He locks himself away inside himself to protect himself from the expected loathing from others never allowing himself hope that someone would love and under him. The hoagie sandwiches arrive right before the ceremony itself, which blends the standard beats of school dances with suggestions of awkward youthful sex and celebratory school graduations, not to mention just about every other young-adult maturation ritual you can think of, at a spot named Montys Deli. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [3] It begins with Chinaski's early memories. I think in the first half the film is trying to make that same impression for the viewer a little bitall of this excess, all of this gravity thats applied to the mundane but ends up meaning so much [later on] that attention to the details of mise en scne was part of what made me interested in working on it. It became about the suburbs I grew up in, and those teenagers left when college began and they didnt come back and a whole generation of teenagers disappeared and who was left? Ham On Rye was an absolutely enthralling experience and taking this journey with Henry "Hank" Chinaski was nothing short of a delight. The film premieres at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival this week, and the official site is here. Twayne Publishers, New York, 1997. p. 36, 42, 43. The grotesque-looking boils of his acne vulgaris will eventually turn their excuses for hating him into an ostracizing trifecta. The passage of time from adolescence to early adulthood is an uncanny experience for I presume just about everyone, but the ephemerality of modern digital life must only make it worse. [2] The story takes place at home, at his different schools, at the doctor's office (for his never-ending acne treatments) and at various other locales around town. Interesting view into the life of a boy who just never caught a break. It is an uneasy journey where some find purpose, escaping their suburban constraints, as others remain behind, their blank faces reflecting more circumscribed lives. The Dig - Greater Boston's Alternative News Source, Written by JAKE MULLIGAN Posted December 1, 2020 Weird story about a boy's difficult childhood and rise to maturity in the 1920s. Brewer, Gay. Same goes for something that Taormina said to AwardsDaily in early 2019, which seems way too key not to reproduce here: The script was born through that feeling of nervous confrontation to [rituals] and then it bloomed into What happens to those who dont get selected?, he said back then. Turns out, Taormina mistrusts the high school dramedy as much as you do, and hes here to skewer its inanity with odd insight and deep, perhaps angry melancholy: a cocktail stick of profundity pins this hoagie through the heart. Ham on Rye, the feature film debut of Long Island-native, Los Angeles-beached Tyler Taormina, is one of the strangest and most discomfiting "coming-of-age" films of recent memory.I put "coming-of-age" in quotes because, yes, ostensibly it follows children between the ages of 15 and 18 becoming Something Else, Something Bigger. Jake disappears and appears. Its a day were going to remember for the rest of our lives, says the opening dialogue, and the generic phrasing blurs certain lines to build upon the very particular biorhythmic point where Taorminas movie takes place: A kid who says that might be talking about their prom, or about having sex, or about moving out, or maybe even about school graduation, among other possibilitiesbut no matter what, theyre probably talking about something meant to happen in the period that weve come to calling the teenage years. All Rights Reserved. Ham on Rye Review: Coming of Age, With Existential Unease, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/22/movies/ham-on-rye-review.html, From left, Haley Bodell, Gabriella Herrera and Audrey Boos in Ham on Rye.. More curious about the origin of the prop than about its meaning, I asked Taormina where the small plaything came from. And then, also being from the suburbs myself, youre dealing with these signifiers that are very familiar to me. In the beginning, and just for a little while, Tyler Taormina's "Ham on Rye" seems like every other no-budget suburban coming-of-ager you've ever seen, if maybe better shot. In this case, the transgression is, oddly enough, staying at home with your familyand its definitely not a cool one. Then the something-weird happens and "Ham on Rye" turns its attention to the teenagers who weren't at the dance: Haley, who left in a pique of embarrassment after being passed over by a boy . Of course the same is true of books, films, and everything gathered under the sunit all goes eventually. Like a spectre left haunting the grounds after her fellows have moved on, the Haley character spends the second half of. Ham on Rye explained Ham on Rye is a 1982 semi- autobiographical novel by American author and poet Charles Bukowski. Like a hoagie sandwich filled with meat and lettuce, thats a quintessential American suburban item.. Inside the shop, the boys form one line, the girls another, music begins and, with hand gestures for language, the kids pair off into couples. Though of course Taormina can pull the episodes whenever he wants, or Youtube or Vimeo could take them down for any reason including none whatsoever, and then theyd be left to a small handful of hard drives, at most, where a random crash might erase them on any given sunday. Bukowski keeps his descriptions of his hometown grounded in reality, paying more attention to the people that make up Los Angeles than to the city itself. How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so? What defines Ham on Rye insteadoverwhelming all the foreshadowing and other narrative suggestions littered throughout its first halfare its faces (even the youngest ones seem tired and weathered, like kids in films made before our time), its sense of humor (which comes out via strange turns in dialogue and even stranger turns in performance, like a small boys mechanical golf-clap or a moms oversized chomps at lunch), and its numerous motifs, which include picture frames and oblique references to swine. works to give young adulthood some of its ceremony back. First published in 1982, Ham on Rye is Bukowski's fourth novel, and now makes its first UK appearance under the auspices of Scotland's canny independent press, Rebel Inc. Tracing the youth and . thats eventually revealed to be a literal ceremony at the center of Taorminas debut feature. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The air is often dead, even when people are ostensibly being social: Asking a question or making an observation is no guarantee anyone will say anything in reply. The kids have phones, but they seem to be flip-tops, seldom used, and when later some of the older boys glide off into the night on more modish electronic hoverboards, somehow the contradiction doesnt disrupt the films own little enclosed continuum. As Lund has written about himself in an indispensable piece for Filmmaker Magazine headlinedOver 100 Cast Members and No Permits: How I Shot Ham on Rye in Los Angeles, the films faceless neighborhood locations were stolen from various spots across that cityso for example Ham on Ryes semi-decontextualized meeting spot Montys is in real life actually Berges, a deli in the La Caada Flintridge area of Los Angeles County. Can anyone with expertise or understanding please explain? 1985. Take your time and savor the experience. To make matters worse, Chinaski develops horrible acne so severe that he has to undergo painful, and mostly ineffective, treatments, essentially becoming a human guinea pig for various experiments thought up by his uninterested doctors. He never experienced love. Carson Lund's superb cinematography, apparently influenced by photographers like William Eggleston and Stephen Shore, picks out boys riding skateboards, borrowing Dad's Volvo, and talking about the crucial [] Once the kids arrive at the deli, where a slightly older guy in a bandana looks out at them surlily and grinds meat in the back room, a strange coupling ritual begins, part pairing-off-at-a-disco, part being-picked-for-basketball. Are we here alone? In the beginning, and just for a little while, Tyler Taorminas Ham on Rye seems like every other no-budget suburban coming-of-ager youve ever seen, if maybe better shot. Following a nocturnal tour of the now much-less-populated location (in a scene that for me betrays Lunds appreciation of movies by landscape-minded film artists like James Benning and Peter Hutton), were on the wrong side of the tracks, where the films atmosphere, mood, and suggested cultural signifiers all land in a much darker and frankly lower-class place than before (this change perhaps betraying some of Taorminas own stated influences for, and the films of David Lynchboth of which seem to undergo serious temporal shifts as nightfall commences). She is, in fact, a victim of her husband's brutality as well. A hauntingly. All the dread and the emptiness is what comes up after the big Monty's scene, when day turns to night, and when most of Ham on Rye's first-half cast disappears from the picture. has successfully conjured up a cinematic space where all those aforementioned experiences have been quite purposefully blended together, forming a sunlit anxiety dream of a generic suburban upbringing. Were not told when the film is taking place, or where the film is taking place, or even whats the deal with this big local event all the kids are moving towards. But part of what makes Ham on Rye special is how dutifully it avoids the lack of depth that usually accompanies utilizing deliberately generic settings. Afterwards, you get a sense of the sadness and defeat of the people who are left behind. Like for instance, one boy carries around this strange pig toywhich of course aligns with the films title as well as with another scene where someone refers to porking [as] the ultimate purposethat eventually lands in the hands of an older character, who discards it with some disgust. The unease is existential, as the fates of some of the couples make clear. Chinaski relates that he has an abusive father, and his mother does nothing to stop his father's abuse. Bukowski's Ham on Rye and the Los Angeles Novel. Ham on Rye has been one of my two favourite novels for almost thirty years. I dont get it. Executive producers: Tyler Taormina, Eric Berger, Kevin Anton They are as uneasy with the past as they are nervous about the future. Ham on Rye is a 1982 semi-autobiographical novel by American author and poet Charles Bukowski. As Henry begins High School, his father, who is experiencing downward inter-generational socioeconomic mobility, makes him go to a private school where he fits in even less amongst all the well-heeled, spoiled rich kids with their flashy, colorful, convertible sports cars and beautiful girlfriends. Reaktion Books, London, 2012. p. 146. The following guest essay on the making of Ham on Rye is from cinematographer Carson Lund. The post-facto rationalizations they concoct for their hostility, however, involve his inability to play sports and his being viscerally revolted by cruelty to animals, the latter being one of the favorite past-times of neighborhood men and boys alike. The grotesque-looking boils of his acne vulgaris will eventually turn their excuses for hating him into an ostracizing trifecta. This is a confusing taboo that weighs very heavily on mein fact, I feel it may have in a way forced me away from home. We learn more from the young peoples dress, groupings and actions than from the sparse and often inaudible dialogue. The vista of the road was super important, or houses that were pushed far back from the curb, said Taormina. A puzzling but artful look at teenage alienation. We're pleased to share the exclusive trailer premiere for Tyler Taormina's Ham on Rye, which will be released virtually on October 23rd in 20+ theaters nationwide.An unorthodox teen coming-of-age movie with an increasingly sinister twist whose details are best left unspoiled, Taormina's debut feature premiered at last year's Santa Barbara International Film Festival before making its . This interview with the Ham on Rye crew was facilitated by Lund, whose byline you might recognize from DigBoston itself. Even the oddest moves seem welcome. The parents dramatically age and regress throughout the evening. Brewer, Gay. He attended Los Angeles City College from 1939 to 1941, then left school and moved to New York City to become a writer. Its such a music-driven filmwere all musiciansand one of the things we did talk about a lot in preparation, especially for the Montys party sequence, was 80s music videos, Lund mentioned later. He has only slightly better results in baseball. And so by the time it reaches the mythic ceremony that occurs near its halfway point, Ham on Rye has successfully conjured up a cinematic space where all those aforementioned experiences have been quite purposefully blended together, forming a sunlit anxiety dream of a generic suburban upbringing. To make matters worse, Chinaski develops horrible acne so severe that he has to undergo painful, and mostly ineffective, treatments, essentially becoming a human guinea pig for various experiments thought up by his uninterested doctors. Like Henry, the rest of the Chinaskis are modeled after Bukowski's own family. This study guide consists of approx. 5 (3): 48, Fontana, Ernest. I mean, pig, pork, hamthats all a thing isnt it? Chinaski, growing up poor in Los Angeles during the Great Depression, is shown developing into a sarcastic loner. For example, Henry's parents, like Bukowski's, had met in Germany after World War I. Genre: Comedy. The Review of Contemporary Fiction. But now, you see her curiosity throughout the first act of. Henry agrees to teach little kid how to play a game and by the end of it he just walks out. Michael Berkowitz, a veteran of the civil rights and anti-war movements, has been Land Use Planning Consultant to the government of China for many years. But then, ringleader Gwen (Audrey Boos) really has to shit and skips across a lawn to up to a house, and however, the shot is framed and lit, it looks like 70s De Palma, all glowy and romantic with a foretaste of horror. Except where otherwise indicated, Everything.Explained.Today is Copyright 2009-2022, A B Cryer, All Rights Reserved. Enjoy them. Twayne Publishers, New York, 1997. p. 35. You are using an out of date browser. Anyone can read what you share. Always an outsider. 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. He taught Chinese and American History at the college level, worked with Eastern Kentucky Welfare Rights Org. . One passage that always reminds me of Nietzsche was from factotum ". So of all the quotes we could end on Im most partial to one that centers the unconscious, just like the film itself. On the side note, I relate liked the book as I could easily emphasize with Henty moat of the time, but I still cannot understand the last part! Its roots go that far down, and spread that far wide under the strange earth of the American suburb. Whats established instead are countless signifiers of a semi-contemporary American upbringing: from overarching, stuff like scenes of characters preparing for something like a prom (three girls in frilly dresses being photographed by their overexcited parents, see above), and then carpooling there (the parents now waving at the door like the first day of school, another ceremony) to smaller details seen in briefer shots like the decor of a longhair musicians car (beads on the rear view, bandana on the passenger seat), or a particularly rebellious-looking kid scraping a stick against a fence (which in this context cant help but recall, , ur-text of the American coming-of-age storya narrative lineage that, Its a day were going to remember for the rest of our lives, says the opening dialogue, and the generic phrasing blurs certain lines to build upon the very particular biorhythmic point where Taorminas movie takes place: A kid who says that might be talking about their prom, or about having sex, or about moving out, or maybe even about school graduation, among other possibilitiesbut no matter what, theyre probably talking about something meant to happen in the period that weve come to calling. 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