Funny how every 'disgruntled employee' is saying exactly the same thing, and the whole story checks out. I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti But given how many former top-level executives have said these things are true, it is hard to believe it is all lies. - supporting peace and justice initiatives around the world We don't know anybody by that name." ", "And so, after writing this letter, I am fully aware that some of my friends may choose to no longer associate with me, or in some cases work with me," Haggis goes on later in his letter. In the letter, Haggis spends a lot of time speaking on Proposition 8 and intolerance, as it was at the forefront of discussion in California at the time. Far from being a principled decision by Haggis over gay rights, it was actually Rathbun who approached Haggis starting in June 2009 and coached him on how to make his exit and obtain maximal publicity. A lot of us Mission Owners are looking for a way to be 100% independent of the Int Base, and corporate scientology. He became hostile, suspicious, depressed. I can see this in any religion, especially when the followers are so devout and the religion itself is shrouded in such secrecy as Scientology, Church of Mormon, etc. suppression While I am no great believer in resumes and awards, this is what you would have discovered: * Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice, - sponsoring schools, an orphanage and a childrens hospital in the slums of Haiti * Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project - marketing the work of artisans from the poorest countries in the world, * Board Member, Office of The Americas - supporting peace and justice initiatives around the world * Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence * Member and active supporter, Amnesty International * Member, Presidents Council, Defenders of Wildlife * Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg * Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union * Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus * Member and supporter, Equality For All * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights * Patron with Honors, IAS And formerly: * Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust * Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project * Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child supporting art and music in public schools * Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute - supporting Human Rights in Central America * Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office * Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association * Fundraiser, El Rescate Human Rights for El Salvador * Fundraiser, PAVA Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala. I do hope Tommy Davis sorts himself out. No action was forthcoming. I find it amazing how a person will talk about 'tolerance' and then talk down other groups from 'other religions'. This was my state of mind when I was online doing research and chanced upon an interview clip with you on CNN. Probe the depths or write your own honest reviews. ", "The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. Must be very satisfying. She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? According to Haggis, who filed a December lawsuit accusing Breest of a $9 million extortion plot, her lawyer reached out to him in November with . Lies are lies- and unless you have first-hand knowledge of such extortion- I'd zip it, if I were you. scientology Accusing the Roman Catholic Church to "use confessionals to extort money" is crazy. are all things that scare religious organizations. Correct, however, protestants do not have confessionals. Just because marriage is defined in the way it's been used historically does not mean that gay couples can't live together or be connected in some other fashion like a civil union. I'm not condemning those who wish to belong to any specific religion. *ALMA Award National Council of Latino Civil Rights For a year and a half, despite her protestations, my wife did not speak to her parents and they had limited access to their grandchild. One night in NY city in the sixties a group of us was approached by a Scientology recruiter. You want to rebut her accusations, do it, and do it in the strongest terms possible but that kind of character assassination is unconscionable. I've attached our email correspondence. Loren, he didn't assert that ALL Christians are bigoted, hateful homophobes, just the Christian right. The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. And though it may seem small by comparison, I was truly disturbed to see you provide private details from confessionals to the press in an attempt to embarrass and discredit the executives who spoke out. Here are some of the best resignation letter examples and templates for a variety of circumstances you can use to leave your job, including basic and formal letters, email resignation messages, letters giving two weeks' notice, letters with a reason for leaving, short notice or no notice letters, personal reasons letters, letters announcing a . And it also doesn't help them that Church defector Marty Rathburn has apparently confirmed the letter's legitimacy as definitely coming from Haggis. That's just more BS persecution coming from those who wish to tear down the Catholic church. Check out the website included. You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. ", "The church's refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. dianetics You inspire me, and I support you 100 percent. I just hope that some of Mr Haggis' integrity rubs off on some of his fellow celebrities. Ive attached our email correspondence. I would dearly love to be honest with everyone concerned, but I can't. He said most former Scientologists leave the religion quietly, but because he was a more well-known, he said he felt it was his duty to be public about his decision to cut ties with the church. But I don't think that redefining 'marriage' to mean something else is the answer. Steven Hirsch. :-), I am proud of Mr. Haggis, I do wonder why it took so long for him to "see the light.". I have never pretended to be the best Scientologist, but I openly and vigorously defended the church whenever it was criticized, as I railed against the kind of intolerance that I believed was directed against it. Robin, there are many of us who will not "come out" as ex-members of $cn because of our existing ties to family and friends who are still in the church. This requires nothing more than simple honesty, an admission of what happened and a willingness to begin anew with an honest, open culture. The Dialogue: The best way to get this story out is for you to call your contacts. And so it wentwith Haggis stage managing his surprise exit from the religion. has to & must be ended as quickly has possible. Two Weapon Fighting Attack Of Opportunity Penalty. -- ThoughtfulClick here to follow Marty's daily updates and what his readers have to say. For over two decades he has written, directed and produced television shows such as thirtysomething and The Tracey Ullman Show, and also developed credits as a pup writer on many Norman Lear sitcoms. He tore apart international management. Oscar-winning "Crash" director leaves faith, admonishes Church of Scientology. I refused to do so. Prob with religion are the people, to much power given to few of them. Cost them their jobs. It would certainly be a good start for the UN to eliminate tax-free status for all religions and ensure the separation of church and state globally. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Who you get in bed with is STILL a choice, as is all behavior. I got out form the S.O. The sleep deprivation and other abuses. In order to contain a potential PR flap you allowed our sponsorship of Proposition 8 to stand. ponzi Paul Haggis. This website is a simple answer to those who tried to monopolize and corporatize spiritual freedom: An open gateway dedicated to helping people move up to higher levels of awareness and ability under their own steam. Mr. Haggis, Bravo and Kudos on finally terminating your long time association with this dreadful, hateful and misguiding organization. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified on Wednesday in a civil rape lawsuit that his letter of resignation from the Church of Scientology helped motivate fellow celebrity and member. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. The director's former publicist, Haleigh Breest, said he raped her in December 2013, which led to a $9 million lawsuit against the "Crash" director. During my twenties and early thirties I studied and received a great deal of counseling. It is still hard for me to believe. It can only do good--that is the sort of person you appear to me. *Humanitas Prize (2) Humanitas There has been corruption through all religions. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. "The church of scientology in San Diego was put on a Web site supporting Proposition 8 falsely and I had our name taken off of it," Davis said. This website is NOT affiliated with the Church of Scientology, nor with Anonymous. All religions lead to spiritual enlightenment. These accusations were made by top international executives who had devoted most of their lives to the church. Exactly pursuant to Hubbard policy on what you do with enemies. To win at any cost, costs a lot. violence Despite all the church's words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. Mistrial. Haggis directorial follow-up to Crash was In the Valley of Elah which he wrote, directed, and produced, for Warner Independent Pictures. Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the church's anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. reverse By The Associated Press. When I read your post, the great social architects of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot come to mind, but I suspect you have something better. In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology. It's the whole bad apple in the bunch theory - not all priests or churches "extort" via confessional, but some do. "Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics" Learn More iscientology.orgScientology Reviews Free and Able The Truth RundownMike Rinder's Blog Friends of L. Ron Hubbard Karen de la Carriere Spiritual Freedom Zone A Guide for the DisillusionedGerman Independents SuperPower fraud. While I admire Mr. Haggis' stance against hypocrisy in the Scientology Church, I must "out" some blatant hypocrisy of his own. mithoff I am intrigued by your suggestion of "doing away with ALL religion" especially from one self-described as "kind, generous, and concerned for people I don't even know". This is a lovely retired couple, never said a negative word about Scientology to me or anyone else I know hardly raving maniacs or enemies of the church. rinder Maybe DM should send Heber next time. The date - Left-align the date you submit the letter under your address. Haggis' publicist said the director does not plan to comment further on the matter. The Catholic church is consistent, and failures in society do not change truth. The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. Some are to just whip through earth time and get to the end. sociopath Haggis wrote a letter expressing his misgivings about the church, which was later leaked to the press. Sign up for notifications from Insider! The Catholic church is GROWING. abuse Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology www May 5th, 2018 - Prob with religion are the people to much power given to few . An answer to the corrupt monopoly of Scientology. Another name Hollywood name, who was with Scientology for 35 years, is Paul Haggis, a screenwriter, director, and producer. The church has maintained it took no stance on the measure. I carefully read all of your rebuttals, I watched every video where you presented the church's position, I listened to all your arguments ever word. According to Vanity Fair, Boniadi, 32, was audited . I will argue that there is a distinct difference between "Christian belief system" and "religion". He also helped pen Casino Royale, which garnered considerable acclaim for reinvigorating the James Bond spy franchise and has written the screenplay for the next Bond production Quantum of Solace.. And in it I saw you deny the church's policy of disconnection. Some walk, some fly. Also, indulgences are a grey area and very, very often misinterpreted. November 10, 2022, 1:55 PM. L-Ron and the COM have had ownership of some "tech" that also look like a good alternative to the thinking of today. Those who do cut off gay family members or friends are detestable, and not doing so because of God. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology.". "Although it caused her terrible personal pain, my wife broke off all contact with them" for a year and a half, Haggis wrote. We care about them and do not wish to be labeled "enemies"--because we aren't. "I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. Catholicism is an invitation to holiness. Independence, unfettered knowledge, freedom of thought etc. Screenwriter Paul Haggis is a living lie. Then one day he showed up in New Jersey and met me at work. I find that scientologists are VERY ignorant about other religions and condemn other religions without knowing any facts. It's a policy that's been well documented in the press, but especially by the reporting done by the St. Petersburg Times, who've chronicled many members who were once forced to "disconnect" people from their lives. My understanding is that scientology previously sued the cult awareness network (CAN) to not only stifle free speech, but to actually take over CAN. Oscar winning screenwriter and director Paul Haggis ( Crash, Million Dollar Baby) has penned a long letter to a Scientology official in which he outlines the reasons why he's breaking ties with the cult. Are we going to see bloodshed before this is all over? I hope your letter of resignation reaches many people and finally gets the message that this so-called Church is full of the worst kind of misguided teachings. I do not know the woman, but no matter what she said or did, this is the woman who joined the Sea Org at 16! terror Representatives for Remini did not immediately return Insider's request for comment. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified on Wednesday in a civil rape lawsuit that his letter of resignation from the Church of Scientology Read more on The fact that the "spiritual" leaders lie, abuse, engage in unethical practices, seek to "disconnect" people from the ones they love and that love them -- doesn't that tell you that something in the philosophy or religion doesn't work? Although it caused her terrible personal pain, my wife broke off all contact with them. Our Catechism based belief in the sanctity of marriage between one man and woman, has nothing to do with homophobia; it instead elevates the preservation of the foundation of society-- the nuclear family. It was a year ago. Highlighting Management Skills From Retail On Resume Director Paul Haggis, who is featured in "Going Clear," publicly praised Leah Remini for leaving Scientology. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. When asked what went wrong with Glenn Gallagher, Portland's Church of Scientology representatives said, "Glenn who? It isn't a far stretch of the imagination that something like this can balloon, especially when Catholics are programmed from birth to do what the priest says for forgiveness without question. This totally illogical crazy cult needs to be exposed and let to die a quick and very public death as soon as possible. ET. Despite all the churchs words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. You said straight-out there was no such policy, that it did not exist. I've never been good at following orders, especially when I find them morally reprehensible. Lisa Marie Presley | How much money did Scientology take from her? Please don't make blanket statements about groups you don't know and good luck in your journey through life. * Patron with Honors, IAS I wondered how the church could, in good conscience, through the action of a few and then the inaction of its leadership, support a bill that strips a group of its civil rights. The church's refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. Haggis was deathly afraid Rathbun might reveal the truth to Wright and expose the crusading image as a farce, as Rathbun notes in recalling their conversation: He [Haggis] said Look, for the sake of my image with my daughters, can you please avoid telling Larry Wright that you were the personthat you prompted me?. I've never been good at following orders, especially when I find them morally reprehensible.". ..H. Praise for Paul Haggis. Haggis views the church's actions as "cowardly," and thus, after thirty-five years of membership, is resigning. That people could fanatically embrace the Christian Myth, based on the Jewish life and Roman death of the historical Jesus from Nazareth, makes it not so far-fetched to understand how they could fall for the L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology myths. financial Excuse me? Correction: November 2, 2022 A previous version of this story inaccurately referred to the reason Paul Haggis left the Church of Scientology. How dare you use private information in order to label someone an adulteress? You took Amy Scobees most intimate admissions about her sexual life and passed them onto the press and then smeared them all over the pages your newsletter! ", "Despite all the churchs words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. It wasnt the first time she defended Haggiseven when she knew he was lying. Yet three months before that Aftermath episode, Paul Haggis had already eviscerated his own credibility by confirming he lied, and that his anti-Scientology exit tale is built on a fraud. Haggis, who is best known for his work on Crash, Million Dollar Baby, and Casino Royale, began his time with Scientology before he was in Hollywood, but had a very public resignation in 2009. Reformed Episcopal Church Wikipedia. I recommend you write a screenplay and direct it yourself on all these abuses. I am quietly just not doing anything anymore and trying to avoid communication from orgs. There are a million shades of gray. torture * Fundraiser, El Rescate Human Rights for El Salvador Good on you Paul Haggis! Over time, I think you will find a new sense of strength and solidity for having taken such a strong and public stand on your moral convictions, and for having stayed true to yourself. You got to commend Paul for having the guts to stand up and finally say "enough!" My younger brother got roped into a three year ordeal during a most vunerable time of his life, early 20's, and was forced to disassociate with our loving and very concerned family for ridiculous reasons, all the while spending hours, day and night doing whatever they instructed him to do in their downtown Toronto outfit. Leah Remini is pictured inset on October 07, 2019 in Los Angeles, California. I refuse to consent. I surprises me that there isn't some legal recourse one could take when trying to leave that "church". Here are some powerful and eye-opening quotes from Haggis' letter to Davis: "I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was tolerated. "During my twenties and early thirties, I studied and received a great deal of counseling. Even that, you decided not to publish. On September 2, Oscar-winning filmmaker and former Scientologist Paul Haggis wrote an e-mail to Showbiz 411 confirming the auditing took place. I am still a church member because I am afraid to leave because of the disconnect policy and my family members who are active in the church. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. It is a example of total greed and nuttiness. I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. While I have not been an active member for many years, I found much of what I learned to be very helpful, and I still apply it in my daily life. But Haggis' most well-known letter was the one that he wrote to Davis to announce his departure from the Church. I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. we love the sinner and hate the sin. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. ", "My wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. Haggis is currently standing trial in a civil lawsuit concerning a rape allegation. You're all lemmings. * Member and supporter, Equality For All "Say what you will about them now," writes Haggis, "[but] these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years!" The Church of Scientology lost one of its most high-profile members when the Hollywood film-maker Paul Haggis quit the organisation in protest at its stance on same-sex . :-). scientologist Stay up to date with what you want to know. Haggis isn't the first celebrity from the Church of Scientology to break with the faith. Step one, as always, is to throw the bums out and get some honest leadership. Kozlowski added that it was "intended as a private correspondence between [Haggis] and Tom Davis" and that he has no idea how it was leaked. Haggis, who is also the co-founder of Artists for Peace and Justice, has since been very vocal on his thoughts of Scientology. In fact, as Rathbun reveals, Haggis asked Rathbun and others to lie for him to Lawrence Wright, who was working on his The New Yorker article at the time. Silence is consent, Tommy. Most Catholics (even very wealthy ones) don't use them. However - the Bible also states that we are not to judge, that we are to love our neighbor.. and that's how most Christians live their lives. According to reports, he said that. *Ethel Levitt Award for Humanitarian Service Levitt & Quinn You should not assume your own religion is the ONLY and BEST one in the world that leads to spiritual growth. Center network, and producer oscar-winning filmmaker and former Scientologist Paul Haggis the! With everyone concerned, but I dealt with them internally and early thirties I studied and received a deal... To Hubbard policy on what you want to know to stand up and finally say enough. Presley | how much money did Scientology take from her how every 'disgruntled employee ' is saying exactly same... 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