I am sure new research and new perpectives have appeared since then, so some of the information may be dated. With 45,000 men, they looked to defeat Braggs 37,000 troops as Murfreesboro. Lee was forced to fight before he was prepared, and he was not free to maneuver because, without Stuart, Lee couldnt tell were the Northern troops were. I have three reasons for why I think the South was effected more than the Union. 3. 17 First, his pontoon trains that were needed to cross the Rappahannock River had gone astray and were two weeks late in arriving, giving Lee plenty of time to prepare for a defensive battle against Burnside. A United States journalist and writer, Catton was one of America's most popular Civil War historians. The slaves could run a farm with relatively little help but the owners, the main strength of the south, was on the firing line so nothing in the south could really be improved. This gave the South a cavalry advantage. Catton's writing is clear and easy to follow and the book is so interesting that before you know it, you are almost finished! Mr. Lincoln's Army Chapter Summary. Sectional Reactions to Events XV. They both refused. He could have walked in Lincolns office and shot him. 2. After learning about the civil war, he decided to write the story about the war. Though this was not originally his purpose (his goal was to defeat the Confederate troops led by Hood), this was a good victory which rose the moral of the soldiers and citizens of the North. Thought Beauregards strategy failed it gave him the advantage of fighting on the defensive. He marched from Savannah to Atlanta destroying everything as he went. Then Lee sent one goup with Stonewall Jackson and attacked Hooker. In response to your answer Bleeding Kansas, you are correct. Instead, he trusted *George Thomas* to defend Nashville and began his March thorugh Georgia. Ultimately, Thomas practically destroyed Hoods Army of Tennessee, although it would be pieced together from other units and make a weak challenge of Sherman once he had turned North from Savannah and reached the Carolinas. In chapter 8, things for the Union army look promising. It moistens the reading to a delectable entree. Instead of Lee telling his army to disband and continue to fight guerrilla warfare until death, he surrendered his army. Chapter 6 On the first day Jackson was pushed back and Pope thought he had won, but on the second day Lee rejoined Jackson just in time and together they forced a Union retreat. Compare and contrast the cavalry of the North and the South. Grant won the battle with help from reinforcements, and captured 15,000 confederates along the way. The chapter titled "A Dark Indefinite Shore" at the end of the book recounts Abraham Lincoln's recurring -- and last -- dream. These armies added up to about 100,000 men. Which consisted of more capable men? Chapter 9 is all about one battle where strategy triumphs over number. Catton was known as a narrative historian who specialized in popular histories that emphasized the colorful characters and vignettes of history, in addition to the simple dates, facts, and analysis. We will begin reading our second supplementary book, The Civil War by Bruce Catton. Booth was very boastful of his plans, bringing in a lot of attention. Of those 500,000, 135,000 belonged to the South, and of those 150,000, 10,000 were modern guns and the rest were old fashioned. Chapter Eleven: Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Bruce Catton was America's greatest Civil War historian, and he made the events of that seminal conflict come alive for millions. A huge factor was probably Lees division of his army into three parts although this had worked for him in the past, he shouldnt have divided his army at such a crucial battle of the war. 3. Who was in command of the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River? While Sherman was making his way from Tennessee to Atlanta, Davis made a decision that he would probably regret later. Not a military history, with in-depth descriptions and analysis of campaigns. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bruce Catton AMERICA GOES TO WAR 2nd Edition at the best online prices at eBay! Everyone thought his plans would never work, because everyone knew about them. He divided his army and sent Jackson around to attack Pope from the side. The pages turn themselves. Because we were a weak nation during this period, napoleon easily took control of the mexico area. Lee and Jackson soundly defeated Hookers army that was originally about twice as big as the confederate army. GOR001316723. This is where the war ended. His works, although well-researched, were generally not presented in a rigorous academic style, supported by footnotes. . The Union retreated, having lost 17,000 men. Catton uses the words of the soldiers themselves to tell the story in this very engaging and informative read. How the south grew even without slave, and how, in a weird way, the war united our country. This victory gave one less place to bring important goods into the South. ISBN-10: 0828103054 . How did the United States ultimately respond? # 3. In order for the war to be won, Lincoln had to secure the border states. The north was still under the leadership of Winfield Scott, but both had rising stars such as McClellan, McDowell, Lee, Grant, and Johnston. Sheridan beat Early and forced him to retreat. Students will be graded on the quality of your entries, staying within the prescribed timeline, consistency of your entries, quality of the interaction with me, and quality of interaction with other students. He stopped the ship and took the confederates back to the US where he was hailed as a hero. The American Civil War is one of the most written about conflicts in history. Nothing in our time makes the Civil War as alive as the writings of Bruce Catton. Was it an advantage or disadvantage? Chapter 5: The North almost did not win because the South kept fighting and not giving up. The southern Secretary of State offered France and Great Britian abolition of slavery for reginitonin return. Would rather read history than fiction. 2. A grate was on top of the ship to allow for air and light to the lower area. 3: After losing Atlanta, Hood relized that Sherman had to be forced from the South. He writes from a northern perspective of the war, which I feel provides a fresh examination for students from the South. Except for books, Amazon will display a List Price if the product was purchased by customers on Amazon or offered by other retailers at or above the List Price in at least the past 90 days. They did not have a substantial number of steam boats yet. Oliver Jensen, who succeeded him as editor of American Heritage magazine, wrote: "There is a near-magic power of imagination in Catton's work that seemed to project him physically into the battlefields, along the dusty roads and to the campfires of another age.". Grant had the third army in western TN. I will make my own initial entry for each chapter which will include questions to assist with your discussion. What type of intervention was the English government considering during the fall of 1862? Never was a great army so poorly served by its officers. The Democratic party was opposed to the way of thinking in the Union party they wanted a softer war or no war at all. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. The test will focus on specific objectives discussed on the blog. ch10 With so much material to consume I wanted to find a relatively short primer on the war. Thus, this novel exemplifies the civil war; its causes, as well as its impact in the modern world. What were the political consequences? He concludes with a short yet penetrating chapter on the immediate and long-term effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination: how Secretary of War Edwin Stanton took over temporarily and permanently damaged any hope of a true reconciliation between North and South by placing the blame for the assassination squarely on the Confederate Government, when in fact that soon-to-be disbanded body had nothing whatsoever to do with it. The Confederates were forced back but never retreated. He gives detailed examples of how a group would have to switch from a marching formation to one for fighting. With Kentucky, he gave time and leisure, knowing the decision was inevitable. The South valued Fort Sumter, because of its location near a very important harbor. Chapter Three: Bruce Catton writes superbly; this book reads very well. This would prove to have no effect because the Army of the Potomac followed Lees army instead of trying to capture Richmond. What mistakes were made by Ambrose Burnside in his attempt to defeat Lees army at Fredericksburg? What was Hoods objective of moving the Confederate Army of Tennessee north through Alabama and into Tennessee? Excellent job Chessa. The split between the southern and northern side of the U.S. was very well illustrated through the causes and different opinions regarding slavery in the civil war. List prices may not necessarily reflect the product's prevailing market price. Also, transportation in the South was much worse than that in the North. Author: Bruce Catton. Major Robert Anderson and General Beauregard were the commanders in the Battle of Fort Sumter. If they weren't trying to defame him, they were trying to get his job or suck in so much power that would make a black hole jealous. Sherman eventually won the battle of Atlanta, and his strategy proved to work. Hooker had a much larger army than the Confederate army. Napoleon III took great political advantage of the Civil War. In the end, a battle that saw over 20,000 casualties could be considered meaningless for the strategy and outcome of the war. 1. Because they could not get cotton from the South, the North had to turn to other industries such as the leather industry. A week after Henry, they attacked. By 1865, the South had missed its chance. The Navy had plenty of ships, but none of these ships were going to be helpful in inforcing the blockade. The leaders learned their job as they went, there was no official training. His strategy was based on the idea that they would continue to fight no matter how much territory was occupied. Hooker retreated, leaving Lee with a victory. There were many Federals who wanted to see Conferderates hanged and many Conferderates who wanted to kill Federals; however Grant and Lees actions towards one another, representing each side, showed a sense of uniting the two regions. An excellent source of education, Reviewed in Japan on September 8, 2022. The last army was the Army of Tennessee led by Grant. At the end of the chapter, Catton states that everything is in the hands of Grant. Then Sheridan pursued and won another battle at Fishers Hill, and he went on with the job that Grant had ordered destroying the fertile Shenandoah Valley that had been the primary source of food for the Confederate army in the area. There probably wasnt an extensive amount of extra ammunition. Ch. The only reasons why I didn't give it five stars was because of two things: 1) The pictures throughout the book don't also match up to the text on the same pages, and it is a little confusing at times and 2) the author interjects and tells about his personal visits to the sites throughout the book. The war was basically men in uniforms shooting men without uniforms. At this point it seems the South, unworried, may win the war; while the North was trying to prevent states from seceding instead of moving South, preparing for battle. A superbly written text from a master historian. Sherman wanted to ignore the Union military strategy and show that the Confederacy was too weak to protect its citizens and their property. Some of these items ship sooner than the others. Where I do feel the author falls a little short is getting to the point. Why does he say that if it hadnt been for slavery, the other conflict which led to war could have been decided through political process? The armies were headed toward Atlanta, but Atlanta was not the objective. Most of these men were from rural areas and were used to handling horses on a regular basis. Baltimore SunInfinitely readable and absorbing, Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Cattons The Civil War is one of the most widely read general histories of the war available in a single volume. While he always seemed to put the story first, his scholarship was excellent and his books have stood the test of time. Chapter 11 examines the economic preparation of the North and South for the support of the war. The fifth column had little outcome on the war. Douglas knew that the idea of popular sovereignty in states would be enough of an incentive to gain Southern support for his plan. Chapter 9 discusses the Battle at Chancellorsville between Lee and Hooker. One of the main reasons was simply because the South lost the war. The other conflicts people had they would have been willing to compromise on if it were not for the rotten apple of slavery. Mr. Catton makes it clear that the war could not be won with naval strength. The North completely destroyed most of the South and took away their slaves. Napoleon III took advantage of the Civil War by taking over Mexico and employing a French puppet state under the Hapsburg Maximilian as Emperor of Mexico. It's a wonder the South did not defeat the North just on the incompetence of the Lincoln administration alone. Though, Lincolns proclamation only freed slaves in the South. Your interpretation of the events of the Civil War were right on target. The south said that they would abolish slavery if Great Britain and France would recognize them as an independent nation. So, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that this good, solid overview of the conflict does not go much into the details of the numerous battles - even Gettysburg. Lincoln had two strategies of handling border states, the first was delicate handling, which was what Kentucky got, the other was hard-fisted ruthlessness, this was what Maryland and Missouri got, Maryland was the most important because it was the state that connected the Capitol to the rest of the Union. The author of this book made a very interesting point that if Booth had only wanted to kill Lincoln, he could have arranged an appointment. He knew if he went North above Atlanta, Sherman would follow. Cavalry provided the South with a fast-paced war, moving from place to place much faster than the infantry could. . ch15 this chapter explains the battle of atlanted when sherman finally defeated hood. List Price: $29.75. 2. He forced Bragg and his men to retreat. The Union was forced to retreat. Seward was the genius behind when the Emancipation Proclamation should be given. 17 Grant would not do a frontal attack on Lee. I use this book for students to read in a Civil War history class and they really enjoy reading it. For a quick read of the Civil War, Catton is a good introduction into the topic. The result of that decision was the obliteration of crops that would have helped the Confederacy and the eventual destruction of Earlys army. Chapter 12: In the summer of 1863, Rosecrans and Bragg engaged in battle near Chattanooga. Though Atlanta was very important to the Confederacy, Shermans main objective was the Confederate army at his front. The Union army had more casualties than the Confederate army. After losing at Bull Run, McDowell was replaced by McClellan as the leader of the Union armies including the army of the Potomac. I was surprised that both North and South didnt take threats of war seriously. 1861) (No. 7 2. What were the military consequences? His army of 45,000 soldiers facing Braggs Confederate army of 37,000 looked good for him. Because of the railroad in Corinth, Mississippi, Johnston and Beauregard set up here, and recognized it as a strong point because they were between the armies of Buell and Grant. The publication data are somewhat confusing: Goodreads says this book dates from 1960, the e-book I read via Kobo had 2014 as the only date among its scant bibliographical information. Burnside tried again to cross the river and attack Lee, but three days of icy rain turned roads into mud and bogged his army down. 4. This chapter discusses the presidential representatives and politics during the civil war. Free shipping for many products! This novel has introduced the topics of abolition, John Brown, and train of refugee slaves who followed Shermans army. Britain had done this many times during the War of 1812 but was highly offended when this happened to them in 1861. This was a big blow to the Confederates because it hurt their economy so much. Available in used condition with free delivery in the UK. ch11 The issue of slavery had a huge impact. Also much of the war was fought on southern territory so many had to rebuild houses, cities, lives, and many other things. This book highlights the beginning years of the Civil War especially when General McClellan was still in command. Aside from reading Doris Kearns Goodwins Team of Rivals (which is wonderful, by the way) and working through an EdX class taught by Eric Foner, I have merely collected books on the subject in anticipation of delving deeply into the conflict, politics, characters and period of the Civil War. I think the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was one of the huge contributing factors to the start of the war. 3. As Grant was attacking Jackson, Mississippi in order to position his army on the eastern side of Vicksburg, the Confederate General Pemberton received conflicting orders from General Joe Johnston and President Jefferson Davis. General Rosecrans brilliantly handled the task that he was given- capture Chattanooga. Although slavery was initially very successful in the South, it eventually handicapped their economy. The people of the South were stubborn and did not want to change their lives. Bruce Catton was the go to Civil War author prior to Shelby Foote. 1961 First Edition The Coming Fury Bruce Catton Civil War Trilogy #1 Near . It was Grant who changed the strategy to all out war and destroying the Confederate armies when he was appointed in command of all Union armies by Lincoln. They had flambouyant uniforms with many confusing names that were unnecessary. In chapter 16 Hood realizes Sherman must be forced out of the South. Lees next objedtive was to take Pennsylvania. In this case, if they were to be too hard on their soldiers, they might lose future voters. Catton has clear prose, and while you might be tempted to disagree with some of his conclusions he is a careful and fair judge of a war continually being rewritten. The Army of the Cumberland was led by Willian S. Rosecrans. ch 1: With that being said, the South took the initiative to build iron clad steam boats. In Shermans mind war was horrible and the only humane way to fight a war was bring it to as fast an end possible. Chapter 14: Lee left part of his force in Fredericksburg to occupy Hookers remaining men. 2. The other victory was of the Shenandoah Valley. Ch. Stephen Douglas wanted to build a transcontinental railroad and one of the ends to be Chicago; he accomplished the South agreeing to this by passing the Kansas-Nebraska act, outlining the idea of popular sovereignty and repealing the Missouri Compromise. 1. He was either going to take Atlanta by making the Confederates retreat, or making them come and fight out in the open. 2. After all of this failure, Burnside was removed from command and the Army of the Potomac was out of commission for the rest of the winter. These things had to be done in the light, dark, calm, and heat of battle. You could have also mentioned the mainstream expansion of the abolitionist movement resulting from Uncle Toms Cabin. What serious error was made by Bragg once the Army of Tennessee surrounded the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga? This will ensure that the final document is complete and may effectively prepare each of you for the test. 3. Lincoln just eventually decided to surround the Southern coast. He wanted the country to forget about the issue of slavery and think about the development of Western lands (specifically a transcontinental railroad). Then, all state governments would be considered lawful once their members took an oath to support the Constitution. Ch 7: Chapter 5: The Union Army also controlled the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers at this point. Hookers army was about twice the size of Lees army during the battle. Entertaining, vivid, and shallow. The armies in Europe were just much more trained, organized, and actually looked and fought like real armies, as to where the Union and Confederate armies were just common men going out and fighting a war. The second way was cutting a channel from the Mississippi to Lake Providence to deepen the streams that ran from it but they could not get enough shallow-draft steamers. Hooker split his soldiers into three separate parts in an attempt to corner Lee. But I guess everyone just assumed that these threats were only politically motivated and posed no real problem. Without these three victories which rose the spirits of the Northerners, Lincoln probably would not have been re-elected and the next President probably would have ended the war. He was attempting to engage Forrest at Nashville. But Rosecrans took it too far and tried it again and Bragg stood his ground and forced Rosecrans back into Chattanooga and sealed him there. England got what she wanted. Chapter 7: 1. I personally think that the British overreacted because their pride was hurt, especially if they had done this type of thing before. (Continued from Above)-While Sherman would deviate from Grants general strategy (with Grant and Lincolns blessings), he would continue the basic principle of Grants strategy which was all-out war, concentrating on making the South suffer. Two Southern diplomats to England and France were aboard the British mail steamer, the Trent. If Sherman had stayed with his original objective to destroy armies, he would have gone off on a wild goose chase. I also believe they had probably grown very familiar with the late Henry Clay (died 1852) solving the nations disagreements with another compromise.