Chicago, Illinois, to discuss fossil records and evolution. Read about our approach to external linking. Released On: 30 Jul 2022 Available for over a year Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Alan Davies as they. Read about our approach to external linking. Although many people fear maths and will admit to dreading any task that requires even basic skills of numeracy, the truth is that numbers really are everywhere and our relationship with them can, at times, be oddly emotional. Will a knowledge of probability give you the ultimate winning strategy for your next game of Monopoly? Brian Cox and Robin Ince transport their cage of infinite proportions to the Glastonbury Festival as they take to the stage with their special brand of science and comedy. They also look at the results of their own personal DNA testsso which panellist is a little bit neanderthal and which one has a genetic history firmly rooted in the North! The second of two programmes recorded at the Edinburgh Festival. They find out whether mathematicians are more successful at dating than comedians, and whether a rational, scientific approach to love and life long happiness is really the answer. The Infinite Monkey Cage Series 24 How to Teach Maths This content doesn't seem to be working. 24 December 2022. Could there be a quantum explanation for how this amazing reaction works, and if so, are plants in fact the perfect quantum computers? Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined on stage by comedian Jo Brand, and physicists Prof Jo Dunkley and Dr Adam Masters to look at how we go about measuring our universe, from measuring the contents of atmospheres of planets and moons at the outer edges of our solar system to looking far back in time to study the very earliest beginnings of the cosmos. The complete series 1-5 of the Sony Award Winning BBC Radio 4 show, The Infinite Monkey Cage, presented by physicist Brian Cox and comedian Robin Ince.The duo, assisted by a panel of experts and entertainers, tackle subjects such as biology, cosmology, physics and why Brian's hair is always so perfect. They are joined by comedian and former motoring correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, Alexei Sayle, Land Speed Record Holder Andy Green and Professor Danielle George from the University of Manchester. He drank the bacterium he suspected was the cause, and as a result reversed decades of medical doctrine. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by comedian Jo Brand. They look at some of the lores of the kitchen are backed up by the science, and ask whether a truly delicious dinner is really a science or an art. As of July 2018, there have been 103 episodes spanning 18 series plus 6 specials; two responding to viewers questions and Christmas Specials in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. They also look at the very real threat to our planets reefs as our oceans warm, and what, if anything can be done. Also features Brian Cox. 24 offers from $4.32. Elon Musk thinks we definitely could be, and it seems he is not alone. They are joined by cosmologist and science advisor on movies such as Thor and Tron Legacy, Sean Carroll, comedian Joe Rogan, The Simpsons' writer and Executive Producer of Futurama, David X Cohen, and Eric Idle. Brian Cox and Robin Ince are joined by Ted Lasso's Brendan Hunt, Professor of forest ecology and author of "The Mother Tree", Suzanne Simard and botanist Mark Spencer to discover how trees and plants communicate and what they are saying. They'll also be revealing why a chimpanzee could be classified as far more rational than its human counterpart. Ince attempt to walk through the doors of perception hoping to uncover, and what the... Listening to brian Cox and Robin Ince wonder what we have learnt from Covid available for a! Have differed without plants, and it seems he is not alone discuss records. 30 Jul 2022 available for over a year brian Cox and Robin Ince travel Deep below the waves... Hollywood: science Fact V science Fiction Ince travel Deep below the ocean to. 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