I watched a movie a while ago called Wendy and Lucy. They may regret what they did once they learn more. However, there are some legitimate reasons such as a pet that has become terminally ill or extremely aggressive, or a person who loses all sources of income for an extended period of time and can no longer care for the pet. If she did get adopted, thats really lucky- most pitbulls in shelters (the VAST majority) arent so lucky. The restriction should be broader though and encompass dog breeders and puppy retailers. I took her in to clean her up, get her vetted and to find a new home for her. I have two critters that I have gotten from rescues. no they should not be able to ever adopt again, they did it once they will do it again. You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. 1.) NYC ACC kill dogs every day. the office staff should be made aware of this . Children should be included in this, some people are selling their kids and I dont think many people are aware of this. If someone returned an animal once, then maybe a small red flag, and the interview/screening process should be more difficult for that individual, but if someone has 3+ cases of returning animals, then no. They got them off Craigslist, or backyard breeders, or their neighbor/friend whose dog had a litter of puppies because they were too ignorant/irresponsible to spay/neuter. Until she started attacking me. In this case, no adoption or pet for them ever. My choices were to sentence my cat to a life of fear and guaranteed violent death, or return the dog I loved to the shelter. i knew there would be children walking in my property to go to school. Things my husband promised me we would do together for him when I agreed to let him keep the stray he found two years ago. If their response to a difficult situation is to surrender their dog, what will keep them from doing it again if things get rough? Passing judgment on people without any comprehension of their actual circumstances is extremely cruel. Yes sometimes a particular animal is not a good fit for the home maybe the family needs a dog that doesnt shed as much or doesnt bark as much or is more friendly towards small children so they should be given an option to find a pet that is a better fit for them. He was a nervous dog and would bite without warning. They dont deserve the love of another animal. not just no but HELL no!!!! That means you own the dog, and it's your decision whether you want to return them to a previous owner or now. This doesnt need to be a law if every shelter or rescue requires it as part of the process, like the adoption application. If you can no longer care for your pet then make the effort to find a good home. Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. What the heck is wrong with people? When you get an animal you are making a life long commitment, just like having a child! 10 years?). But we refuse to neuter/spay and continue to do this to animals. No. If they cannot follow through with the one they have, they have no business getting another. Never. Surrendering to a shelter, hed be dead, period. I kept turning my back toward her and she was also going in circles, jumping on me, trying to bite me. It simply did not work. Broke skin and she had a black eye for almost a week. Your dog/cat is now in a shelter that is loud and lit. These same people would probably surrender their own children if they could legally get away with it. 3599 NW 79th Ave. Doral, FL 33122. There is a $50.00 fee per animal for out-of-county residents. Unless you are ready for that, dont put an animal through what that lack of commitment can mean for them. When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. Food is limited servings. They should NEVER be allowed to adopt again! If you say surrender is only allowable for these reasons whats to stop these folks from using one of those reasons? I have also adopted 9 cats & I still have them all. I am as bleeding heart as it gets and Im right there with you. They can help pay for training and behavior and can help you sort out whether the pet has a training issue that can be solved or an emotional issue that requires different intervention, Dr. Albright says. Some one that did not care would just let it fend for itself and dump it anywhere. When you get a dog or cat you commit to take care of them even in sickness and old age. Caring for your animal costs more money than is received in adoption fees. I want to create a home for a dog that may have experienced what I did to my dog. The idea that people think of pets as disposable property makes me ill. these are living creatures not old cars to be traded in for a newer model. Making the decision to have a pet means a responsibility that last many years. Both are more dangerous than being kindly euthanized. as part of the process in order to adopt, and make that available to ALL rescues, shelters and Veterinarians. No. I had to give my dog back after she was hit by a car and required surgery I simply couldnt afford. During this time, every member of my family and quite a few of our friends were growled at and bitten. no second chances with the life of a pet! Domestic Cats - $50. Adopt a Pet Search all pets available for adoption. Do NOT leave an animal outside the . Became very attached then found out she was pregnant. I do believe that these should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. He was torn up and she was all bruised about the face. Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal. my dog is shelter dog she was a year old and had been beaten and abused and i new it but she came to me right away and we have had her now 15yrs. I cry still, and this was almost 5 years ago. i was forced out of my trailer and put into the city. I DONT CARE IF I WERE SICK OR ON THE STREET THAT IS MY FUR BABY AND WHERE EVER I GO SHE WILL BE WITH ME!!!!! Its not so black and white. To paraphrase Gandhi, the morals of a people or nation can be be measured by the way its animals are treated. The costs associated with helping to place dogs and cats are substantial (shelter, food, medical care, etc.). Then, from bad breeding, the little Pom was found to have congenital heart failure. We dont have children our cats are our children. DCHS provides a variety of services for our community. While I do like to see homeless people keep their dogs, not all homeless people can, especially women with children. absolutely not. Get off your high horse people. In both cases, the groups require a thorough screening process to ensure that the pet/baby is placed in a home . Anyone that can do this has little to no conscience or compassion and should not be considered for pet adoption. Shes 18 now and I wouldnt trade one moment with her for anything. These irresponsible pet owners make me sick. We need to be harsher with people there are millions of life lost in these shelters!!! I loved that dog and I will always love her, but I couldnt force my cat to live in fear for the rest of her life and put her safety at risk, knowing it was only a matter of time before shed be killed. I had to make the hardest decision of my life when I surrendered my dog to then Humane Society. They can start a Facebook group and link it to their website to encourage residents to follow whats going on and help them promote the animals available for adoption or those in need of donations for medical care. No way anyone that could just give up baby to a shelter doesnt deserve to own another . No way! No they should not adopt. A dog is for the life of your dog. Now if the owner passes away and they have no next of kin, than that is another story. Of course youll get all kinds of false names and people dumping their dogs anonymously at night but at least we could try to make them stop and think about what theyre doing. If they simply could not afford to feed or care for that animal, I think there should be a way for them to be boarded at some shelters, and this person volunteer their time there to help cover the expenses. He is mine for life. It all depends on the situation. I totally understand that there are all kinds of circumstances, but I have to go with a NO because these people take an animal to a known Kill facility knowing that their dog or cat do not have the best chances of being adopted is just as bad as abuse. A tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics later, the shelter laid it on reaaaaal thick, made me feel worse than I already did and handled it extremely poorly in general. The dog webt straight for my throat. You dont get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because thats what you signed up for. Abandonment is what theyre doing, and thats supposed to be a misdemeanor in California. At the time, of course, my mom was telling herself (and us kids) that of course they would find good homes. He never bit anyone, but that kind of thing scares people, and rightfully so. But I also had a baby to take care of, and as much as I loved my dog, my baby and our financial stability were a priority over putting ourselves into debt for such an expensive surgery (that had no real guarantee of succeeding, and even if it did he would most likely develop chronic problems as a result). No one is good enough for their dogs. I feel badly enough about giving her back and you guys here make it sound like everyone who does this is evil. eeps attitude is an example of why so many people turn to Craigslist and just skip the rescue groups. Then I feel those folks should not be allowed to adopt again. Unfortunately, the dogs were found (together) just outside of the neighborhood associations radar. And I hate when people judge me and call me heartless when they dont have a clue of what I endured prior to his vet visits and after surrendering him. It depends on the circumstances. It just breaks my heart for these animals! Maybe a better screening process is needed. Copyright 2022 Dogington Post. Not everyone surrenders their dog because they are evil people. It wasnt even called a shelter and Im sure those poor cats were all killed within a few minutes of our driving away. Because a shelter pet can cost between $200 and $350, the majority of people leave a $50 minimum donation. Such an irresponsible act should prohibit them from ever adopting a dog from the shelter system EVER again. If anyone should definitely be denied the ability to adopt a pet, it should be animal abusers and people who abandon their dogs in the street. Still to this day do not no why they had us re homed him. And to make matters worse, the escape artistry was increasing. They voluntarily gave up their pets to a kill shelter and then think they can just adopt another one? Every situation is different. My only fear is if people cant get another shelter animal then they may result in killing the pet themselves. They only become that way when they are ignored. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. No. We are not required to notify you of any development regarding health or status. She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even I was allowed near him. All of that being said, if someone brings in a dog or cat to dump in a shelter and then wants to adopt within the next six months, definitely not. It depends; if the person has to surrender the animal for reasons beyond their control, they should be allowed to adopt again when they are stable and are completely sure they can take on the pet. I believe it should be left up to the discretion of the shelter that took the animal and understands the entire picture. You better have a very good reason! There needs to be a national DO NOT ADOPT list for every state. Please note we are located in Lynnwood, Washington 20 miles north of Seattle. Life is about love, learning, and things that make you happy. So I say no to those who dont care that their pets will be killed or not. Really? I highly doubt they adopted from a shelter or rescue organization. Definitely not n they should pay to surrender any animal Please call around. That was on a Friday. A photograph that went viral on social media showed dozens of pet owners, with their animals ranging in size, age, shape, and breed, lined up outside the intake department of a South Florida kill shelter. That animal is your responsibility! I spent the next 3-4 weeks supervising visits between the cat and the dog, trying to help them be friends. So we gave her a chance. Just like TSA has a no fly list. So, to say we should never be allowed to adopt again, is not fair at all. I guess Im not a bleeding heart like some of the people one here, but if Im having to $100-$1000 month after month to figure out why an animal I adopted, cared for, gave all my time and attention, is literally tearing my house apart, fighting my other animals, pissing on household furniture, clothing, other pets bedding, and the only thing I get is the same rigamarole from shelters and online sources. It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. I think it should be a case by case basis. She now has limited sight and hearing, she is frail and doddery but would I dump her NO WAY. Anyone who knowingly leaves their dog at a kill shelter is not a person who can be trusted to take care of any pet now or in the future. And they should have some liability for selling puppies to persistent surrender offenders! Please contact the shelter at (740) 369-7387 if you have any questions. There should be licensing requirements and if an abandoner tries to obtain a license, heavily fined. Not everyone who leaves a pet at an animal shelter is a horrible person. I know dogs bring me SO much joy and have taught me so much. I think that is a good idea. If they did it once, they will do it again. We were told he was a lab/boxer mix. People who betray that trust should not be given another chance to betray an animal. An animal is not a disposable object. If the 60-day return policy has expired, you will not receive a gift card. Im still totally devastated, and would pay anything to make my allergies go away so I could have kept her . People make mistakes all the time and people can also change and become better people. I have 5 shelter dogs and before had 3 that I purchased from breeders. The medications for him were over $500 a month for four years (he passed recently) and being a 22 year old student and no insurance companies willing to take him, I would have lost him if my mother didnt decide to help. Whilst also being a single mother with a baby? Those that surrender their animals should be on a separate registry. I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a kill or no kill shelter. Work with people to help them place their animals. I believe that your situation was a little different since the cat was not technically yours you did a good deed by taking the cat in. These people rate right up there with child abusers and should definitely not be allowed to adopt ever again. A registry would create more dumped at roadside and free to good home posts. If they really cared about their pets the pet owner would actually look for a no kill shelter and place their dog their. You will need an appointment, and there is no fee to surrender, although we always accept donations to offset the cost of caring for the animals. If they make the effort to te-home the pet with people they have vetted then by all means. He tore up everything- my front and back doors, my carpet, every single hanger he found, as well as dishes, toys, trash and kitchen utensils. Wendy ended up being homeless and while she cared very much for her dog, Lucy, she felt that she couldnt give Lucy the kind of life she deserved. Then six months later, they found a job that provides them a strong income again. How do you know theyll do it again? No way. I would love to see a national DO NOT ADOPT TO registry! Dogs are family, they are not some piece of furniture or trash that you can get rid of when you feel like it. Jail time for repeat offenders. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. You dont know if the people waiting at this shelter were on the verge of homelessness due to economic circumstances or couldnt keep the dog because of situations like the one I was in. I love animals. As a dog trainer and dog rescuer I say , NO. Consulting with a veterinarian or shelter worker regarding an animal's behavior should be done before, not after, surrendering the animal. I accept that sometimes a situation unfolds that makes it practically impossible to continue taking care of your furbaby, whether youre unable due to (I dont really know tbh, Id die before giving up mine and Id even sell myself if need be, for its food, medical care, whatever; luckily I can depend on alternative skills to get money in), but if the worse come to the worst, you should spend every waking minute to find a good loving home with a friend/family member/someone you can vouch for, and continue to keep tabs on the new owners, BUT DO NOT DROP HIM/HER OFF AS IF THEY WERE RECYCLE GOODS! 1-Every person that surrenders should have to fill out papers as to why they are surrendering. During my many visits to the local Humane Society, I have seen intake reasons such as, Owner died and family couldnt keep dog, Dog was not good with children in the home, Family lost house and cannot keep dog. I think its an entitled position to take to assume that everyone who is forced to take a dog to a shelter is doing so because they dont care about the pet and deem them unworthy of adopting in the future. Do keep in mind, we are a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. A dog is forever and unfortunately they dont live as long as us but I sure wish they did!! This probably would of gone a different way. 2070 Griffin Road. Surrender twice, 10 year ban. But I would worry people would just dump there pets on the streets or give their pets away on Craigslist because they feared being branded for life. I think if the people make every effort to put it into a new home or rescue, and take it to a no kill shelter as a last resort, there should be considerations made. And ultimately, it could drive the less than responsible pet owners to pet stores and backyard breeders. What is dogs and cats did that to their owners. They would never know that there was any kind of a hardship, because they would be cared for just like always. For some its an addiction getting a dog, getting rid of it, and then getting a new dog. I DONT THINK THEY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE ANIMALS AGAIN FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS AND THEN UNDERGO TRAINING HOW TO TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS AND WHAT IT MEANS TO AN ANIMAL TO HAVE A HOME AND LOSE IT AND MAKE SURE THIS DOESNT HAPPEN AGAIN WHEN THEY GET A NEW COUCH!!! Dogs once adopted should have the assurance that they have found their forever home. But, I would much rather someone who cannot properly care for their beloved pet surrender them to a responsible shelter then leave them on a road somewhere or give them to someone who will not love and care for them. I volunteer with a rescue and its heartbreaking to hear the reasoning behind a surrender the dog is too big too much trouble no time etc etc 2 weeks later my older daughter (8 years old) was yelling at my youngest (4) and walked away stomping her feet. I knew when I took possession of the dog that she was not going to be my family's new pet. Petsmart is a pet retailer that offers a variety of products and services for pets. When dogs and cats are valued more, not just a throw away thing, then the horrible turn over rate will decline. If a person adopts a pet and then is evicted from their home or loses their job then they may not be able to afford to take care of a pet anymore. I know there may be some special cases.No, i take that back. People who just throw them away should not be allowed to adopt again, UNLESS there were extraordinary circumstances. If they could afford dental care periodically they would keep a significant number that are now relinquished. This would just keep thousands of animals without the chance to be adopted. Period. And absolutely not!! Just to be clear I still have my lil beagle, but had I known then what I know now, I never would have adopted a dog. If they surrender their pet to a kill shelter knowing that the dog would more likely be euthanized then they should be put on a list that is made public nation wide to all rescue groups, breeders, shelters, etc to prevent them from ever adopting or purchasing a dog or a cat in the future. While the majority of those who surrender pets do so for selfish reasons, if a national registry is put into place I do think there should be an appeal process for extenuating circumstances. I strongly believe that anyone who surrenders their dog, should not be allowed to adopt again. Why let them adopt again? After about two months of feeding and talking to the cat every day it finally let me pet it. A person who gave away his/her animal can certainly make a request to get the animal back and can offer to pay for the animal. Then a resounding no, with placement on a nationwide list of do not adopt forever. There are just so many cases that have a back story to them. For assistance with altering your pet so you do not continue to have litters of puppies or kittens, you can call (619) 299-7012 ext. Breeding, the groups require a thorough screening process to ensure that the is... My only fear is if people cant get another shelter animal then they may in! To obtain a license, heavily fined both cases, the little Pom was to. She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even i was near... About their pets the pet themselves is received in adoption fees at roadside and free to home. Turn to Craigslist and just skip the rescue groups many cases that have a back story to.... 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