justice league fanfiction batman handsome

- @lilboyblu Browse; Paid Stories . Its getting too crowded here in the hall to wait for everyone to come.. Smaller bursts of fire and destruction could be seen upon another, and his own vessel began to shake. Instead they were busy stuck with a fighting retreat, trying to keep as many soldiers alive as they could manage. So were just soldiers to you? demanded Hawkgirl. No. Not so long as he called himself 'Flash.'. Obviously Flash was not comfortable with this whole mess. bruce is sleep deprived and dick and alfred just want him to SLEEP. Please consider turning it on! A thought struck her. It doesnt work.. . Hold this, she ordered, before drawing her mace as it crackled with energy. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men or women to do nothing. ", Too bad! Hence why they remained. Lets move into the cafeteria, Diana suggested. And you just left him! Was that the slightest hesitation as he brought it over for Martian Manhunter to see? Y/N al Ghul is the Batman of the year 2050. Only he could still see the tension in her frame. J'onn and John had fought in them, as had Superman to some extent, Diana had trained for it, and even Shayera apparently came from a warlike place. We had to make a choice.". 7. Hawkgirl! Weve got company!. Another moment, and the bully was the one secured in to his own torture stand, and the hero was free to examine the laptop to his hearts content. The truth is, weve gotten complacent., Wonder Woman rested a placating hand on the space cops shoulder. And even now they were taking the occasional hits from those super-tanks. Coincidence? Even so, it is abundantly clear they are far more powerful than weve been crediting them with.. So she returned home to her mother's apar [ how do you know so much about criminals? ] "Radio the others," he crisply ordered, "tell them to go on without us." More importantly, he retained a personal lab within the veritable fortress which lay down below Martian Manhunter. Everyone else followed. "This time all bets are off!". It was a block of metal, with a picture of the Straw Hats etched into it and painted. Dozens of them. Let them worry there were more to watch out for. Come with me! she said angrily, dragging him off by the arm, while Superman let them go without a word. "Wildman, d'you think you can put a grenade into that rat hole? As much as he desired to be present for the start of Endgame, success was more important. He made no comment about todays event. Like proper dogs, the military officers behind him voiced their agreements. Ongoing First published Apr 29, 2020 The young justice invasion ( 2016) team , bat family ( from the animated movies ) justice league is going to the movie Batman: bad blood All Rights Reserved batfamily batman batwomen characterwatchingmovies damianwayne dc dickgrayson fanfiction jasontodd justice league movie movies nightwing react reaction It was almost gratitude he felt for Bulldozer interrupting that line of thought with, "Yer so smart, why don't ya go find a runway with yer magic ring? A black car with a motorcycle escort drove up, and even from the distance they could see officers saluting whoever got out. Good thing too, as Jonn had barely had time to yell what that scary looking portal would do before they were all throwing themselves into it. He knows too much, he bit out. Feet entwined and one wrapped in the other's arm, eyes closed and awaiting unconciousness. I had to fix my hair, she smiled. Especially as they were waiting for more of the League to rejoin them, hopefully with fresh intelligence. While he tried to glare defiantly after the bigger man, he could not help drop his head in shame. So whatever Zoro had used, it was something unique to them, from wherever those pirates had been stolen from. Bruce Wayne has been living the normal life. [1 in catwoman 1/16/23] Progress. Ma. Some choice," he said sadly and guiltily as he looked away, and she herself found the ground better to stare at. Especially because for the life of him, he had no idea how the Pirate Swordsman had done this. From the corner of his eyes she gave him a look impossible to decipher beneath her mask. I saw him in action while I was out on recon. He walked up. For a battle cry, Superman made it nice and simple. "Because I don't want to hear all about my life ex not when it is so close to what would have been our anniversary.. There in that harsher world, Zoro discovered Conqueror's Haki, and to fight the cream of Savage's forces, had to push past his previous limits. . as well as . Wildman, come in from the other side. "I can still stop the invasion.". Green Lantern, he weakly said. From what I overheard the scientists say, we only have forty-eight hours until the portal collapses, and lose any chance to change things. was not something he was comfortable with. A tearing sound accompanied the shout as Bulldozer fell through the ground. "I couldn't find GL anywhere," he reported grimly, and Superman frowned in response. John Stewart was ex-military, and knew that was impossible. Or, Bruce attempts to show Damian and Tim what a functional sibling team looks like during missions. Begin Operation: Endgame!, Vandal had killed people for lesser insolence. . he accused Hawkgirl, which wiped away the sadness and shame from her face. Groaning, John felt himself hefted off the ground by his arms, and dragged down hallways and up stairways. Something he could not guarantee he and the others were prepared enough for. Green Lantern Jordan had jokingly suggested it after Superman had mentioned that many of the Leaguers had proteges and that he thought they would enjoy meeting each other. Realistically it was impossible to evacuate everyone from France. Running to a motorcycle from the escort, John got it going, and raced to keep up with the lead jet. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Lantern! she yelled, reaching out with a desperate hand for him. Crime Alley, born and raised, Jason Todd's childhood best friend, has seen it all, from her best friend's adoption to his murder and return. One on his left side, just by the seventh rib, and another on his right bicep. And right now his primary 'problem' was that they were about to blow up a factory full of workers. "These men needed medical attention. (Ash will absolutely not do that at least, shes not stupid, the gangs are basically training dummies for Robins. Allied warships were in the ocean below, and tracer fire from their cannons clearly visible. He should walk away. Not to mention the Allied Forces could coordinate with them better here. None of her usual enthusiasm at a good fight on display. Without another word Flash was off as a red streak, with the others in the air behind him. consequences. Especially with the risk of the Straw Hats?, At a guess, the alien speculated, the heavy matter was too hazardous for Savage to contain indefinitely. "Why you lousy! Bulldozers rise and rant were intercepted by the Sarge knocking him in the chest with the stock of his rifle. Its from the future, cut in a familiar and welcome voice, as Martian Manhunter landed beside them. Only he could not shake that feeling. An island near France which was apparently somehow virtually unknown could be invaluable to the Justice League. Diana couldnt help but chuckle when she saw the Flashs nephew speed ahead of everyone, only to turn back around when he noticed he left everyone behind. For all the harm they had done, they had also been the ones to help open her eyes to how things in Mans World were not as black and white as she would like to believe. Otherwise, what was the point of them? ), and a bandolier of more ammo carelessly resting on one shoulder. Hes a hero too. Now, you might imagine that after correcting history just right so there would be no temporal paradoxes, getting back home to their proper timeline would be a major challenge for the Justice League. Weapons the Allies have never even dreamed of. Furthermore, that future appears to have been made possible by the very act of using that time machine. Instead she had picked up something arguably even better for the situation. Hawkmoth is defeated. Knock it off, Bulldozer, weve got a war to fight. Turning to John, Theres an enemy airfield around here somewhere, he grabbed an extra gun from the fourth man, a younger man with freckles, and handed it over to their newest member and our job is to turn it into Swiss cheese. ordered Sergeant Rock. Its just like those old documentaries, Flash said to the others as they joined him. ", "Used to pitch in the bush leagues. Meanwhile ClarSuperman wryly said, A lot can happen in a few hours . The Justice League had faced all manner of powerful opponents in the past: bloodthirsty killers, insane tyrants, vengeful gods, and more. Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. Four years later Robin rescues the ghost boy Lila has kept her Promise. All of which means that the idea that they could conquer the world, is not something they would really appreciate and accept, especially on an emotional level. He felt a smile breaking across his face, and did nothing to hide it. Especially since the Allies' navy had taken earlier losses to originally land everybody. Maybe force them to land? To say nothing of how the reflection of the mans face as he regarded the former Fuhrer was distinctly inhuman? And especially since from what we saw, unlike us the Straw Hats have proven capable of their own teamwork! Unfortunately Hoffman was allowed within his inner sanctum for a reason. The threat of the dark future was no more, and all of them were coming back home. "Get it back, or destroy it! Just . Nothing about him really screams child-friendly!, And yet I dont hear you disagreeing with me!, Batman is a member of this team, Diana intervened, and he should be treated as such. "Okay!" Even if they were quickly fading. Flash was carrying soldiers out of the way of those massive, one-wheel tanks, while Superman was carrying an entire truck loaded with men. "WHOO! And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? Especially if they could call in the Luftwaffe to strafe and bomb the beach. My only desire is peace. Shoulda, coulda, woulda- having an opportunity and not taking it, thus regretting it later. Satisfactory. Justice League | Adventure Fanfiction Romance Batman,superman and other members had announced a new superhero has joined the team. ." I care!, "What're you talking about!? Or, Tim, Kon and Bart probably should have thought of their vacation planning needs before they got themselves banned from pretty much every square inch of the globe. Fury . After that, Flash had changed the channel, not being in the mood for such a downer after a long day. "What if it's not propaganda? No more than Batman, he warned. No time to call for backup, said Sergeant Rock. The regular troops could handle the mop-up. . He had sharp, handsome features, and a naturally commanding presence. Jonns the best for scouting, so him going to Berlin for answers made perfect sense, except hes also the best for taking down these tanks! Something beyond how much this guy resembled that guy on the posters. Alongside him were his new squadmates, all of whose names he had finally gotten. In the midst of peeling back a hull-plate, rapid-fire cannons emerged from the hull and shot him. Rated: Fiction . And I will also give you a second advantage.". As soon as they passed over a small bridge overlooking a hill, he let go and threw himself down, safely rolling with the impact. "I thought you were watching our backs!" Well I guess hes not really a kid, though. At a guess, they had been intended to guard the complex while it was being prepared, and now their operators were all loaded aboard the super-jets themselves. No, I dont think thats true. Diana stated. Were losing altitude, reported one of the two pilots in the oversized cockpit with him. Because appearing on Earth had clearly not been their choice. Precisely. A sharp, piercing look. Aircraft with blue fuselages and engines, while the wings and tips of the tails were red. This was not his first time in one either. Clearly showing his best friend why he was the Green Lantern, and not the likes of Superman or Batman. Story of his life. Okay shes 11. A sound made him glance over his shoulder to see his guards giving room, and John looked back just in time to be hit by lightning and scream as his back wrenched back with the spasms of pain. Doubtless here to lead whatever invasion he had planned, with nearly everybody else now already aboard. Marinette is all alone. Circumstances lead to them finding and losing one another, but now it's her turn to fight back for the city that has given and taken so much from her. Superman threw himself in front of several soldiers about to be gunned down by the enemy fighter planes, shrugging off the machine gun fire. Well have to move up the invasion! Dimly he processed how even the others who had been with their teammate were also shocked. Unfortunately his happy thoughts were interrupted as someone ran into the war room. "That's why he needed the jet engine," realized Hawkgirl. Between Vandals official and personal agents, he would have long been alerted if the Allies had such tricks up their sleeves. It felt more like the angle and his point of view of the man was triggering a sense of dj vu that he could not shake. 2 Kudos: 71 Bookmarks: 8 Hits: Hiding any reaction, he waited a few heartbeats for an explanation. His wounds had not bothered him, and assured her that he had already healed. 8. he said loudly to the navy admiral standing beside him. Where are we? groaned Flash, the first to stand. It was a firefight in a bombed out city between two armies, and he would swear it was between the Nazis and the old American army. Hawkgirl stared after him with conflicted eyes, caught between wanting the man to go off on his rescue mission, or to stay here to help. Looking away, he beamed at his savior, What took you?. With that in mind, I would love to know what you think! I wonder . Now his enemies were fleeing for their lives, and would retreat back to Britain to stew in their failure. The Pirates Jason's morbid humor comes in handy with dealing with spam calls. Without another word, he left the room. What if Damian actually had a twin? He looked over his shoulder to draw attention away from how he was now reaching into his uniform. I . Steve Trevor had been a spy escaping Berlin when she and Martian Manhunter ran into him. As for what happened, its impossible to say. Patunia had found a diary of Lilly's that said harry wasn't James's but the son Hiya! "We've cased the whole area. At no point did he or Hawkgirl try to save those men. 4. "The description of your friends did not match those ten, but how many did you bring with you? "We Blackhawks bow to no authority until our homelands are free again. Oh, and Wonder Woman had gone with Jonn too, refusing to let him go into enemy territory alone. The dark knight walked briskly by her and past the entrance to the cafeteria, unemotional as his words he had just spoken to her. A shudder went through the jets, and he could feel the sensation of them accelerating rapidly. "The code is complicated," said Erns, tapping away at the communicator, while listening to a headset, "butyes! He jerked up with steely eyes. At best guess there was an Allied counter-attack happening elsewhere they had been recalled for, or maybe to refuel, with these retreating soldiers being deemed a lesser priority. 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