(And the germans blew up these tanks when they were abandoning them.) Hello, dear soldiers. WoTs New!? It should be noted that for a tank crew to be effective, there needs to be a lot of communication, as tanks rely on infantry sections to call out threats. Press J to jump to the feed. If the Tiger loses all of his AP, he is useless against the Firefly or Churchill. Tanks and Scout Cars play very differently, so I'll keep them separate. WoTs New!?!? Here you can check the thickness of every armor plate. While I wouldn't say in a vacuum it's better than the Stag, the fact that it doesnt die instantly to enemy AT makes it a lot better. This is a decent enough reference, but note that turret ring and tracks can't be disabled at the moment. Purchasing through affiliate links is an easy, painless way to help out your favorite bloggers. And even increase Allies tanks tickets. @Tusk Good awareness, good armour and well balanced. Also, if the push fails and they all die, leave. WoTs New!? Facing an angled Panther you should just aim at the side hull/turret if it presents itself below an auto-bounce angle. WOTInspector is developed independently in accordance with WG DPP terms and policies. In addition to thickness, the Tigers used extremely high quality steel armor that was carefully treated to be extremely hard but not brittle. The app shows all tank weak spots interactively. Crew can be killed, but it's very rare - only been shot out of a tank turret a handful of times times total, and most of those were in armoured car vs armoured car engagements where a lot of shots were coming in. WoTs New?! When they update tanks to HD most of the MG port weak spots should go away. The roof armor that slants down may be at nearly autobounce, but it is only 40mm. I know! From the side the Tiger II does not sport a great deal of armor for anything that normally faces it. WoTs New!?! As a commander, being outside the vehicle unless youre really on the move is usually a pretty good idea, you can run a bit ahead and scout for enemy's / better positions to be in, and you can gun down enemies trying to sneak up on you, remember the MP40 is amazing! In a face-to-face confrontation, this tank was unstoppable. The front glacis sloping is great, but the positive traits end there. They either just drive away like nothing happend or they turn to you and the RNG slug match occurs. if you are luck enough to have a shot at the engine from the weak points in the armor you can take it with enough shots, The sweet area on the Pz between the hull and the turret hull is a huge weak spot that was targeted by Soviet gunners can help with a successful ammo rack or simply killing the crew and where the tracks meet the hull to also try and ammo rack the tank if you can. WoTs New!? Long Time No See! How much of an angle did you have on the shot? Obj 140, E-50M, 121 BUFFS | Equipment Tips | WoT 10 Year Anniversary, WoTs New?! amzn_assoc_title = "Panther II Related Books & Tank Models"; The app can show World of Tanks visual models, complete tanks specs, can show and estimate damage from HE ammo, can estimate ramming damage and more. Just getting around to them since I have more time now. Do not get so far away that you will be easily flanked! Make tanking more in depth and make mistakes unforgiving. As a fun bonus here's where I thnk the vehicles rank. Being able to survive a hit from enemy AT is also a huge boon compared to british scout cars. However we are two players and we're not backed by Wargaming in any way and have to extract and find all the information ourselves. WoTs New?! Also I feel like it should take longer to repair a engine. Your general strategy should be to support the largest group of infantry possible, while still trying to stick to relatively favourable terrain. So Germans get an A for ingenuity, but could never mass produce decent tanks like the allies. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; For better app performance and experience consider using mobile versions of Armor Inspector. All guides will be updated in the next few days. Valve Corporation. I recommend never, unless you are making an emergency escape, going into the heavily wooded areas. | Removal of Demount Kits & Italian Supertest Updates. The Panther has respectable armor for a tier 7 medium tank compared to its peers. Much like the side armor on the Panther the rear also is poorly protected. Dudes jumping our and wrenching it in a couple seconds is laughable. If we had no hull health, tank gameplay would not be fun. Combine this with its excellent firepower for everything but the Tiger, and adequate survivability against the dread panzerschreck and you have an S tier vehicle in the making. WoTs New!?! amzn_assoc_linkid = "9047af83528dca0cbc4d0bc0c98482c2"; Do it how Red orchestra 2 did it. take out enemy trucks trying to move up on your flanks, and attack enemy infantry from unexpected locations/directions. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). All rights reserved. The advantage of having no turret is that you don't have a big poorly sloped target for the enemy, however the StuG IV has some pretty nice flat spots only 80mm thick on its lower glacis, so in a practical sense it's not much harder to blast through than the Pz IV. You invest a lot of time into tactically outflanking an enemy vehicle and it can take an obscene amount of hits to kill sometimes if RNG isn't on your side. We could balance the sides, by giving the allies more tank sections for example. It was added to the live build on the January 9th, 2020. I know I just bring this on again tank combat is far from being realistic. Valve Corporation. Only the heavily angled turret sides/roof are strong enough to bounce shots. X-ray allows you to see the WoT collision models, WoT modules locations and WoT visual models. able to absorb Tiger rounds at point blank range. You'll put 5 shots in the side of a sherman with a panther before it goes down. Frontally the Panther doesnt have many impenetrable areas for tier 7. The commander position is the most expendable, and tanks CAN be taken into the field with it unoccupied, though of course a fully crewed tank that works efficiently together will be most effective. 1 Background; 2 In-game Vehicle Stats. Other areas suffer from the armor being concentrated in two main locations . Most, if not all tanks are weak at the back. Which Swedish Tank Line is Right for You. So don't waste your time waiting, by the time they've finished doing everything this game needs (fixing it and tinkering with infantry play) we'll be down to a couple of hundred players and a handful of servers and they'll no longer see any point addressing the armour. Panzer III: Its armour would be enough to land it in B-tier but Its cannon is too weak to penetrate british mediums, and it lacks features like a hatch for the driver to turn out, meaning he has no way to see anywhere but straight ahead. The Anti-Tank Rifle was meant to *disable* a tank, not to necessarily outright kill like an AP shell from an AT gun or tank would do. One thing you might want to note, for those coming here who have either purchased a Tiger II or looking for weakspots. were more populous, not as well armoured and lacked sufficient punching power, and that Tigers (and pretty much all of the German guns at or above 75 mm) could knock them out comfortably at range, but were fewer in number. Why Mirny-13 Will Lead to WoTs Downfall & The Captured King Tiger Fiasco Update. The above two tips are based almost entirely on this fact. Speaking of driver skill. Fundamentals like the vehicle physics and game mechanics must be addressed. https://www.reddit.com/r/postscriptum/comments/i8bkhc/a_proposal_for_a_new_armored_vehicle_damage_system/. The MG port is not a weakspot in tiger 2 but it remains as a weakspot fot jagdtigerJust WTF WG???? Other than that, it's mediocre. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. DIN german steel standard is one of the best( most often the best) standard in the world+ germans r without no doubt the gods of chemistry Russian tanks in ww2 were mostly based on tractor chassis and many of them like kv-1 Spontaneously malfunctioned and stopped workingRussian never build anything good(once produced Tvs that become houses for birds in china)while germans immediately raised again as power and nowadays as superpower and most of time give money to your Russia helping them to keep up.germans had only and only 1 major problem in WW2 ==> resources like oil thats all! This guy makes these guides simply to help people, and you come along giving know-it-all-asshat history lessons. However, tanks can be very useful in the urban setting. This being said its front is still highly resistant to the churchill, cromwell, and can cause ricohets from the mighty 17lber with a bit of luck, which makes it extremely hard to deal with for the british tankers. With a bit of an angle it's extremely easy for the mighty 75mm and 88mm German guns to bounce. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Getting out and gunning an enemy who has their AT kit in hand will save your ass in a pinch. These items are carried by infantry that can maneuver around the tank easier than an armored vehicle, making tanks prone to being surrounded and hit from multiple sides. Tanks can be balanced by reducing relative ticket cost, making axis tanks more expensive and allied tanks cheaper, barring maybe the Firefly (which should legitimately have the ability to take out any axis tank with a couple of shots, particularly at weak spots). Staying away from terrain that is unfavourable is key to surviving. So while the King Tiger might be considered First amongst equals in its competition, and is still nevertheless a fantastic warmachine, there are plenty of nasties crawling about in the game that it has to face that can punch through its armor, as great a fortress as it is. Every second that you stay still is a second that the enemy AT guy is using to get into position, for the enemy tank to be relayed there's a scout car at x position, etc. Update 1.11 Details | Possible Nov Marathon + Holiday Ops Tanks?? Which Swedish Tank Line is Right for You. The MP40 is extremely good and the sterling aint bad either. they have all the tank components there in an easy to see way, tiger is weak around the rear track wheels and sprockets. Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point. That goes for many places on tanks. And another thing, Germany had alot of those resource problems because they had an idiot running their country. There is a menu on the left where you can select the app mode. Which Russian Tank Line is Right for You? Make it realistic so I can kill King Tigers with WP rounds. All of these factors combine to make it A-tier. Quoting you: Cromwell: Don't get me wrong, B-tier doesn't mean bad, but the cromwell has little on the PzIV and Firefly, which is why it lands in B-tier. And as it being a game, it is not always the same as IRL. 2.1 Driver; 2.2 . Players can assume the role of Driver, Gunner, Machine-Gunner and Tank Commander. Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite Tank, WoTs New!?! He f**ucking one shot us through the front (wich I know the firefly would have no problem doing) and we detonate, Anyone else a bit tired of this? Somua S35 on Wikipedia The Somua S35 is an Medium Tank featured in Post Scriptum. Its gun and armour are okay, but a downgrade from A-tier tanks. Did you just say the Russians never built anything good? By turning your tank's hull about 30 degrees in one direction, giving the bow gunner the responsibility of then covering 11-1 o-clock, and the the gunner responsible for either 1-3 or 9-11 you can cover a fairly wide field and defend against enemy infantry quite effectively. The commanders hatch can be tricky if you do not hit the area highlighted in green since above that is armored that is heavily angled and is very difficult to penetrate. They are the strongest drivable vehicle in Post Scriptum. There can be 2 armored squads per team if there are enough players. Everyone knows not to drive through a city with a tank, that is held by enemy infantry units. The main weak spots are the lower glacis and also the center of the commander cupola. Nonetheless, a Tiger II driver should always avoid exposing their side and/or rear armor since it means certain death. I am creating a reference sheet to use whilst in tank.Would someone be able to give me a list of each tanks weak and strongest points to give an idea where i should be trying to hit. That tank took 5 rounds at point blank range on the upper and the lower glacis, and even on the seams, and none penetratednot even close (one round burned its way in to a depth or about two and a half inches; still had a long way to go). 223: Ah the baby german scout car. | Removal of Demount Kits & Italian Supertest Updates. Armor Inspector is available online, on mobiles iOS/Android and on PC. The side armor on the Panther doesnt have many strong areas compared to the front. Follow the stream of infantry back to the source and destroy those MSPs! No tank in the world would survive this, not even the Tiger itself. Those armor tests involved shooting at one tank until the armor broke. New Equipment Ideas + Whats Going On? This thing is exceptional against infantry and can now hold its own against light armour. People say it would move the balance in german favor, but it's already very ally-biased (speaking as firefly main) so i wouldn't mind it at all- especially since tanks like the tiger did outperform allied tanks, and taking one down should feel like you outsmarted and outmaneuvred them. Itd be too dangerous to bring team assets to the front if everything can just destroy you without any time to react. WoTs New!?! Had a similar situation yesterday. Other areas suffer from the armor being concentrated in two main locations as the other areas are relatively weak for a tier 8 heavy tank, especially on the sides and rear. Did you totally forget about the T-42? Give us more camo options for tanks. Ignoring the enemy is a known tactic. Update 1.10.1 Incoming! Nor does it take into account the damage that non-penetrating shots can deal inside the vehicle. ~ Agree : how can a game be almost perfect in terms of ww2 infantry simulationand be a total and absolute pita when it comes to ww2 tank combat : using BF1942 arcade system ( armor HPs system and Mac Gyver mechanics fixing a tank engine in 60 seconds) ?? When I have some problems with a tank, I like to use your guides (mostly weakspots) to get a fresh view on it. Don't ever stop moving. Which American Tank Line is Right for You? 3-4 panzerfausts in a cromwell right on the back/tower and it lives. The tiger/firefly hull weak spots, and pa is yer flank weak spot, have made armour play a joke. Sorry to burst your bubbl.. Transports are another pack of targets that you as a gunner can handle easily and you should engage when possible. The main weak spots you find are the lower glacis and view finder holes on the turret. WoTs New!?! Scout cars die in one or two AT hits, and two tank hits if you're lucky. My Thoughts on Object 274A | New Maps + Supertest News, WoTs New!? Best tanks imo. If you're on offense, get close to, but still behind the largest conga line of blue guys walking at the point, while trying to give yourself some relatively long sight-lines to engage the enemy from a safe distance at. This is a decent enough reference, but note that turret ring and tracks can't be disabled at the moment. Also the 5th shot would have killed it, but if the firefly's side was exposed and you missed the ammo rack 4 times, instead of coming here to complain just learn from your mistake and do better next time man. How Video Games Helped Me Overcome Severe Anxiety. Daimler Armoured Car: Very similar to the stag, but lacks a bow gun and HE shells. The next areas you can aim for are the crew areas themselves and the slats for which they see. 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