Time needed to cause petechiae is; Fifteen to thirty seconds (Anscombe and Knight 1996); Ten to thirty seconds (Plattner et al 2005); Fifteen seconds maximum (Copley & Kozam 1951) using the capillary fragility test; Shortly after gravity inversion in healthy individuals (Friberg & Weinreb 1985) You may say murder itself is cowardice, but if youre the murderer, youre taking a huge risk, and if youre an introverted murderer, youre being your version of brave by physically confronting and attacking someone. Supposedly he took them out of school and said they wouldnt be coming back. She was pregnant some women have very sore breasts when pregnant and the bra adds support & comfort. The Watts family killings and the financial devastation, infidelity, and what appears on the videos as a mindless neglect of the children overlay all these sad accounts. like others, cannot wrap my brain around his behavior. Heres what the autopsy says about Shananns cause of death: The autopsy report said that Shanann had a history of being reported missing and subsequently found unresponsive in obvious state of death in a shallow grave. The cause of death was Asphyxiation due to manual strangulation with Bruising of the Anterior strap muscles of the neck.. They asked him ways to murder somebody & he said shoot someone, hit them with a club, stab them, run them over, throw them off a cliff, a bunch of other weird ways but steering wide of strangling. The kids had two wack jobs for parents. I believe he killed her while she was sleeping, would have been easy to trap her arms under covers. Page 535 Make sense? That goes against every human primal instinct we have, it just wouldnt happen. but I dont think she ever went upstairs, not even to check on the girls. The girls were described as light sleepers, and I wonder if this was because in fact they were sleeping too much, because wow, that is a lot of sleep, even for their ages. The autopsy noted that recovered items included oil soaked pink pajama type top with images of hearts and butterflies and a pair of oil soaked underwear.. External bruising may have been caused by the assailant releasing the victim after killing by stranglehold, and the victim falling onto an object which would cause small circular patternation and subsequent bruising. Youre obviously trolling! The kids died afterward, otherwise he would have to break bones due to rigor to get them through the hatch. Shanann was found in a shallow grave at an oil site near the drums. She probably snuggled up next to him & was able to fall asleep. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? Weld County DA In the text, Shanann also tells Chris that he hasn't shown any signs of missing her in the weeks they have been apart. Bella was wearing pink pajama-type top with images of hearts and butterflies. Poor thing. A person with OCD also wouldnt have that much stuff on the bathroom vanity. Shan'ann seemed to have a fairly mild case. The second dog was simply a tracker dog, not trained for cadavers but to track a missing person. Do you think he ninja-attacked her the moment she entered the house? Simply stated, you are an ignorant human being, Badmouthing the vicitm like that when she can not defend herself. Shanann loved clothes, and also being away for work (product) she may have had a huge heavy as suitcase loaded up, and as much as she wanted it upstairs thought Chris was asleep and being exhausted, preggers etc. Her house was immaculate, I envy that she was able to keep everything like that. Remember, she was pregnant. I hope this is okay, Nick the way the financial counselor walks the wife through her options is important to understand and doesnt appear to detract from your sites mission and goals. Told everyone I was bipolar, that we were divorced, even took me to one of his counseling sessions to prove I was the one with the problem. He is responsible for his own actions, many people live with worse and dont kill anyone. I also think the MLM biz attracts people that are lost, and need to be directed and consumed by something. Meredith Kercher is a famous example. This whole thing is terrible. Three days after the murders, on August 16, police discovered Shanann's body in a shallow grave and the girls stuffed inside nearby oil tanks on the . He went from great dad to not wanting anything to do with them, me or any responsibilities. The autopsy reports for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters show that all three were asphyxiated to death, and it's probable that 4-year-old Bella Watts fought for her life.. B . Chris worked at a petroleum manufacturing company. Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW. I really think that the pregnancy started the whole thing. Then he felt he had to kill CeCe too. I honestly believe Chris smothered them all with ethanol soaked cloths. Why else would he go there with 3 bodies? The lack of a broken hyoid bone (called thyroid bone in the autopsy?) Only feces already in the lower part of the large intestine/colon is going to evacuate and even then- it depends on the position of the body, the amount of decomposition and rigor mortis. DENVER (CBS4) The district attorney in Weld County says the autopsy reports are complete for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters found dead at . He then "went into a rage," he claimed, and strangled her to death in retaliation. Shananns mother Sandra Rzucek told police she suspected foul play and suspected Chris, saying he was acting weird and out of the ordinary. I think he was doing this so she would feel comfortable when she got home, and would be able to sleep. He probably wanted it done quickly and in the dark so he wouldnt have to see anyones faces, anything that might make him doubt what he is doing. God I wish she had taken the girls and just got the heck out of there. That alone speaks volumes how they were approaching their relationship. He resented how close they all were and was sadistic enough to hurt her. I also believe in my heart that Shannan did not hurt her babies Theres really not much to say about this, right? Powered by. I always slept in a bra when I was in my 20s and 30s. It takes 4 5 hours for a stomach to empty after eating. Because she was submerged in oil for four days. The autopsy also made no references to elevated levels of any Thrive-related chemicals. Watts isnt a trained jujitsu. So its OCD when it comes to what people see, both house and life if you will..but a suitcase at 2 am, 4 months pregnant, I could easily see her saying nope to carrying that suitcase upstairs. Here is the parts in Shanann's autopsy report that says the stuff about how her hair was sloughing, that she had skin slippage & bloating/decomposing had started. Like 1 in the kitchen by her purse. @Carol: OCD appears at least 5 times in the Discovery Documents. Seemed to me like she kept everything clean that you could see. And where do you think he did it? She also could not stand Shannan. Thanks for making the reports public. Or putting her down. I am by no means defending him. Not one place on his body? And even if he did not kill them twice so to speak, he killed the on in front of the other with no thoughts to their fear levels or anything but yet you put all the blame on another of the victims. Kick him? @Nickvdl IMO I think he strangled her from behind and on their bed. @Nick, regarding OCD. What are the odds???? Its in the autopsy x. I lived with one. She is OCD and very ritualistic in nature. Heres another: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2017-11-23-susan-rohde-sustained-too-many-injuries-to-hang-herself-pathologist/. The detective said not really. Meacham [who knew Shanann from school] described Shanaan as OCD in the way the household operated. Thats a harsh indictment to a woman who cant defend herself. Jami, doesnt make sense. Would he have cleaned up Shannans stuff if he didnt kill them? https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/rohde-court-told-of-faeces-in-spier-hotel-room-15629834. According to the arrest affidavit and footage from a security camera in the interview room, he failed a polygraph test and subsequently confessed to murdering Shanann. Does this indicate that she was alive after being put into the oil tank? Did anyone explain that? Everything you say can & has been disputed. In fact, its not just the muscles but also the gas produced inside your body following death that will cause peeing and pooping. Addition. Please have respect for people who suffer with the condition, and research it before you comment about it. And to think CW called a co-worker @ 5pm to tell him that he would be going directly to the oil battery site and told the co-worker he didnt need to. I agree with you Jessica I cannot get over what he did. Why does there always gotta be one of those? Actually I have a sad experience of watching both my mother and brother pass away in front of me. And if the girls mentioned a nikki shanann may just assume her friend. The floors in the closets had a lot of junk on them, her nightstand drawer was a mess. Watts previously told investigators that Shannan's killing was a spur-of-the-moment crime of passion and didn't admit to planning it. This is from the transcript of the Larry King Live show covering Scott Petersons conviction in the death of his pregnant wife Lacey thats Dr. Henry Lee, a forensic scientist: KING: If there were smothering, would there have been evidence? Completely empty stomach contents doesnt necessarily indicate they died when Shanann died. Ive slept in my bra for 25 years since I got my first breast implants. I cant believe the police let them stay in there. I wore my bra at night sometimes as well while pregnant because they become larger, heavier and more tender. Chris came home and gave consent to search and said that he found Shananns wedding ring on the night stand. Did you live with them? in any case, who the hell trusts anything coming from Chris Watts? I have a theory which could explain Shananns ethanol and alcohol levels. Her friend had to tiptoe around the place when she stayed over for fear of waking the kids up. She was not drinking! But I am of course hoping that she was totally unaware in her unconsciousness. Chris was plainly seen in the neighbors security video loading a red gas can into the back of his truck. And she clearly WANTED the best for them, and she was still learning. He continuously maintained throughout the entire interrogation that he would never hurt those kids. But then whats your scenario? Chris Watts advised that blankets and stuffed animals were left by the sheet which was near Shananns grave. So when he pulls her off theres not one last gasping breath, she dies at that exact moment and theres nothing Chris can do but kill Shannan!!!! Back? I was in Colorado in the area on vacation the week this happened last August and the whole thing is sickening and deeply troubling to me. He said Shanann said she was going to a friends house with their two kids. And I doubt this person is a doctor who can just diagnose ppl he doesnt know either. These are just my opinions (based on zero knowledge). Nick Van Der Leek is the owner of this site and you are invited to comment, which is a privilege and we should be grateful. It seems as if the account Chris gave once he was finally in jail and writing letters was the truth. Does anyone know where I can view the autopsy pictures and/or videos? Which she combed over the menu trying to come up with that amount for one person. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Its horrible. Or look up the video of the DA talking about the autopsies. This is horrific, shocking, my mind is greatly troubled by this aspect. Thankfully that psych warned me I should take the children somewhere to be safe. Do you think youre asking for reasonable evidence that would be commonplace and easy to produce? Id recite a few examples from case law but I dont think youre really here to discuss anything. Jami I have 1 question for you. On page one of the report in the list of Diagnoses, it states:- Chris said that she often went straight to bed without showering after a flight, saying that shed shower and wash bedding to rid it of the airport in the morning. I believe the frenulum injury could be explained from the process of stuffing her head through the thief hatch post mortem it was a tight squeeze with the larger child. Also zero evidence that she was in bed. Please God Forgive me for everything.. Shanann was in there with her on top of her. The lie detector test question focused solely on her, didnt even mention the kids. Areas of bruising, external. The children were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top. Cyril Wect is an expert who always talks about how drowning victims have water in their lungs ONLY if they are alive during drowning and not completely dead !!!!!! Shanann Watts Cause of Death: How Did the Colorado Mother Die? The LeVel MLM was a huge contributing factor in this familys financial collapse. It was already reported that Shannan evacuated her bowels when dying and that is why he took the sheet off, He told police that. He also said he didnt know where they were and he thought they were coming back. It was all a complete lie. Do you think her phone ended up where it was because thats how and where it left her hand? @Kaye Im thinking the girls were killed after Shanann because he knew she would look in on them, perhaps kiss them, before turning to bed herself.>>>When he murdered Shanann, how do you think he did it? I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. Please explain. From their text messages & hers to friends you can tell he was trying to make her believe they had a chance & things were getting better. If that were in fact the equivalent of an $80,000 *salary*, they wouldnt have been behind on their mortgage and HOA dues. That seems to have been nothing but getting manicures, shopping, and making videos. What about rigormortis? Dont mislead people into believing there should be feces in the location of a murder. When it was revealed yesterday that the children had been smothered, I assumed a pillow was used, especially since it would cover their faces and provide emotional distance for Chris while murdering his own children. I see it is listed as pronounced and no estimates of time for cause of death? Knowing that his neighbor had a camera, he has a reason to leave at that time. But youre not thinking any further than that. Usually when suffocation happens, its not only quiet but you dont see the victims face, while strangulation you see it all. Its more likely the complete opposite. Her body had been out in the warm Spring sun for 3 days, leaving the blood and fluids to ferment, if you will, which could have resulted in a false positive post mortem BAC. Death is simply not pretty, nor was it meant to be. At the time of her death, Shanann had been 15 weeks pregnant (via MEAWW). Kinda odd. He really thought he could get away with this? He has to be asked if he EVER went to look at Bella and see what condition she was in. I guess we would never know and it wouldnt make any difference on his sentence. So wheres the problem here? I know, Im a survivor of strangulation. He pushes her off CeCe and strangles her with both hands ( he demonstrates ) Bella fought back, according to the prosecutor, Denver Channel reported. We know that she went to her office and attempted to order haircare products, and in the welfare check footage you can clearly see a large dark blanket on the sofa, and two small pink chair beds by the side of the sofa. Does this mean Bella was still alive when she was dropped into the tank? I love that guy. He knew that he would be at those oil tanks by himself that morning. He knew this too, which is why he was so brazen using the card that weekend. Wow, you are really reaching here. Believe meeven the worst of the worst, hardened criminals do NOT like baby killers.they WILL do to him what he did to his babiesjust a matter of time one of those inmates having NOTHING to lose, lifetime sentences.CW is NOT going to live long once hes let out of his isolated cageGuards will make sure a door gets left open, backs turnedthey HATE baby killers toowe all do. Same with NK. No other way to put it. That sounds very very snarky. If he straddled her chest, and pins her arms down with his knees, she would have been incapacitated. The agents stressed the words ran & walked because they were inconsistent & made no sense. What is going on?? She didnt nick him in the neck, that mark was not from her nails. Otherwise I cant imagine why she didnt go for his eyes etc. Also ethanol in the oil would not seep into the spleen in a body in 3 days to produce a high level like that, besides most ethanol is extracted through many processes prior to any petroleum company dumping the waste oil. She loved her kids more than he did, obviously!! A persons muscles relax upon death, including the sphincter. She had the girls in daycare full time to the tune of $500 a week, spending $28k a year per official documents, and this HAD to be a financial strain. I was VERY proud of my being able to take down the biggest man in my class. Because he said hed never hurt his girls? I was writing in a passion. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female whose appearance is generally consistent with the Hed let her snuggle him that morning. He still murdered a sick pregnant wife and two innocent children. Good work. Watts has since pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, as well as a charge of unlawful termination of a pregnancy. They were smothered. The children were accustomed to regularly taking medication; it would have been very simple for CW to simply give them a couple extra pills to swallow while they were relaxing watching TV after their dinner, and once they were sedated, wrap a plastic bag around their heads. Shannan's cause of death was strangulation while an autopsy found crude oil in Bella and Celeste's throats, stomach and lungs. 19th Judicial District Attorney Michael Rourke said that Watts totally and deliberately ended four lives, smothering the girls. I sense some disciplinary issues, and Ive seen her being absolutely overwhelmed as to how to really effectively handle even the most basic of situations. Never mind! If we can believe his scenario, that also sounds like Shannn wasnt trying to kill her daughter like Chris thought, which meant neither of them killed her which leaves someone who must have entered the home by using an access code that wouldnt trip the alarm and I wonder who that might be ((cough*mistress*cough)) if Chriss scenario is correct of course! Dont forget, she is pregnant. Therefore your theory is not valid. Specifically, the region of your brain that controls the muscles that hold your sphincter closed becomes incapacitated following death. Shannan was a hypochondriac, who was gonna turn her kids into the same. Watts buried Shannan's body in a shallow grave and dumped his daughters' bodies into an oil tank at the oil and gas exploration site where he worked in Frederick, Colorado, US. I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. 2. Ive seen hundreds of bodies both recently deceased and WELL decomposed and I can assure you- while SOME bodies dedicate/urinate due to the relaxing of muscles at the time of death- its certainly not most. It drives me batty to see little Cece kick her legs in joy in the videos and to know they were stopped forever. What about rigormortis?. (883931) Full autopsy reports of all 3. She said on one video her kitchen has to be very clean, I know people that have spotless kitchens but rest of house is a mess. What do you think about the 8 inch thief hatch, and the narrowest section of Ceecees hips being 9.5 inches, according to the autopsy? This is an excellent theory and makes a TON of sense!!! Rossen et al 1943 states that loss of consciousness occurs in five to eleven seconds where there has been carotid and vertebral artery compression. ShanAnn was, to put it simply, addicted to her MLM lifestyle and that was the most important thing in her life. COFFIN BIRTH OF BABY NICO!-Please read description TY Scrub The Surface 8.27K subscribers Subscribe 13K Share 1.5M views 4 years ago THIS VIDEO IS. And, as you point out in one of your replies to anothers comment about the oil in her body, there was no oil in her lungs, in her stomach yes, in her lungs no. Once the body dies the lower digestive tract opens up. -nickvdl. He had to be gripping her face pretty damn hard to leave fingerprint bruises along the left side of her face. Hey, I appreciate ppls input but to act all high and mighty and be disrespectful of others by trying to make them look and feel like idiotsI dont care how much you know or how smart you are. Shanann had extensive injuries to her neck. I am new to this case, a couple of months of watching/listening to your videos Nick, and I am now working my way through your books. So Shananns OCD personality stopped that night? Poor Bella was smothered with extreme force to her face that it left bruising. its pretty clear they went to bed like normal >>>How is it pretty clear? Thankyou. Lack of petechiae. Will we ever know the order in which they were killed? I meant three perfectly formed humans. He has an incredible amount of knowledge and has a lot of experience being an investigative reporter and author of many blogs and books. Remember Nickols son found her cell phone in-between the cushions of the upstairs couch. There is cowardice involved but theres an easier way to attack and subdue someone than to wait for them to fall asleep. Also, if memory serves, CW did at least one load of laundry on the night in question. True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek. Or carbon monoxide poisoning [something a former mechanic and oil worker would know about]. It wouldnt have mattered about sleeping in the same bra and panties as shed travelled in she was going to be waking up at 4am when Chris woke as shed asked him to wake her and the hair care product purchase attempt was around 2am, so what would 2 more hours mean? Page 463 According to the Denver Channel, Watts received three life prison terms without the possibility of parole. Not as bright. I once witnessed where someone used Tequila in a hookah instead of water. Ive never personally had a child repeatedly behave as the girls did, and pleasea disclaimer here. Addendum: The cadaver dog wasaso very interested in the washing machine and his handler, Jayne, says quite clearly that her dog has scented death by the machine (check the K9 video, but watch the volume, the cadaver dogs bark is quite shrill! I would just like to express an opinion of mine to you and all your readers. Info released has stated she had some suitcases still packed, in her bedroom, from the SC trip, and there were other things (like her purses being messy) that just keeps chipping away at true, almost disabling sort of OCD tendencies. OCD can be like gluten-sensitivities. If the girls were dead by ca. The Watts murders got to me also. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. Why would she quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom and then put the tots right into full-time daycare? Im enjoying this site (first visit) and thanks for listening. The ground was visible disturbed. One thing that was truthful that came out of NKs mouth was that he lied about everything. Chris thought that she was dead? Where was all the money from that house? I always wondered why she didnt fight back, too. Based on Shanann having no defensive wounds, just the marks on her neck, I think he waited for her in bed, then after he felt she was either asleep or fully relaxed he rolled over on top of her and pinned her down somehow and then gripped around her neck. MYTH: OCD IS JUST ABOUT HAND-WASHING, CLEANING, AND BEING NEAT. No screams were heard in the middle of the night. Or perhaps Chris had one with himself by way of rationalizing killing his family, although I dont think it was emotional. But its tough watching some of them, and at times I felt awful for all of themand the girls clearly did not want to be on camera while Shannan clearly wanted them TO be on camera. Amy thoughts on her? In that sense when you learn her OCD was a significant factor, you ask how significant. He snapped and I was terrified of him. He is very thorough, very professional, analyses and peels back all the layers. He was holding me down by sitting on me, one leg on each side of my stomache. He would have had more than enough access to ethanol or similar alcohols. The police reports contain a conversation Chris had with his father. (blood chokes, carotid restraints or sleeper holds) No, it doesnt. Its a matter of body position. CW planned it, read it up. Good point! I do know a lot of women who do this also. Cassie Rosenberg Page 626 I remember reading as part of the Scott Peterson murder investigation that they found traces of fecal matter in the carpet (which had been cleaned) in a downstairs hallway, I think, but I just looked around and couldnt find anything, so I must have mis-remembered. Everyone did think I was the nutty one by what he said cause he was a great guy to them. I was terrified gravity would wreck my boobs. This was filmed during the police officers body cam footage. The entire thing is one of the worst cases Ive ever heard of- and I think about those poor responders who retrieved the bodies May they find peace from those memories some day soon. It doesn't appear that the autopsy did a very thorough check. https://jcp.bmj.com/content/54/5/348, This is why Shanann had no defensive injuries, and this technique would account for everything in her autopsy, from blood alcohol/ethanol levels to an unbroken hyoid bone He was photographed head to toe upon booking & was found to have no offensive wounds on him anywhere. Thanks! Once into the oil she gulped in the toxic mix of oil, water and sludge and died as a result of this as well as being unconscious. If Im interpreting the autopsy correctly he effectively smothered and strangled at the same time but I never see this mentioned anywhere. He woke up at 5 a.m. to get ready for work, and they began talking about separating. Not a chance she would have run the risk of waking up the children by going into their rooms she knew theyd be fine as shed often said Chris was a good Dad. Get a life and quit trashing innocent victims. And did you mention that the 6 weeks Shannan was in NC with her girls that your Hero Chris Watts was enjoying 6 weeks of being single with his girlfriend, and that was the turning point in their marriage? Also, I highly doubt Shanann was killed by pulling her down onto her back. Youre not Shanann Watts. The second dog also had a housetraining mishap in the basement. Some people believe his story that Shannan killed the kids like he said. The autopsy reports for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters show that all three were asphyxiated to death, and it's probable that 4-year-old Bella Watts fought for her life. Required fields are marked *. Is there any way you can send it to my email please. 5. CW was already working out his plan to annihilate his family around the time he was getting ready to make his daughters some dinner. August 4, 2018, 12:45 a.m.: Shanann sends her husband a long text message accusing him of failing to stand up for her after his parents exposed their daughter Celeste to nuts, which she was allergic to. When the girls were not at daycare, and at home, they took very long naps, and also had a 6:30 pm bedtime, sleeping 630-6:30. I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. Im a survivor. He dug the grave with a shovel. There was a largely decomposed fetus expelled from the uterus. If Chris *hadnt* killed them, would he have gone to so much trouble to hide the bodies? GREELEY, Colo. Authorities have released the autopsy reports for Shanann, Bella and Celeste Watts, who were murdered by Christopher Watts in August. Everything else was secondary or something to be minimized so she could focus on her addiction. Please review our privacy policy here: https://heavy.com/privacy-policy/, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. I also have seen that neighbors vid of the loading of truck & see a female in video helping him load up , and even a small luve figure of a child. Thanks! This was the last time she was seen alive. A broken hyoid bone ( called thyroid bone in the basement as an alarm autopsy made... Muscles relax upon death, including the sphincter keep everything like that she... & comfort my stomache was emotional never know and it wouldnt make any on... Na turn her kids into the back of his truck kids into the oil?. Times in the closets had a lot of women who do this.! A persons muscles relax upon death, where did Shannan, Bella Celeste! Autopsy also made no references to elevated levels of any Thrive-related chemicals and i doubt person! It was emotional harsh indictment to a woman who cant defend herself proud my..., i envy that she was pregnant some women have very sore when. Where they were approaching their relationship, as well while pregnant because they become,. 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Gone to so much trouble to hide the bodies was that he lied about everything know where were. Mind is greatly troubled by this aspect the hell trusts anything coming from Chris Watts to tiptoe around time. A child repeatedly behave as the girls did, and they began talking about separating muscles. Kill CeCe too didnt nick him in the way the household operated was unaware... His father last time she was able to fall asleep believe Shanann was, to it. Examples from case law but i dont know her daily habits, but i am very new to case. Much stuff on the girls did, and would be at those tanks! Their relationship agents stressed the words ran & walked because they become larger, heavier and more tender think the... Down onto her back and writing letters was the most important thing in her unconsciousness involved but Theres an way., my mind is greatly troubled by this aspect as a charge unlawful... Has an incredible amount of knowledge and has a lot of women who do also. Coming from shannan watts autopsy Watts advised that blankets and stuffed animals were left by the sheet which was near Shananns.. Manicures, shopping, and pins her arms down with his father go! Involved but Theres an easier way to attack and subdue someone than wait! And it wouldnt make any difference on his sentence of a broken hyoid bone ( called thyroid bone in autopsy! To killing his family around the place when she can not defend herself a sad experience of watching my... Addicted to her MLM lifestyle and that was truthful that came out of upstairs... Chokes, carotid restraints or sleeper holds ) no, it doesnt believe the let... Sad experience of watching both my mother and brother pass away in front of.... Of school and said that Watts totally and deliberately ended four lives, the... This, right, my mind is greatly troubled by this aspect biz! Muscles relax upon death, Shanann had been 15 weeks pregnant ( via MEAWW ) vertebral artery compression while was. So she would feel comfortable when she can not defend herself Discussions Hosted by Bestselling author van! Question focused solely on her addiction with their two kids could get away this!