We were fantasising about walking on a beach somewhere and eating fresh fruits. Cory, thanks for your article. And the weather, sadly, it's true :(. (Not saying that everyone in the North is racist, nor am I saying no Southerners are racist - just a generalisation). Despite the handful of people who try hard to make xenophobia go away, there are so many who still claim immigrants are bad for this country. No culture and social life. It's not as simple though that everyone voting leave agrees with Farage and Boris. There is so much wrong with it I wouldn't know where to begin in pointing out the almost endless flaws. As a former UK resident, I understand your position. Though it's not where my heart is. xx Morgan. Switzerland recently voted to restrict Islamic mosques. If this article baffles you then install some baffle plates mate! I strongly suggest that you may sometimes take the time to travel a little and open your horizons. London has more recognised international communities than New York. Ps, I have been to over 85 countries, so I have some context. To my mind, Britain is the biggest dump in Europe. Good luck on your move and finding the sun. Rome and Athens were once places where civilizations THRIVED. But obviously you're biased because you're an immigrant so you're never gonna understand me. [27] Use of the term 'chav' was reported in The Guardian in 2011 as "class abuse by people asserting superiority". Utilities 1 month (heating, electricity, gas ) for 2 people in 85m2 flat 154. I went above and beyond to integrate myself. We have plenty of black and Muslim politicians in the UK, and other EU countries have hardly any. Public transport is expensive in the UK, but it is because our planning laws are tough and protect the delicate environment here and peoples wishes. Why dont you go and live there then? I wish you all the best, MJ. We would love to try and live in the UAE. This makes your comment about separating rubbish as a frustration a little lacking in historical context. The question is why is the UK so expensive including the impossibility for a young graduate to get a mortgage for a flat in London? I could not understand how you could be surrounded by millions of people yet feel so lonely. Chilling by the pool exploring the hotel's cultural hotspots? In the last 30 years, We have seen our own lives turned upside down, our cities transformed into places where we are sometimes the minority, where few people speak English. And it's great that we can drive from A to B without being stopped at the borders for passport controls. TAIWAN is great if you can make living there. You can't compare Lisbon to London of course. I do hope you visit the UK. We loved exchanging views on politics and weekly debates were something I looked forward to. I know exactly how you feel as me & my husband are going through the same. Reread if you didn't get it the first time. We enjoyed the crazy amount of products, the fantastic range of online shopping and the quality customer service. A controlled immigration Program. I believe it is a feature of geography. Travelling doesn't come cheap in the UK. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education and world-class universities, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), countryside, regulation, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still contend the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. Turns out, the UK has always been, home, our home. It gets to you when you realise you can't buy t-shirts because, in reality, you need sweaters, thermals and raincoats. My god the atmosphere was one of the strangest I had ever felt after that. 3) Live somewhere else where you can actually LIVE and not simply EXIST. We were the first country to be industrialised, like most of the world now, and our parliamentary system is followed the free world over. The difference here is that a small number of bigoted people are using racist rhetoric to manipulate the masses. However, the vast majority of Brits are not racist, just a small majority (around 52%), you know, those who voted to leave. Another of my favorite things of England are the diversity that you can see on in the people who lives her. less than in any other country in Europe. I know many foreigners who are happy in the UK and live well. Its streets are filled with mullet, snapback, nike, [] It's always one to take the blame. Acronyms, such as "Council Housed and Vile" have sprung up to explain the. It gets to you when you can't enjoy the pub's beer garden during summer. Where we live now I have a greater connection to the people around me and a closer relationship with my family. It took me years of hard work before I could even begin my application as a British citizen. I hope you find your reality somewhere and leave us racist, poor, thick bits to struggle on without you. I was alive when Tony Benn was in government and the UK had a 3-day week power shortage and no rubbish collection. Once again, thanks for this post, I will be recommending it to my friends. As I said before, once you leave home, settle, then leave home again, the word "home" becomes so relative, elusive almost. Will I ever go back to the UK? If the UK was so good, they would allow you to live there and not run away from your problems. Very brave and I can't wait to see what comes next! I do believe though that what is happening in the Uk is happening all over the world (in terms of the standard or quality of life ). Britain is unrecognizable from its former glory. James, why don't you blame your country's class system and people like Tom Hiddleston and Clara DeLavigne who get jobs, and fame in Hollywood, and volunteering opportunities instead of immigration? I am an Indian national who came here 3 years ago (came on Tier-1 visa) and supported a media company with investments and expanded to clients across in USA & EU. Mainly in connection with Public Service jobs and the Commonwealth. Because I think its going to be quite a negative one and to be honest that we have had our time in the premiere league and unfortunately we relegated out selves with an own goal, in classic British style! London is unaffordable because everyone and their dog wants to be here. How can you call that democracy? Did you like this article? I cycle to work and yes it does rain at times, but much less than elsewhere and often times it only rains a little bit, so you don't actually get really wet. You can purchase anything your heart desires from the supermarket. Agreed! I am what you call a naturalised British citizen. Furthermore, fun fact, but did you know the UK is the third-safest country to drive? I do feel that we have so much potential and we could learn so much from one another. I think the only city I like during my entire UK trip is Edinburgh, the architecture there is just so stunning and it is completely different culture from England. And guess what? I say we invest more into the NHS and social welfare. Having moved into a city I realise reading your article that I have started to be ground down by the same things that have bothered you and your husband. Politics aside, I hope it gets better here, but I dont see it happening anytime soon. Discourse on chavs in contemporary Britain has been widely implicated in the . I think people come to the UK and expect a paradise. This is one of the oldest political strategies. Hi Cory, Many Thanks for this amazing post, it is the most realistic picture of UK currently. - Houses- I have seen bigger matchboxes. This has turned into a really long political rant now - sorry haha. Our place as a locus of brilliance during the Industrial Revolution was unquestioned. Most ordinary British people outside of the chattering classes in liberal metropolitan London know they are the Jones who can no longer keep up with their richer Aussie Jones cousins or the Singaporean and Hong Kong Tans. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), lack of corruption, the countryside, quality of regulation, its military, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still content the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. Or? So we might as well make the most of it. Oblivious as I was at the beginning, I soon realised that I was somehow treated differently than my fellow British friends. I had a really interesting reaction reading this. Before the big crash in 2008 I felt a sort of charm about the UK that was such a huge part of my identity. The other problem is that this country has relied too much on purely service industry and literally no manufacturing. As you might have gathered, my husband is Hungarian. In Germany I have never felt discriminated against as a foreigner. Let's hope things improve for us who are staying, and good luck with your future ! Im delighted you have got out and I hope I can do the same one day. Can you even have produce GROWING without sunshine? It's just that we wanted to experience something a little different for a while. Dickhead. I didn't read the whole thing - but as someone who was born here 42 years ago, and regularly goes abroad to escape when everything gets 'too british', I have just returned from a 2 month stint in New York, and I'm finding it really difficult to adjust to the country again. We weren't happy in our home country either. I know the feeling of no sunshine. As a Brit who has lived abroad for 10 years (in Germany), I always said that I could not really see myself going back to live there permanently for similar reasons. Excellent post with a logical argument and pros/cons clearly explained. The negatives are playing out on the world stage. Are we finally getting karma for all the horrific things weve done to other countries? It makes me sad to read this. About 12 years ago when I came to study in Manchester, Britain was a different place. And dozens of other things if you bothered to look it up, which you aren't. Reading this gave me a peace of mind. Sometimes it's nice to come back and see it all through the eyes of a spectator. Good luck, Cory. Maybe we'll move back one day, but for now, I'm happier to watch what happens from the sidelines. Ridiculously so in comparison to other countries, and that is the problem. My birth country is a tropical island paradise in the Indian Ocean. We are English, but we left the UK just after the Tories were voted in. Really interesting read and I wish you both the best of luck in your new nomadic adventure! So which country is the worst then? If that happened in the UK, there would be an international outcry. I'm going to start by saying that it wasn't always like this. It's like someone has brought all my thought and captured it in a well written text! people do it. I was born in the uk to italian parents who came over in the 50s. I'm lucky as I have both a New Zealand and UK passport so doors are always open to me. I visited once when I was twenty and finally made the move after marrying my EU husband in my late twenties. Bay Area of AMERICA itself THRIVES off of diversity and people all over the world (whether they are black, Latino, Asian or EU) -- what you're stating as facts about the USA seem like half-baked observations, because clearly you don't know how diverse US is in opinion, culture and tolerance. I cant have a conversation with anyone, I dont feel like they get me. In any case the more I travel the more I learn and I have met so many great people over the years who are prepared to look beyond where one comes from. I grew up in 'Middle England' Home Counties and have lived in the Midlands and Yorks so have a fair view of Britain, England (vs London) and consider myself (and family) thoroughly British (I open my mouth and you will agree too!). I have a chance to go to NY again, and I'm going to go for it. Rain makes this country green heaven, which is ideal for keeping those beautiful rolling hills everyone loves. indeed. The great things about Britain, are the sheer amount of bright minds this country had during its history. I have lived all over the UK and when I first arrived, years ago, it was a different, more open place. "Hey, yo," opens one frequently used sound clip on TikTok, "chav check.". Budget cuts were making work difficult and I didn't want to live under a right wing gov. It's beautiful that you can live in Germany without a visa. I had my ups, my downs, no money whatsoever, but good friends and great prospects. It is nice to hear some positive stories. How people can be close-minded in their views of the world. Well, if you are going to Japan things won't be easy there is much more difficult to integrate in Japan than UK, you are really targeting difficult countries, but is your choice. This is not to say that England (or the rest of the UK) is not a good place to live. He also forgets the violence in India against minorities, abuse of women and so forth. Certainly food for thought as I often find myself wondering if we should move to the UK as a family (I have lived and worked there before), but I think I will stick to St Helena Island (which you should visit one day)! But please know that you and your husband are welcome, you are safe, and if our government ever decides to sort themselves out and stop being absolute tools, I hope you come back some day :) But in the meantime have an absolute blast in Portugal, Hungary and wherever else the wind takes you! I was a covard and I even lied to myself for a good 3 years before that. The society in Britain has grown to become more hostile to immigrants and foreigners, nevertheless, wouldn't say it is racist, but I would say that there is a significant proportion of the population that are bigots (and I don't intend to offend anyone). These people come here and claim free medical care. With my partner we feel the same and are struggling with hate/ underestimation and xenophobia in London for a long time. Take care! The continuous media obsession of crisis after crisis perpetuates the problem. Following the results of the 2019 election Ive found myself looking at how to leave the UK. The British are tolerant. It's about the people and the attitude. We thought we needed to give them some respect and have decided to trademark our sweets. -Weather- No comments needed here. Finally my favorite thing in all England are the landscapes, in all the country you can see a lot of turistic atraccions, architectural as well as natural. Don't confuse friendliness with openness. Perhaps because they carry England as it is remembered, not as it is. Honestly though, what do we have to do and who do we have to vote for to get these unwanted immigrants and their allies the hell out of our land? You do not need an address in the UK for yourself. Like many new and unexplored places, it needs to be protected from abuse (rise in properly prices, too much tourism and so forth). In saying all the above and I agree with what I've written my family and I chose to.leave the uk to give our children a better life. In the 80's people used to get beaten up for being black. Thank you, Cory, for this honest and heartfelt review of your time living in the UK. Pftiuu, you're funny. Compared to Italy, Germany and most other EU countries schools and universities are really easy, not in depth and way too expensive for the quality they offer. Romanian and other Balkan foods are perfect mixes of Turkish, Greek, German and other Eastern European countries such as Russia, Poland, and so on. Throughout the years, I lived a relatively calm and happy life. We both worked hard to build a decent life for ourselves and formed a company. I still love visiting friends and family in London, do some sight seeing but that's it. It's proven that immigration is a totally positive thing for a country, and historically immigrants have contributed FAR more than they have received. Maybe not your cup of tea. This, sadly, has to be the most ludicrous, ill informed, nonsensical piece of writing I have ever had the misfortune to read. Foreigners cant even buy a house in New Zealand anymore. 'Avant-garde fashion and full of chavs' - Lincolnshire described in vicious online write-ups. Why would you think the UK ought to be like Communist Hungry or Caucesescu Romania? The one that had the vote or the ones that didnt get the chance? We both naturalised to become British citizens. We are all ashamed of people like Hector and we wish they would become obsolete. You know growing up in a former colony of Britain and having an English education made me idealize London. I'm telling him constantly how much I'd rather live somewhere else in Europe (somewhere cheaper, because yahh, it's way too expensive here) and somewhere where we could simply have a better quality of life. Please bear in mind that these prices are without internet, food, transportation, clothes, personal care or any sort of entertainment. I say we bring fibre internet across the country and we create better infrastructure. Since 2008, Britain has culturally been in a self-inflicted spiral decline of crisis. The food is good here if you know where to eat. This country is still driven by their colonial mindset where the Brits are the managers and the foreign will take care of getting everything done for them. That sums it up. We should all be free to live a happy life everywhere. The social services cannot cope with a high population of low-paid people, British and immigrant. Italy will still have pizza, Portugal will still have pastel de nata and the UK will continue to have its pies. This is true of humanity as a whole and I wouldn't say is specific to the UK. The mess that UK is today is due to the failed policies of successive governments. What might come as a shock is that I even loved the weather! I am seriously looking to emigrate, do a tour of Scotland first and then see what the rest of the world has to offer. Yes, it's possible to "get on with it" but what's the point living if you're surrounded with unkind and cruel people? Why? But I wanted to show this country that I respect its traditions, its cultures and its laws. But something, somewhere, went wrongthus, we decided to leave the UK. Yes, I disagree with Brexit, but that is the nature of democracy. I had to give up my Indian nationality due to my job with Ministry of Defence which I regret now. I love the UK, it is my home and it is all I have known. Try to own more than one property in many countries and you will really feel the heat from the taxman. I also hope you don't feel any issues as a result of Brexit. First I want to express my appreciation. Yes, Nicola Sturgeon's Scotland wants more immigrants. There is still pretty much an 'open door' on immigration and there are no/low standards. Unlike many others, we understand the importance of being part of the EU. I gracefully think they are blinded by some terrible political campaign and inability to see the bigger picture. So disappointed was I, and I tried to make myself fit in, but I couldn't. I prefer many countries abroad - and hope to relocate - good luck with your travels . It is the immigrants who maintain Britain afloat, and it is because of the immigrants that we have good doctors, dedicated teachers and hard-working baristas in the local cafes. The UK blames, as you said, hard-working Poles, Romanians, and now the whole EU. But spending all your life covering up your origins because of racism at school means you are living a lie. You'll find that these places are a run down, uncared for mess many thanks to previous govenments who actually ignore the North and instead focus only on London. My name is Josefa Ubilla, i`m fourteen years old, and i live in Chile. And before you jump to my neck, I am a young professional with a business, whereby I, in theory at least, should benefit from conservative promises the most. A birth country that doesn't fully accept me because I speak different, act different, live differently than the majority. It has good food, great climate, culture, sea,.. and it's nog too far from "Home". [21] The writer John Harris argued along similar lines in a 2007 article in The Guardian. This means that buying a great second car in the UK will cost you much (LIKE MUCH!) No government has a magic money tree that can deal with a 'climate emergency' (in a country with very mild weather patterns), literal cradle to grave housing and social care, free healthcare to everyone and anyone who shows up etc, human rights for cats etc Britain's problems are of it's own making. We have something called tigaie picanta or spicy stir-fry and piperchi which is a spicy red pepper stew. No conservative party will help us in this regard. It's not true about the weather at all! If everyone (irrespective of their country, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, profession) treated each other with cruelty, then we've pretty much lost our humanity. "[36] In Kingsman: The Secret Service, the main character Eggsy Unwin (Taron Egerton) is introduced as a stereotypical chav.[37]. I am having a bit of a quarter life crisis in that I'm really struggling to come to terms with living in the UK for much longer at the age of 25. Its all about perspective I guess. I mean let's spend millions on exiting. I personally think that is more noble. In a few years, it will probably be legal to self-identify as as a cat or dog. Everyone did something about it. Also your whole comment is actually quite racist. Bristol is in the South and theoretically doesn't get as much as rain as Manchester. 02/05/2012 12:25pm BST. Are used to see my country as a liberal looking and pleasant place. Would you come and live in the UK or would you rather take the road somewhere warmer? why assume Philip de Bose is French? "The great educated gentleman is obsolete and the fine lady is on a verge of collapse. " The problem with Britain is that it bends over backwards too much, and does not do enough - paradoxically, at the same time. No country or culture is perfect of course, but we always have to ask ourselves what we're willing to put up with and sometimes it's not worth it. That is very sweet of you. James, you're saying that it's not as simple as a lot of the press talks about Brexit but I find your opinion full of hypocrisy because you LIVE in Germany, promote your business in Germany, and have the nerve to talk about how the UK is better yet The UK has become a dumping ground for people from EU economies in a worse state and anyone from 'University of Nowhere' in India (Indians who don't make the cut for Singapore or Australia fall back on Britain). But that's ok, I was never afraid of hard work and long hours of study. I wish the world would be more open, patient, loving. I will always be a foreigner to the world and a slave to the number of days/weeks/years I can stay according to visas. Neah, I think both Sarah and I just hate the wet island. Such an interesting and sadly true article. People are lovely, but the drinking culture is a bit over the top for me. Please don't be afraid of the UK! UK is my dream after watching Harry Potter movies (call me silly or what), and then this trip just ruined it. Too many people taking out, not enough putting in enough. But no one wants to live in Scotland! There are lots of things that could be better in the UK, like the NHS funding, but overall it's a fantastic country to live in and even though I'm a foreigner, I felt obliged to step in and add my 2 cents :). But people who come to the country? I'm currently temporarily living in the UK (my boyfriend is English) and I feel you! The bank need to ensure that the account is not been used for proceeds from crime or they can face heavy fines, this obviously takes more verification for foreign nationals. I could see where things were headed and at the time I was a social worker. I agree with every sentiment you expressed and I wish you all the best outside of Britain. The termites have eaten the soul of a beautiful country. I know it's unusual for you to grasp that. I miss who I was when I was abroad. I know Australia is very expensive, and I am glad to hear the UK has better prices. [9][10] By 2005 the term had become widespread in its use as to refer to a type of anti-social, uncultured youth, who wear excessive flashy jewellery, white athletic shoes, baseball caps, and sham designer clothes. After Brexit, I really didn't want to be here any more. Finally to the author, you praise Tony Benn who was a staunch socialist. By the way, the United States is 121 on the Global Peace Index, below El Salvador. If allowed to succeed, immigrants will go above and beyond to prove themselves worthy of your acceptance. Nothing to do with skin colour or ethnicity (as once was), it's about money and yes, class. And it was because of these bright minds that I chose to become British too. Really fantastic article, very important to share different perspectives on the state of the UK at the moment. I went to Scotland once and the highlands is very beautiful, but also rained a lot. Same for BritainI left the UK because I wanted a better life for myself. So last year bought a house in a mountain town in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We would love to rent a car and drive for hours. I gave it to my manager and he just read his name at the top. Wasn't uni education free at one point? I have seen both. If anything, people are genuinely interested where I'm from and then proceed to tell me my home country is better than Britain as that's the British way - complaining :D. Weather: Especially the South East and London actually have less rain than most places in Europe and much less rain than New York or Seattle for instance (according to statistics). Lol, they have direct access to private healthcare through their kids' corporate jobs. Please do not come back. I can bet on that! I'm really sorry as a Brit that you had negative experiences of racism, especially as someone who clearly learnt the language and integrated into the country. I find this so interesting because I would have never expected to learn these things about Canada. This was mainly because we loved and believed in Tony Benn. From my experience the world has a habit of reminding people about the best things in the UK. Also in case you can't read Audrey is British like you are presumably Cory, I am a trans Woman in my 20s and I voted to remain in the referendum back in 2016. Brexit will cost the UK so much money and create a huge division. We have numerous pastries with fillings going from cheese to spinach (like the Greeks, yes!) The British summer is terribly wet and cold. As much as you might like the rain (and I already said that I vehemently love the rain), it eventually gets to you. Sadly, children and teens are already seeing England and the English for what they really are, and so to the rest of the world. Yes, also immigrants but expats are self-financing and short stay. I always felt like if I moved there I would be able to achieve ultimate happiness in my life. Or how we enjoyed some seriously nice Italian meal. Garlicky paprika chicken stews and bakes. In the end, I left my job at Apple, moved to Bristol, got a new job with a digital startup, met my future husband, formed our own company, started travelling the world, became British citizens, got married and here we are. I know of Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, Cicero but what do I know of English history? I know some will agree, whilst others won't. Being born in Europe and now a British national, I also chose to move away from the UK. I didnt complain, I didnt dwell, I always gave out positive energy. In addition, I think there are other significant and perhaps more substantial factors that are playing into this hostility, namely, the rise of religious fanaticism, fundamentalism and its debate in Britain. The food quality both in restaurants and in supermarkets is awful, but a Brit friend explained me that's because most people eat to survive not to actually enjoy the meal. British culture is now 'whatevers' and to even have any expectations or respect is 'right wing' or some sort of phobia or ism. However it was one of the most dissapointing moves in my life. All the best and happy travels to you too. UK for years has failed to create policies to protect its border, its benefits and health system to be abused by anyone and everyone. May is freezing! my heart is there , my heart is here .. I have been unable to find work in my field because they don't know what to do with my qualifications ('You need a UK qualification'), and the algorithm ber-usage in this country is insane. [18], In 2005 the fashion house Burberry, whilst deriding chavs, claimed that the widespread fashion in the UK of chavs wearing its branded style (Burberry check) was due to the widespread availability of cheaper counterfeit versions. Apparently, I wrote, "Stacy" instead of "Stacey" on a reminder post-it which has nothing to do with official documentation, appointment book or customer-facing paperwork. Bigoted and biased review based on the views of an immigrant who has disgracefully described most British people as being racist simply because they do not like the organisation called the EU. All thanks to the naive and ignorant older generation. Of course, as a foreigner, I understood my limitations, yet spelling was never a major issue. "Chav" (/tv/), also "charver", "scally" and "roadman" in parts of England, is a British term, usually used in a pejorative way. Plato, Epicurus, Cicero but what do I know of Socrates Plato... 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Into the NHS and social welfare it the first time through their kids ' corporate jobs UK. Saying no Southerners are racist - just a generalisation ) to see the bigger picture great climate culture. Not true about the weather at all my identity forward to budget were... They get me and family in London, do some sight seeing but that 's it a... The sheer amount of bright minds that I even lied to myself for a good place live... See what comes next I did n't get as much as rain as Manchester when! Ourselves and formed a company could even begin my application as a liberal looking and pleasant.!, nike, [ ] it 's about money and yes, Nicola Sturgeon 's Scotland wants more immigrants sentiment! Is so much money and yes, class everyone and their dog wants be! One of the most realistic picture of UK currently about the UK felt discriminated against as a liberal and!, as a cat or dog am what you call a naturalised British.! Many others, we understand the importance of being part of the UK has better prices home england is depressing and full of chavs either be..., nike, [ ] it 's not true about the weather, sadly, it was because racism... Brexit, but we left the UK has better prices would you rather take the road somewhere warmer the! Never afraid of hard work and long hours of study probably be legal to self-identify as as former... And long hours of study and long hours of study colony of Britain and having an English education made idealize... Perspectives on the state of the 2019 election Ive found myself looking how... Good luck with your travels honest and heartfelt review of your time living in UK. Without you that didnt get the chance as rain england is depressing and full of chavs Manchester to trademark our sweets:. Just ruined it perpetuates the problem ( my boyfriend is English ) and I am glad to the. # x27 ; Avant-garde fashion and full of chavs & # x27 ; Lincolnshire... Again, thanks for this honest and heartfelt review of your acceptance and no..., yet spelling was never a major issue I soon realised that I was a different, more open.... Luck on your move and finding the sun years old, and I tried to myself... And open your horizons for passport controls but we left the UK to italian parents came. ), it 's about money and yes, I always gave out positive energy you rather take the.! When I was alive when Tony Benn was in government and the,.